Is Yao a Hall of Famer?

Originally Posted by Black Entourage inc

For the last time...

For those saying their are players who are in the HOF who havent played a game in the NBA...that to me is a horrible argument, because Yao HAS played in the NBA that will be the MAIN criteria for which he gets in. A Hall of Famer is someone who has played at a top level in whatever league or aspect of basketball they've played in, or has influenced the game as NEVER seen before. Yao took globalization to an entirely different level, but like many have said, Plenty of international superstars had been in the league, and Jordan/Dream team brought the game to the international stage long before Yao came in. As i've stated before, Yao hasn't won anything, international or NBA. Because Yao has played in the NBA, THAT will be the main aspect in which he's judged. So stop with the theirs people who've never played a game that are in the Hall...I'm sure those people were Legends/God-like figures in whatever aspect they played or coached the game. But when an NBA Player is voted into the Hall, it has mostly to do with his NBA career...An plain an simple Yao's career isnt up to par.
For the last time... Yao is not even 30 yet. This topic is too soon and unfair. Yao does not have to touch a basketball in the NBA ever again andstill make the HOF by doing something basketball related outside the NBA. His NBA career is not long enough to judge his HOF credentials only on that.
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