iSheep, do yourselves a favor...

I'm not even reading whatever sillyputty just wrote and wouldn't even think about going back and forth with that guy.

But for those asking, I'm pretty sure that the iPhone 4 and Galaxy S2 were compared because they are comparable phones in terms of generation and release date on the global market.

The iPhone 4S and and the Glaxay Nexus are more comparable, the Nexus doesn't drop for a few weeks.
I have a MBP, ipad and was a previous owner of the OG iphone and iphone 3gs

Once I switched to the Evo 4g I will never go back to iphone.

I love the 4+inch screens, the customization, and the overall UI. The battery could be better but I'm used to managing the battery life.

I own the MetroPCS LG Esteem now
(No data cap FTW!)
Originally Posted by shogun

Originally Posted by adiosburritos

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Android & Apple fan boys are both equally ******ed.
fanboys in general are lame

riding a company as if they own stock or worked there
My professor owns stock in Google and only supports them and their products.  

Hopefully windows can get it together and make Windows 7 phones a competitor then there can be 3 sets of fanboys.
Yea I'm really looking forward to what Microsoft and Nokia announce in the next couple of weeks.
Nokia is my favorite phone manufacturer and I really like how Microsoft has fallen back and completely revamped their upcoming software suite.

It gonna take them a few months/phones to get the "MicroKia" phones to where they need to be so i'll sit out the first generation....but if the iPhone 5 disappoints again...might end up with a Windows Phone.
I do exactly 5 things with my phone (Evo): Call, Text, Read e-mails, Map directions, and Set my FF lineup.
I buy whatever phone I feel is the best. Checked for the iPhone 5 and it never happened 4s really isn't all that great and finally got a chance to mess around with ios5 and it had gotten better. So i'm still holding onto my incredible until a phone that I really want comes out rather it be the next iPhone or the Droid 4 that keyboard is amazing.

One thing that kept me from getting an iPad was how much I hated ios. Way to dumbed down and felt very limited on what I could do with it. It's a lot better now but still needs work imo
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by CWrite78

sillyputty must have not gotten attention as a child.

Kid goes entirely too hard.
Are you serious? Who made the topic? 
Don't start backtracking when I called you out on your silly argument. 

I'm not even anti-android like that...but weren't you the one that made a thread calling people "iSheep" and trying to convince people to spend their money so they can be in your club of "People who have the same phone as me and make us all feel special?" 

Who is trying hard? It clearly must be you. I wasnt the only one you called out either. 

I mean on top of that you posted a video that doesn't even compare two updated devices and yet you're using this as a means of informing people.

Stop getting excited when you see my username pop up. 
Originally Posted by omgitswes

You came in the Android thread posting nonsense too

I was unimpressed with ICS 4.0 in terms of user experience and the videos i saw.
There was a couple cool things with Touch to Beam, Face Unlock, and the faster camera... but the user interface was still lagging and lacked a sort of cohesiveness. 
I'm a heavy web browser and YouTube watcher with my iPhone but the screen is really too small to be practical anymore and I can't stand seeing those "plug in missing" prompts for flash content. Plus the iOS multitasking and YouTube app/integration is
Double clicking the home button and then fighting to click those microscopic "-"s is a chore, makes the phone feel like a toy.

Everyone needs different things from their smartphone but I see too many people just get an iPhone because everyone else has it. The iPhone is a great product but there are other options and for me, Android takes the cake.

The purpose of software is to direct you to content and the content that moves the internet is best organized by Google Search, Google Maps, Gmail and YouTube...Google products, which work optimally with first party Google smartphones. Couple that with a much bigger/better screen found on the new Androids and Apple has lost a formerly loyal customer, until they step it up and start innovating again on the next iPhone.
i own an iphone 4 and i am a fan of apples products all around but...

if i didnt have an iphone i would definitely get an android device...hell i would get one now if needed one

if i had an android device i would definitely get an iphone...i mean too say either is a 'bad' phone is just silly

theres not much i do with my i4 that someone doesnt do with their gsII and vice versa

i never use my phone while telling myself "lets see those androids guys do this!"lol pitiful

...but MW3>>>BF3

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by omgitswes

You came in the Android thread posting nonsense too

I was unimpressed with ICS 4.0 in terms of user experience and the videos i saw.
There was a couple cool things with Touch to Beam, Face Unlock, and the faster camera... but the user interface was still lagging and lacked a sort of cohesiveness. 
but how can you form a complete opinion from just a video
glad MY old @%% cussed out berry not in this app hypebeats fad %!+ going on
. no fan boys FTW
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

i got bored with my iphone 4 so i got the galaxy s fascinate, and let me tell you i hated the phone. HAD so many problems. Was Glitchy was hell, piece of !*+% never updated the firmware. NEVER AGAIN, about a year later, ( recently ) i sold it and got another iphone 4
If you did any research, you wouldn't have gotten the Fascinate. It's a POS. I have it (getting the GS II in the mail soon, though). iPhone 4 and Fascinate are not even close to being comparable
Originally Posted by useref15

Its all about the operating system though.

iOS> w/e android runs.
android is completely free to run whatever you want out da gate, u can't do squat with a iphone unless its jailbroken
Originally Posted by sillyputty

 ...BlackBerry's are easier to customize than most android phones. You super droid fans are in the same camp as people who jailbreak iphones. The rest of the public does not even identify with you. Keep the battles to yourselves. Its corny.

I rock with companies like windows and apple because they don't mess with mass experimentation. They don't throw stuff on the wall and see what sticks. They actually refine software until its damn near infalliable.

These arguments make me laugh all the time honestly...



Its people like the OP who use their phones to validate themselves. They use them as status symbols...and not just phones.

So what if we don't use android devices. Are you going to stay up late at night showing us "the way?" Just corny all around. Its stuff like this how much people want to be apart of the "in" crowd. Showing off how much they are able to one-up someone else.

Its funny you talk about others being "sheep" yet you make an entire post encouraging people to support something you spent your money on to make you feel better about yourself. Why do you all want us to get androids? So we can feel "connected" to you? Like there is some sort of metaphysical benefit from all of us circle-jerking about how great our phones are?

This is what I don't understand about fanboys.

Yes, do I criticize android? Of course I do. I'm not pleased with the project...and i'm also not pleased with how apple handles a bunch of stuff...there are some things that irk me...Do i have the patience to learn how to mod my phone? Yeah I do...but i'm also smart enough to know that not everyone is that technically sound or gifted to even approach doing those things. Speak to your audience dude.

Lets talk about something that REALLY matters...why these phones cost so damn much.

stopped reading right there.

blackberry are dinosaur phones, of course its gonna be easier to work on 3rd grade math VS trigonometry

there's a REASON android has captured da vast smartphone marketshare..because its damn good.
Huge blackberry fan for many years. Last year, ended up with a my touch 4G b/c I was big iPhone hater and on TMobile.

I've seen the light, Android sucks. Got the 4s on release day. iPhone just works. I hope android fails.
Originally Posted by djuzi05

Huge blackberry fan for many years. Last year, ended up with a my touch 4G b/c I was big iPhone hater and on TMobile.

I've seen the light, Android sucks. Got the 4s on release day. iPhone just works. I hope android fails.

so you got the 4s on T-Mobile?
Still don't understand why people treat the phone they have like a gang affiliation.

I have an IPhone and I like it, I don't need a new phone and I don't care what phone anyone else has
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