Israel declares War - Destruction of Gaza / Growing conflict in Middle East

stein 2024
Ah yes, a nutcase with zero chance of winning even a single state, who accepted a sponsorship from the Kremlin and then had to apologize a while back for caping for him. Then she got rebuked by her previous running mate for her apology in which she did call Putin's invasion of Ukraine a war crime. According to her 2016 running mate, calling Putin a war criminal is "playing to the rightest forces among the left and Democratic party unnecessarily."
The only war criminal she refuses to fully criticize is the one who paid her. Shocker.

Each and every single third party candidate is solely there to grift money from equally delusional chumps and/or to act as a spoiler campaign to aid one of the major parties. With no exception.
America is not a country where ANY third party candidate has even the slightest chance of winning anything. Not a single state, and probably hardly even a single county.
All they can do is act as a spoiler to sabotage one of the parties who can actually win.

Any of their 'policy talk' is just irrelevant fanfiction as they'll never sniff a chance at winning the presidency. If any third party presidential candidate truly believes they are doing something instead of just hustling the bottom of the barrel idiots for money and fame, it's probably time they seek therapy.
If they simply want to get their voice out there, they'd have more luck getting attention and airtime running as either of the two parties.

Recall all the times Jill Stein has rightfully called out Netanyahu as a war criminal?
Here's the difference when she's questioned about a different war criminal who sponsored her with a lavish in-person dinner. Waffling all around a simple question, desperately trying to avoid an explicit answer.

What an absolute joke that a reality exists where anyone with an IQ over 50 (and that's being generous) takes Jill Stein seriously.
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Belgium Belgium Jill Stein was recently endorsed by David Duke too.

Endorsing Stein is about denying Michigan to Harris.

“We could deny Kamala Harris the state of Michigan,” Sawant said, identifying it as a top "goal." Pointing out that the polls show it’s unlikely Harris could win the White House without Michigan, Sawant said that "if we manage to accomplish this, it would be absolutely historic by voting for a presidential candidate who is against the war and by rejecting a presidential candidate ... because she is supporting the genocide.’”

But, Sawant also says this:
Sawant, speaking to a crowd in Dearborn, Michigan, admitted her candidate can’t win. What’s more, she said, winning wasn’t the aim.

It's nothing but a reactionary posture that will result in expulsion of Palestinians from Gaza and formal annexation of Israeli-held parts of the WB if Trump wins.

Such a pro-Palestinian stance...

The way to think about voting is not as a mode of personal expression or a moral endorsement, but as an action with material consequences. And a vote against Trump is not only an action that will reduce harm, but will also ensure a less hostile activist terrain for actually achieving the longer-term goal of ending unconditional U.S. support for Israel. There is a tremendous amount of political organizing and protesting that needs to be done in the U.S. to build a mandate for the U.S. government to change its policies in the region. That organizing is going to have a much higher chance of working against a Harris administration than a Trump one. Not only is Harris more likely to concede to protesters if they develop a big enough movement, but she’s less likely to repress them as harshly as Trump has reportedly promised to do.

Seeking to "punish" Democrats might make some people feel pure. But if it succeeds it's going to make the horrifying situation in Gaza even worse.

Unfortunately, there is no long-term thinking involved in being reactionary against the Biden/Harris administration. The same long-term mindset has been absent from the Palestinian leadership.
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How has Trump managed to not talk about Gaza the past few months? He's got a good shot at winning the election. What's he saying? Legit asking

nobody asks him about it, because

1. Everyone knows he's just gunna give Bibi the greenlight to do whatever.
2. It doesn't split his coalition, so it doesn't generate headline clicks for news outlets.
3. He mostly just complains that Jews don't support him nough
because he doesn't understand that most american jews are secular democrats who don't care enough about Israel to vote for a republican.
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