It blows my mind how.....Vol. Finances (yes, another thread about money)

finnns2003 wrote:
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

finnns2003 wrote:
It's not that important in the end, but it is. You cannot survive without it. And it adds a lot more stress in your life if you don't have it but need it, than to have it and not need it. Trust, coming from someone who got a lot at an early age...
And oh yeah, remember kids, save it and don't blow it. 
how's that kanye line go? "money isn't everything...not having it is."
i think that sums it up pretty well. agreed you can't survive without money, but once you have enough to survive the returns additional income provides diminish quite rapidly. yet people get very caught up in accumulating as much as possible. 


I think, like I said, overconsumption is toxic. I've lived that life. The key is balance. Now, if you're getting $250k in a single summer, well... Time to travel!

The parents should get smacked upside the head. 
How arrogant do you have to be to think that your kid deserves that? 

I didn't even ask my parents for a car throughout college even though they could afford it. If I even dared ask, my father would go off the rails.

Not because I wanted something but because of what that mindset implies. 
im at the point in life that i dont even care about money, id rather have fun in life then sit around and make sure i dont spend such and such so i can have something saved up later on in life
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

i have been blessed in terms of family finances

but even so i feel poor as hell compared to a few of my friends and acquaintances

one of my friends, for example....he's 18....his dad gave him $250,000 cash to spend for THIS SUMMER ALONE. no is beyond loaded, and they are arabs from london, not to stereotype but that set is not exactly shy about spending extravagantly.

have multiple other friends with trust funds with $ amounts you wouldn't believe.....

not to mention the extravagant gifts and rewards some parents shower their kids with. girl i know's parents gave her 100K because she got a's and b's ONE SEMESTER. know tons of kids who got 150K+ cars for birthdays, graduation, etc.

lol what can you do man you just gotta focus on isn't that important in the end. and if you have to work for it i GUARANTEE you'll be a lot smarter with it and make it go farther than those who are handed everything. 

Absolutely disgusting. I am so glad my parents raised me the way they did. I went to college surrounded by silver spoon-fed children, and I emphasize children, and they were the least interesting people I've ever met.
i got more saved than than an avg person...or atleast the people around but i still feel poor. its cool and all to say have fun with your money, but i want to try a different kind of fun you smell me?

plus saving takes too long. disregard saving, acquire more. im trying move into other things. i dont want to be regular.
Probably still live with their parents. Nothing wrong with that. I have a friend who lives in his mom's apartment still and he could probably afford a $60k car if he wanted and still have play money at the end of the day.
I don't have any money saved up, but I'm going to college and I'm about go graduate with bachelors in accounting and finance. My mom pays for everything, but that'll stop once I start working.

I'll still be living at home once I graduate from college. It's a great way to save money.
speaking of living within your means.....I had a chick tell me her sister was paying only760 a month in payments on a brand new 50-60k priced benz....her sister still lives at home and has a pretty decent entry level job(35-40k) but chose to copt a new whip instead of save up
...what do you guys think about making these choices?
Its all about your life style. I put one check into my savings every month (about $1100). At times its hard to save with a wife and son since they always want to go out, take little vacations and eat out all the time
. As long as you can stop buying things you want and just focus on needs your saving will start to grow. BTW 25 if that matters  

Edit- Plue living in nyc drains money lol. Think its time to get me a house out of state
like someone else said live beneath your means, I've learned this even more since I don't have a roommate any more, I can afford the rent and bills, but having a roommate does help if you're saving for a crib . I've stopped going out for dinner and quit smoking and that has made a big difference in my money saved

I just don't see how ssome of y'all have 50-90k to put down on a house
Originally Posted by NycPosite

Its all about your life style. I put one check into my savings every month (about $1100). At times its hard to save with a wife and son since they always want to go out, take little vacations and eat out all the time
. As long as you can stop buying things you want and just focus on needs your saving will start to grow. BTW 25 if that matters  

Edit- Plue living in nyc drains money lol. Think its time to get me a house out of state

Thats actually amazing, when I lived with my daughter and her mother I wasn't able to save anywhere near that amount. I'm trying my hardest now but at the most I can only really do about 25%
Originally Posted by cguy610

Dudes get money from their parents.

Most people in general are MORONS, they couldnt save a date with Herpes, dont believe the hype of people all sorts of money on the INTERNET. Avg person in their 20's aren't even making 30K a year so I dont know how people are saving tens of thousands of dollars. If I'm not mistaken, based NT Census most of yall live in NY and Cali which means most of your money is going to your housing. But yet, you guys can still stretch a check to cop the latest Jordans, Purple Label, the newest Ipad and countless other stuff, some of yall need to be seriously grateful for the lady who pushed you out.............
Everybody's road is different. I'd like to have money saved up but I also have a job not makin much and a child to care for so I can't just stash money away like I'd like. u just gotta do the best that U can w/ u situation while tryin to make that situation better. I just decided to get a pt job for the weekends to start payin off me and my wife's cc debt
people who graduate college whose parents paid for college have very little debt...which makes it pretty easy to save money and invest money
I have a friend that's about my age 28, works for Gov part time, and has about 100k saved. Dude has a Kid, and buys a lot of clothes, and has a RSX, and a S2000 Honda.
He does have a close to 800 credit score though, some people are just good with their money.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

i have been blessed in terms of family finances

but even so i feel poor as hell compared to a few of my friends and acquaintances

one of my friends, for example....he's 18....his dad gave him $250,000 cash to spend for THIS SUMMER ALONE. no is beyond loaded, and they are arabs from london, not to stereotype but that set is not exactly shy about spending extravagantly.

have multiple other friends with trust funds with $ amounts you wouldn't believe.....

not to mention the extravagant gifts and rewards some parents shower their kids with. girl i know's parents gave her 100K because she got a's and b's ONE SEMESTER. know tons of kids who got 150K+ cars for birthdays, graduation, etc.

lol what can you do man you just gotta focus on isn't that important in the end. and if you have to work for it i GUARANTEE you'll be a lot smarter with it and make it go farther than those who are handed everything. 

Yeah I hear you 100%....
A friend of mines younger brother's friends were sitting there comparing ATM of them had 1mil in the account, and the other had 900k.... 
 Basically at any given moment those young bucks could just up and get up and dissappear for weeks on some island...

Another kid I know of turned 25, and his dad asked him what he wants for his birthday...he said a hotel...he know has a 5-star multi-story hotel...

At the end of the day, you can't make a big deal about someone else's family finances....cause they're spending 50 year old's money...and not 18-25yr olds money....
- man you just gotta live within your means... make a budget for EVERY month... and stick to the script... because if you dont have a script its just going to be over...

cash on hand isnt the most important thing either... the man with the highest credit rating ALWAYS wins... not the man with the most 0's on his bank statement.
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