Ite, Who's rockin wit Romney for 2012?

Originally Posted by Coogi Sweaters

This thread is mind blowing, all I have been reading is documented facts about how clueless and misinformed, you wanna be republicans really are..........I dont even wanna get into the whole namecalling but............My God, I really dont know know i

I dunno, I'm far from rich, but at the end of the day, I dunno LIVING LIFE, under Republican policies has brought nothing but debt and war............

Reagan, Bush SR, Bush Jr =TERRIBLE

Clinton= Not that bad, no wars, left with a surplus

I really dont see a track record of SOCIETY benefiting from Republican policies, seriously what makes you guys think your lives will improve with Romney in office, and real talk if you aint paying bills and still living at home, you need not answer.

This isnt a black/white question, all the real men/women on their own paying bills and not banking over 100 K a year, why Republican?
Regan= Trash

Obama isnt left, this country has no left. Its all corporate and no matter how much government you get rid of, you wont stop corporations and multinational banks. Ask the Bailout about democracy. You think you're going to vote against the interests of Goldman Sachs? Let me know how that works out for you.

This is what everyone is trying to explain to you ninjahood. It doesn't matter who our President is, the Federal Reserve & Wall-Street have this country by the balls. Romney, Obama, whoever - they aren't going to make life better for you bruh. Our economy is #@#+@! and it's only going to get worse, I'm sorry but it's going to take 20-30 years for us to recover from this, maybe even longer. Us as humans need to re-evaluate the way we live and act. There is so much corruption in this world, it may be too late to reverse what has happened. We are $15+ trillion in debt, with no legitimate solutions on how to fix it and if it wasn't for us bailing out Wall-Street, the Banks, Solar companies, the Car industry, etc. our economy would have collapsed a couple years ago. #@%% these politicians bruh.
Originally Posted by Bandit Country

And Fast and Furious is all I need to know about Barry's position on gun control.

This right here.
Also America doesn't have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem. Entitlements are drowning this country but no one has the guts to gut them. Well let me take that back, no one who can get elected has the guts to cut them.
Originally Posted by AR Guy

Originally Posted by Bandit Country

And Fast and Furious is all I need to know about Barry's position on gun control.

This right here.
Also America doesn't have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem. Entitlements are drowning this country but no one has the guts to gut them. Well let me take that back, no one who can get elected has the guts to cut them.
What happens when entitlements are cut and as a result, unemployment goes up to 10-11% and tax revenue drops further?  Do you cut entitlements further and send unemployment into the 13-16% range?  Do you think anybody is going to vote you into another term?
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by AR Guy

Originally Posted by Bandit Country

And Fast and Furious is all I need to know about Barry's position on gun control.

This right here.
Also America doesn't have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem. Entitlements are drowning this country but no one has the guts to gut them. Well let me take that back, no one who can get elected has the guts to cut them.
What happens when entitlements are cut and as a result, unemployment goes up to 10-11% and tax revenue drops further?  Do you cut entitlements further and send unemployment into the 13-16% range?  Do you think anybody is going to vote you into another term?

Unemployment at 11%, hell we're there already and depending on where you look maybe even higher. But the choice is cut now to a level that is sustainable or suit by and just watch the bottom fall out. It's our choice.
Originally Posted by JordanXI45

Originally Posted by Coogi Sweaters

This thread is mind blowing, all I have been reading is documented facts about how clueless and misinformed, you wanna be republicans really are..........I dont even wanna get into the whole namecalling but............My God, I really dont know know i

I dunno, I'm far from rich, but at the end of the day, I dunno LIVING LIFE, under Republican policies has brought nothing but debt and war............

Reagan, Bush SR, Bush Jr =TERRIBLE

Clinton= Not that bad, no wars, left with a surplus

I really dont see a track record of SOCIETY benefiting from Republican policies, seriously what makes you guys think your lives will improve with Romney in office, and real talk if you aint paying bills and still living at home, you need not answer.

This isnt a black/white question, all the real men/women on their own paying bills and not banking over 100 K a year, why Republican?
Regan= Trash

Obama isnt left, this country has no left. Its all corporate and no matter how much government you get rid of, you wont stop corporations and multinational banks. Ask the Bailout about democracy. You think you're going to vote against the interests of Goldman Sachs? Let me know how that works out for you.

This is what everyone is trying to explain to you ninjahood. It doesn't matter who our President is, the Federal Reserve & Wall-Street have this country by the balls. Romney, Obama, whoever - they aren't going to make life better for you bruh. Our economy is #@#+@! and it's only going to get worse, I'm sorry but it's going to take 20-30 years for us to recover from this, maybe even longer. Us as humans need to re-evaluate the way we live and act. There is so much corruption in this world, it may be too late to reverse what has happened. We are $15+ trillion in debt, with no legitimate solutions on how to fix it and if it wasn't for us bailing out Wall-Street, the Banks, Solar companies, the Car industry, etc. our economy would have collapsed a couple years ago. #@%% these politicians bruh.

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by RKO2004
You both are embarrassments. What in my post suggest that I think that pro-life or anti-homosexual people shouldn't be classified as human?  Like I said, you both are embarrassing.
We've both been around here far too long not to know each other well by now. I know how you viewed me in the past based on what I believe. 
Now the not "human" part was a bit of a stretch. 
Yes, you have your faults, but I have never suggested anything like what Ninjahood is asserting. That's why I was saying it was embarrassing. Despite your faults, RKO, I have always thought, and maybe wrongfully so, that you were above cosigning such hyperbole.  For Ninjahood, it's par for the course.
Screw romney and the republican party. After reading so many degrading and offensive comments made by republicans on all these news boards such as the huffington post, yahoo, and topix there is no way i can ever affiliate myself with such filth and bigotry. If there was any doubt that i may have been conservative, the lynch mob mentality of the right wing party assured me that i was a true liberal.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by 7thAve btn 31stN33rd St

This dude ninjahood thinks living in a total police state is an accomplishment. 

at the Frisk Laws, I feel like I live in Nazi Germany. I'm waiting for city ID cards with chips in it.
umm police state is left wing......

Ummm who signed the Patriot Act? Which party is known for heavy increases in military spending? Police State is independent of party.
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by Bandit Country

 Funny how these scumbag politicians agree on 90% of issues when it comes to.stripping away our civil liberties. With that in mind, I'm a "republican" because of cap and trade and gun rights. That's what it comes down to for my vote.

You do know Cap and Trade is a republican proposal in the 1980s & 1990s right?  They were the ones who pushed it not the Democratic Party.

The paradigm of the politicians has moved right. Center Left by today's standards, was center right by 1994s standards..

I.e. Center Left of 1964 wouldn't be called a communist, they'd be run out of office "as a communist" in 2012...

And we could have a debate on gun rights for days, but the majority of Democrats are not trying to vanquish your Second Amendment to be honest, they won't even dance anywhere near that subject.... That is another example of the changing paradigm in DC. Soft gun laws are equated with Repealing the Second Amendment today.

Lets talk Civil Rights.

Bush signs PATRIOT ACT. Obama re-authorizes it. Bush tortures and indefinitely imprisons "enemies". Obama keeps GITMO open, on top of opening secret CIA gulags all over Europe. Obama signs NDAA in the middle of the night, AFTER the fact he promised to VETO. LIED. LIED. LIED. LIED. LIED. Bradley Manning has been imprisoned, tortured, being forced to be imprisoned naked, and these "compassionate liberals" remain SILENT. NOT. A. WORD.




ninjahood  Joe Oliver thinks this is his opportunity for him to cash in on his little Republican chips and have Republicans think he's one of them with the creation of this thread but that couldn't be further from the truth .  He wants to sit down at the table with the Republicans but at the end of the day ninjahood Joe Oliver, your going to clean tha table at that your sitting at with the Republicans, and then they're going to have you mop the floor, and knowing you your going to so proudly.  You'll be happy that a Republican/the Republicans gave you a job and you'll be happy that they did so for you, just so you can say that Republicans are creating jobs left and right nationwide. 
Originally Posted by ninjahood

da same clinton that passed welfare reform in 1994 and was quoted as saying "da era of big government is over"? 


I've gotten over ninjahoods use of the word "da" but quoting Pres Clinton and not even changing it gets me.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by 7thAve btn 31stN33rd St

This dude ninjahood thinks living in a total police state is an accomplishment. 

at the Frisk Laws, I feel like I live in Nazi Germany. I'm waiting for city ID cards with chips in it.
umm police state is left wing......

Umm... no
Originally Posted by ninjahood

problem is obama is SO LEFT that we need someone somewhat right to get da country back to da center....cap and trade, and shutting down coal plants isn't da business b.

I applaud people trying to engage in political discourse... but when you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about... not so much

I wish Obama was more left than he actually is. I think that's been the biggest disappointment with his presidency.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

I wish Obama was more left than he actually is. I think that's been the biggest disappointment with his presidency.
I agree. He needs to be much more radical.
Originally Posted by Coogi Sweaters

This thread is mind blowing, all I have been reading is documented facts about how clueless and misinformed, you wanna be republicans really are..........I dont even wanna get into the whole namecalling but............My God, I really dont know know i

I dunno, I'm far from rich, but at the end of the day, I dunno LIVING LIFE, under Republican policies has brought nothing but debt and war............

Reagan, Bush SR, Bush Jr =TERRIBLE

Clinton= Not that bad, no wars, left with a surplus

I really dont see a track record of SOCIETY benefiting from Republican policies, seriously what makes you guys think your lives will improve with Romney in office, and real talk if you aint paying bills and still living at home, you need not answer.

This isnt a black/white question, all the real men/women on their own paying bills and not banking over 100 K a year, why Republican?
Regan= Trash

Obama isnt left, this country has no left. Its all corporate and no matter how much government you get rid of, you wont stop corporations and multinational banks. Ask the Bailout about democracy. You think you're going to vote against the interests of Goldman Sachs? Let me know how that works out for you.

Truth , might as well try someone new ...  
Its funny to watch american citizens argue over politics....

politicians have ideologies that they either acquire via family background or educational background.

if you do not understand the spectrum of ideas these crazy individuals vote on your are simply sheep waiting to be picked for the slaughter.

none of these "leaders" care about balancing the budget or getting the "economy" back on track. all they want is power and control.

simple as power and control. each president must play the game of balancing the needs of the elite players and the lower echelon human being which is the mass majority of people who are oblivious to their own conditions...
Idk how anyone could defend Obama at this point. Dude has done nothing to put this country on track. In face his wife has done more than him with her children's health initiative alone. I'll be writing in Ron Paul just for the hell of it.
Originally Posted by AceMaster193

Ron Paul to end active campaigning. SMH

He's not ending the campaign. He's just not campaigning in the States that haven't voted yet. They are going to use the money they have for their delegate strategy.

Ron Paul isn't going anywhere.
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by AceMaster193

Ron Paul to end active campaigning. SMH

He's not ending the campaign. He's just not campaigning in the States that haven't voted yet. They are going to use the money they have for their delegate strategy.

Ron Paul isn't going anywhere.
That's for damn sure 
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by Bandit Country

 Funny how these scumbag politicians agree on 90% of issues when it comes to.stripping away our civil liberties. With that in mind, I'm a "republican" because of cap and trade and gun rights. That's what it comes down to for my vote.

You do know Cap and Trade is a republican proposal in the 1980s & 1990s right?  They were the ones who pushed it not the Democratic Party.

The paradigm of the politicians has moved right. Center Left by today's standards, was center right by 1994s standards..

I.e. Center Left of 1964 wouldn't be called a communist, they'd be run out of office "as a communist" in 2012...

And we could have a debate on gun rights for days, but the majority of Democrats are not trying to vanquish your Second Amendment to be honest, they won't even dance anywhere near that subject.... That is another example of the changing paradigm in DC. Soft gun laws are equated with Repealing the Second Amendment today.

Lets talk Civil Rights.

Bush signs PATRIOT ACT. Obama re-authorizes it. Bush tortures and indefinitely imprisons "enemies". Obama keeps GITMO open, on top of opening secret CIA gulags all over Europe. Obama signs NDAA in the middle of the night, AFTER the fact he promised to VETO. LIED. LIED. LIED. LIED. LIED. Bradley Manning has been imprisoned, tortured, being forced to be imprisoned naked, and these "compassionate liberals" remain SILENT. NOT. A. WORD.


Can anyone put up a solid argument against this?
To me, I sum Obama up as a figured head of false hope. 
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