Ite, Who's rockin wit Romney for 2012?

Apparently I've been living under a rock but what has Obama done wrong in his first 4
Originally Posted by JordanXI45

Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

, where did I say they weren't?

You implied it with the "slurpers are so blind..." 

How is 3rd party best though, Ron Paul? Really? He has a few good points but he's a wackjob.
Can you please explain to me why Ron Paul is a 'wackjob' in your eyes? Or is that too much work for you?

Apparently not wanting to kill brown people 6,000 miles away is considered a "wack job" nowadays, goes to show you how pathetic the morale in this country.

Go ahead, sheeple. Break apart into your pathetic tribal mentality of this Left v. Right false paradigm. While you clowns are arguing over Gay Marriage and abortions. Your masters continue to author legislation take away more of your rights.

He doesn't believe in separation of church and state


- He's a creationist

Ok, and?

Strongly ProLife

While that is true, he also is in favor of a women's right to choose, though he doesn't agree with it.
Doesn't mind Iran having nukes

NoK is smart. Notice they developed one and the U.S. doesn't mess with them anymore. I would to, the U.S. is nothing but a bully.

Gun nut who thinks there should be not Gun Control

Hitler, Stalin, and Mao believed in gun control too.

Thinks Climate Change is a hoax

Prove that its real.

Against any Environmental protection
Absolutely 100% false. Ron Paul believes in private property rights, if these rights were enforced, there would be less pollution.

Wants to eliminate the Department of Education

Yeah, they're doing a fantastic job.

Wants to eliminate the Department of Energy

Supports the Marriage Protection Act, which makes it so the Federal can't undermine state laws regarding Same-sex marriage.

Ron Paul actually sponsored this bill to protect State's Rights. So if a State passed a law that allowed Gay Marriage, a federal court could not intervene and ensured a gay couples marriage was protected under the Constitution. If you people actually read the Constitution and understood Constitutional law, you wouldn't allow talking heads in the media dictate the was you think. The Constitution is just a piece of paper, it isn't Black/White.

He wants to repeal the Civil Rights Act on the basis that a business should be able to refuse you based on your race because it's their right.

Why should businesses be forced to do business with people they don't want to do business with? What is it your business?

Against federal safety standards

Again, erroneous. OSHA is a waste of time and money. I work with needles almost everyday, I know they're dangerous.

Against foreign aid, even when it's non-military

Yeah, subsidizing the Israeli military and subsidizing the Palestinian leadership while they bomb the hell out of each other is a fantastic idea.

Against income tax

Heaven forbid you keep the money you earned to provide for your family.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by ninjahood

yea tryin to go back to da early 90's-late 80's again?

Homie, do you really think that Bloomberg or Giuliani are responsible for the changes in NYC that have occurred since the early-1990s?  Please step outside of your little world bro...
i'd LOVE for you to counter da changes that have taken place in NYC due to da Giuliani & bloomberg forget

that da mafia was basically eradicated...crime is way down...both are pro business, and unlike alot of other cities, NYC hasn't felt da

brunt of da recession because our revenues have been diversified from strictly wall street to tourism, recreation. etc

NYC could've been another Detroit..easily.

First of all, NYC could not have "easily" "been another Detroit."  Stop.  If you don't understand fundamental differences that make these two cities historically very dissimilar, I'm not sure what to tell you.

Second, I never said that NYC is not very different from what it was in the 1980s and early-1990s.  It is very different in many positive ways.  My point was that you're giving the credit for the city improving to mayors who don't deserve that credit.  The things that you cite as evidence of the effectiveness of Giuliani and Bloomberg and their policies took place in nearly every other major city during the late-1990s and 2000s.  Drastic reductions in crime and homicide and improvements in cities' economies happened across the board with very few exceptions.  These were national trends...

Like I said, step out of your little NYC world for a minute...

Originally Posted by AceMaster193

Where are these NYC heads? I've gotta agree with my dude da ninjahood on this one, Giuliani cleaned this place up, Bloomberg pushed it forward. They don't know bout it.

Please see above.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

bloomberg, another filthy rich duke has been awesome for NYC, i think if romney is as business savy then there's nothing but good things to come as far as im concerned.

Originally Posted by Dimelo

Originally Posted by ninjahood

bloomberg, another filthy rich duke has been awesome for NYC, i think if romney is as business savy then there's nothing but good things to come as far as im concerned.

Me and you might be the only new Yorkers that like Bloomberg

yep, you two sure are.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Dimelo

Originally Posted by ninjahood

bloomberg, another filthy rich duke has been awesome for NYC, i think if romney is as business savy then there's nothing but good things to come as far as im concerned.

Me and you might be the only new Yorkers that like Bloomberg
im old enough to remember da david dinkins days...NYC used to look like da first ninja turtles movie...grimey, gritty, etc. cool and all if your a hoodlum like myself, but it wasn't generating da billions it does during his administration.

there's a reason he's on his 3rd term as mayor....ill tell you what, if a democrat takes office in NYC, taxes are gonna rise like no one's business and we're gonna go back to those times when NYC was a mess.

what put me off about obama is his utter disgust for coal, oil, and gas....i mean seriously, when we owe 40 cents of every dollar we spend to china cuz we're spending more then we have...and yet we can't access our own resources..welp, its time to change

da script...
you aren't the only one old enough to remember what NY was like during dinkins. i was there and remember it too. while you were in the heights (i'm assuming), my fam was tied up with supreme in queens. i have stories for days...but thats another thread.
and in actuality, david dinkins was the reason NY's crime rate started dropping. read about it.

judging by that reply you probably supported giuliani. smh in disgust.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Blacks vote Democrat for presidential elections regardless of who the nominee is.  The only "blacks" that tend to vote Republican are house @*#+%$, which is why and by whom this thread was created in the first place.  They are in the minority anyway.    
, oh the irony in this post.  It's obvious your a lock-stock voting Liberal and you have the gall to call someone else a house @*#+%$.
  House @*#+%$'s vote for a candidate only because he is black.  House @*#+%$'s vote for that candidate because those house @*#+%$ owing Liberals KNEW you would vote for that candidate no matter what.  House @*#+%$'s vote for a candidate because their "society" tells them that is who they are supposed to vote for.  House @*#+%$'s keep voting for policies that give their people just enough to survive but not enough to succeed and grow.  House @*#+%$'s vote for candidates that promise them everything and continually deliver nothing. 

Oh the irony that you don't even see that you're the real House @*#+%$ around here.

I sure hope your white cause if not it looks like ninjahood Joe Oliver has a companion in that house, which is you.

, ignorance is bliss is it not?
Originally Posted by Oasis

Ron Paul

Yeah a good deal of his ideas are a little off, but he'd be more positive than Obama/Romney.
Ending the Drug War and wars would be so beneficial to this country.
Sadly, Paul has no shot at getting elected.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>  

 Most of you don't know +%#! about Ron Paul
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

, oh the irony in this post.  It's obvious your a lock-stock voting Liberal and you have the gall to call someone else a house @*#+%$.
  House @*#+%$'s vote for a candidate only because he is black.  House @*#+%$'s vote for that candidate because those house @*#+%$ owing Liberals KNEW you would vote for that candidate no matter what.  House @*#+%$'s vote for a candidate because their "society" tells them that is who they are supposed to vote for.  House @*#+%$'s keep voting for policies that give their people just enough to survive but not enough to succeed and grow.  House @*#+%$'s vote for candidates that promise them everything and continually deliver nothing. 

Oh the irony that you don't even see that you're the real House @*#+%$ around here.

I sure hope your white cause if not it looks like ninjahood Joe Oliver has a companion in that house, which is you.

, ignorance is bliss is it not?

I hear ya house @*!@%.
for those against romney, do you think that Obama deserves 4 more years to keep the country in the path that its headed in?
Originally Posted by cartune

Apparently I've been living under a rock but what has Obama done wrong in his first 4

Read my rant to Deuce King at the top of page 10

Watch the Ron Paul video above too 
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by Deuce King

I sure hope your white cause if not it looks like ninjahood Joe Oliver has a companion in that house, which is you.

, ignorance is bliss is it not?

I hear ya house @*!@%.
keep thinking that and keep doing what they tell ya, son.
I'm on the NOBama 2012 Campaign this year, pretty much like everyone else is. I'd hate to have to vote for Romney tho.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by Deuce King

I hear ya house @*!@%.
keep thinking that and keep doing what they tell ya, son.

I hear ya house %*+@+.
keep repeating it... you run out of rhetoric?

U seem like you know whats up, have you been on the new planet infowars?

Not sure if serious.  Never heard of it.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by ninjahood

and yet obama voted to extend those same bush tax cuts last year when he could've let them expire because he admitted

"it would ****** da economic recovery of da united states"
The house republicans attached the tax cut extension to the same bill including the unemployment extension.
So obama had the option of ending the cuts..... and stopping unemployment checks for hundreds of thousands..... or allowing the cuts to stay and keeping unemployed americans with money to live....

You obviously don't follow politics
im WELL aware of politics b.

and obama didn't fight da tax cut exenstion because he KNEW it was bad for da economy at that 1 time, dont gimme that +$+#%*$$ talkin

bout he was coerced into tacking it on. its called both sides came to a agreement.

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][/font]
The US president failed in his attempt over the weekend to persuade Republicans and conservatives in his own Democratic Party to accept a compromise on extending tax cuts passed by George W Bush, which are due to expire on Dec 31.

Mr Obama wanted to extend the cuts for the middle classes but let them expire for families earning more than $250,000 (£160,000) a year.

Saying he was "very disappointed" at the vote, the president said: "It makes no sense to hold tax cuts for the middle class hostage to permanent tax cuts for the wealthiest 2 per cent of Americans."

The Senate also rejected another Democratic proposal to impose the increased rate of 39.6 per cent on those earning more than $1 million a year.
Had Congress not acted to address the expiring Bush-era tax cuts, all Americans would have seen a tax increase on January 1st. (The average tax increase per family, the White House said, would have been $3,000.) Mr. Obama, who had long opposed extending the Bush tax cuts for America's highest-earners, has argued he had no choice but to agree to GOP demands to do so in order to avoid a tax increase on the middle class.
"There probably is nobody on this floor who likes this bill," said House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md. "The judgment is, is it better than doing nothing? Some of the business groups believe it will help. I hope they're right."

Rep. Dave Camp, R-Mich., said that with unemployment hovering just under 10 percent and the deadline for avoiding a big tax hike fast approaching, lawmakers had little choice but to support the bill.

CreateDestroy wrote:
You obviously don't follow politics
Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

for those against romney, do you think that Obama deserves 4 more years to keep the country in the path that its headed in?

Where are we headed though? What path are we on? Is Obama about to destroy America as we know it? All serious questions btw.
Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

The house republicans attached the tax cut extension to the same bill including the unemployment extension.
So obama had the option of ending the cuts..... and stopping unemployment checks for hundreds of thousands..... or allowing the cuts to stay and keeping unemployed americans with money to live....

You obviously don't follow politics
im WELL aware of politics b.

and obama didn't fight da tax cut exenstion because he KNEW it was bad for da economy at that 1 time, dont gimme that +$+#%*$$ talkin

bout he was coerced into tacking it on. its called both sides came to a agreement.

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][/font]
The US president failed in his attempt over the weekend to persuade Republicans and conservatives in his own Democratic Party to accept a compromise on extending tax cuts passed by George W Bush, which are due to expire on Dec 31.

Mr Obama wanted to extend the cuts for the middle classes but let them

expire for families earning more than $250,000 (£160,000) a year.

Saying he was "very disappointed" at the vote, the president said: "It makes no sense to hold tax cuts for the middle class hostage to permanent tax cuts for the wealthiest 2 per cent of Americans."

The Senate also rejected another Democratic proposal to impose the increased rate of 39.6 per cent on those earning more than $1 million a year.
Had Congress not acted to address the expiring Bush-era tax cuts, all Americans would have seen a tax increase on January 1st. (The average tax increase per family, the White House said, would have been $3,000.) Mr. Obama, who had long opposed extending the Bush tax cuts for America's highest-earners, has argued he had no choice but to agree to GOP demands to do so in order to avoid a tax increase on the middle class.
"There probably is nobody on this floor who likes this bill," said House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md. "The judgment is, is it better than doing nothing? Some of the business groups believe it will help. I hope they're right."

Rep. Dave Camp, R-Mich., said that with unemployment hovering just under 10 percent and the deadline for avoiding a big tax hike fast approaching, lawmakers had little choice but to support the bill.

CreateDestroy wrote:
You obviously don't follow politics

ahem, how you get references that cement MY POINT

bush era tax cuts were for EVERYONE and obama DID NOT WANT to let em expire on da middle class aka da MAJORITY of americans because da economy was weak....da GOP saw no point in letting them expire for some and continue for other...

once again, stop assumin you THINK you know what i know and what i just made yourself look foolish by getting da references for me
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

for those against romney, do you think that Obama deserves 4 more years to keep the country in the path that its headed in?

Where are we headed though? What path are we on? Is Obama about to destroy America as we know it? All serious questions btw.
you seen Europe lately? yea...obama for 4 more years = us in a not too distant future.
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