It's 100 outside, but it's 67 in my house. A/C Appreciation

- This upcoming week in the northeast the temp will hit 100 (not the heat index) at least two days
......the A.C. beeeeeen on blast
- This upcoming week in the northeast the temp will hit 100 (not the heat index) at least two days
......the A.C. beeeeeen on blast
I just got in from my night out, and I walk into my bedroom and the AC is on full blast. I feel amazing right now.
I just got in from my night out, and I walk into my bedroom and the AC is on full blast. I feel amazing right now.
Originally Posted by malibusfinest310

Mo Greene, get lost. Living in NorCal is like living in Texas, it's hot as hell. and SacTown in whack.

it's a PERFECT 70 degrees here in the LA area.

haters gunna hate

hows the  smog, buddy
Originally Posted by malibusfinest310

Mo Greene, get lost. Living in NorCal is like living in Texas, it's hot as hell. and SacTown in whack.

it's a PERFECT 70 degrees here in the LA area.

haters gunna hate

hows the  smog, buddy
People assume being Nigerian makes you immune to heat. No one hates heat more than Nigerians, we just tolerate it cause we have no choice. I sleep with the AC on in the winter, I'm literally a polar bear without the white fur.
People assume being Nigerian makes you immune to heat. No one hates heat more than Nigerians, we just tolerate it cause we have no choice. I sleep with the AC on in the winter, I'm literally a polar bear without the white fur.
Originally Posted by malibusfinest310

smog what? never heard of it

doesn't affect me.

how are the golden state warriors, buddy boy?
Not a  big basketball  fan

0 posts  in the   gs warriors     thread
Originally Posted by malibusfinest310

smog what? never heard of it

doesn't affect me.

how are the golden state warriors, buddy boy?
Not a  big basketball  fan

0 posts  in the   gs warriors     thread
Walking outside into the heat like

"OH %%#!... I forgot it was summer time"
Walking outside into the heat like

"OH %%#!... I forgot it was summer time"
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