It's ayo to go grub and catch a movie with a male friend now?

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by 18key

I mean, me and my best friend tent to go to the movies by ourselves ever since our other 2 people in our 'main group' went off to the military. We usually find some other people to go to some movies too, but its not that big of a deal.

One thing tho, that I dont like to do, is go to a sit-down restaurant with only my best friend. Not that I have anything against gay people at all, but this dude just acts beyond ayo half the time. So it just gets annoying.
Originally Posted by Durden7

as long as you keep a seat empty between yall at the theater, then you're good....

This is a MUST, assuming theres the seating space available.
I never understood this. Why is it a must that dudes keep a seat between them? The armrest aint enough now? Its not like ya'll gonna be %@%*+% around or anything.
so, you're tellin me that if you go to the movies and you happen to be in a row that's mostly empty, you're gonna sit RIGHT next to your boy?

you guys went to the movie together... why not sit together? i can understand if ya'll some big dudes and need more space but i think it'sridiculous that you guys are making this out to be some "rule" that guys have to follow in order for you to not come off as "gay". what isthis... 8th grade?

btw, i've never heard ANYONE say it was gay to go to the movies alone with your boy or to sit next to each other in the theater before I came to NT. youguys are just there to see a movie right? is sitting next to each other going to tempt you into homosexuality?
i been to the movies with one of my boys before.. BUT we sit one seat apart from each other.
Originally Posted by M0B DEEP

i been to the movies with one of my boys before.. BUT we sit one seat apart from each other.
I don't get that.
It's not like you're interacting with one another anyway. Your total focus is on the movie and that's it.
Originally Posted by DL2352

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by 18key

I mean, me and my best friend tent to go to the movies by ourselves ever since our other 2 people in our 'main group' went off to the military. We usually find some other people to go to some movies too, but its not that big of a deal.

One thing tho, that I dont like to do, is go to a sit-down restaurant with only my best friend. Not that I have anything against gay people at all, but this dude just acts beyond ayo half the time. So it just gets annoying.
Originally Posted by Durden7

as long as you keep a seat empty between yall at the theater, then you're good....

This is a MUST, assuming theres the seating space available.
I never understood this. Why is it a must that dudes keep a seat between them? The armrest aint enough now? Its not like ya'll gonna be %@%*+% around or anything.
so, you're tellin me that if you go to the movies and you happen to be in a row that's mostly empty, you're gonna sit RIGHT next to your boy?
you guys went to the movie together... why not sit together? i can understand if ya'll some big dudes and need more space but i think it's ridiculous that you guys are making this out to be some "rule" that guys have to follow in order for you to not come off as "gay". what is this... 8th grade?

btw, i've never heard ANYONE say it was gay to go to the movies alone with your boy or to sit next to each other in the theater before I came to NT. you guys are just there to see a movie right? is sitting next to each other going to tempt you into homosexuality?

Thank you DL. Some people

I mean, sure big people need the room, but two guys who are average build dont.

And ftr, YES, I will sit right next to my friend if we go to the movies and theres a mostly empty row of seats.
Originally Posted by badboyf0life420

so your saying you wouldnt chill with your guy cousin just the two of you and go see a movie?
Sidenote: Ironically, when my cousin was in town and me and him went to the Dark Knight, he sat a seat away from me
I was just like 'The !*++? This is Oregon, dude...'
I think there is more wrong with thinking there is something wrong about it, then actually doing it.

2nd of all, ayo? that's some new slang for something being gay? where'd this come from? explain.. unless it was a typo
Originally Posted by michael g

How old are they??? just curious...
23. Both are graduating with me in 2 weeks.
It's funny too because they always do stuff together, like going to rock concerts andstuff since they know I'm not into that stuff.
I don't see what the big deal is about being gay (NH).

Even if people do think that it's not like you're ever gonna see them again.
Me and my boy have lunch all the time. i've never even considered gion to the movies with just one of my boys though.
i dont think its ayo at all
every now and then when there aint +!#* to do and im wit one of my boys
we just light up a L and drive to the movies
nuttin wrong wit it...
Originally Posted by jeenewed

I don't see what the big deal is about being gay (NH).

Even if people do think that it's not like you're ever gonna see them again.
You're missing the point.

OP does not want to be perceived as being gay. PERIOD. And there is nothing wrong with that as well. Most human beings are self-conscious.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by jeenewed

I don't see what the big deal is about being gay (NH).
Even if people do think that it's not like you're ever gonna see them again.
You're missing the point.

OP does not want to be perceived as being gay. PERIOD. And there is nothing wrong with that as well. Most human beings are self-conscious.
I think the OP doesnt care how he is percieved, hence his very first post.
They ended up staying home because they felt it was 'suspect' for 2 guys to go get food and see a movie. They're still fiending to go see the movie, but want/need a 3rd person to break the 'suspectness'. This is absurd IMO.

Maybe you should read the whole thing before posting. And let go of your own insecurity.
Seriously though, that is not ayo, no one is going to be searching in the theaters to see if there are 2 guys going together.
it's called a man/bro date. and they're common. don't overthink it, just go with the flow.
Need to leave a seat in between in the theaters. Never been to the movies with less than 3 people total...eating out with another dude is less suspect unlessthey're sitting on the same side of the booth...
Nope, if I'm trying to go catch a movie and the gf doesn't or she's off doing something else then hell
yeah I'll call up a buddy or my brother and see if they wanna go. I ain't got time to be worried
about what random folks think. They affect 0% of my daily life.

This goes especially for those folks that live in big cities. I live in a town with only 1 movie theater so you know you're going
to see people you know there. In a big city with all the different movie theaters, ain't no damn way
I'm worried about what someone might think if I'm at a movie with another dude!
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