Its like this in japan? lol

dude up there is tripping. TONS of people speak english in japan. i've been there about 10x and can always find someone who can converse in broken english.
Actually Japan has one of the best if not the best public transportation in the world. I mean at times it does get like that where people pack into trains but you should see the efficiency on how the trains and subs run on time. There culture is so punctual that it's really rare that a train does not reach the station when noted.

If you have trouble with people brushing up on you then just wait until they doze off onto your shoulders. It's kind of funny actually didn't even get mad lol happens often too.

Here's a short clip I did of me on the train from okubo station to harajuku

Dat post to join date ratio is ......I cant think of a word looool
  That train packing though. How would you even get off when everyone on the next stop is rushing in? 
Actually Japan has one of the best if not the best public transportation in the world. I mean at times it does get like that where people pack into trains but you should see the efficiency on how the trains and subs run on time. There culture is so punctual that it's really rare that a train does not reach the station when noted.

If you have trouble with people brushing up on you then just wait until they doze off onto your shoulders. It's kind of funny actually didn't even get mad lol happens often too.

Here's a short clip I did of me on the train from okubo station to harajuku

such a dope video...
Actually Japan has one of the best if not the best public transportation in the world. I mean at times it does get like that where people pack into trains but you should see the efficiency on how the trains and subs run on time. There culture is so punctual that it's really rare that a train does not reach the station when noted.

If you have trouble with people brushing up on you then just wait until they doze off onto your shoulders. It's kind of funny actually didn't even get mad lol happens often too.

Here's a short clip I did of me on the train from okubo station to harajuku

6 Posts. Joined 1/2001

i dont usually post but when i do i grave dig :lol:

I mean...why would they?

Every country I've ever traveled to besides Japan I found people having some sort of English speaking ability, especially the more educated people.. Hell I've been to 3rd world countries where they still teach English in the village schools. Japan was the first country I went to where I couldn't find a single person proficient enough to even ask for directions. I was expecting that English would be taught at least somewhat in such a educated society but was wrong. I mean wouldn't you think the most common and powerful language in the world would be taught in Tokyo, one of the most educated places in the world?

Japan was also the first country I visited that had zero English street signs. While the rest of the world feels the necessity to adopt the English language to an extent, Japan is like F it we are doing our own thing here.

i aint even mad
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I knew the username Ekin805 seemed familiar. I've heard tales of your info sharing. But on the real, what possessed you to bump this thread? :lol:

Gordonson Gordonson I'm in mexico right now and was showing a cousin something from an older japan thread lol this caught my eye.
Haha I used to share things like info, pics, FnF things like that humbled to hear someone remembered.

bayyrd bayyrd thank you very much. I hope everyone gets to experience an amazing city like tokyo. It's like going to Disneyland for the first time. Got to go a few times to appreciate it all and still may not be enough. On another note more relevant to this forum. Here's a small video of a place you may have heard called s-kit in tokyo. One of the nike temples a sneaker head must visit in the world. This is just a small corner in this shop.

Wish I knew how to upload direct if you recall I've been away from posting for a while lol
Gordonson Gordonson I'm in mexico right now and was showing a cousin something from an older japan thread lol this caught my eye.
Haha I used to share things like info, pics, FnF things like that humbled to hear someone remembered.

bayyrd bayyrd thank you very much. I hope everyone gets to experience an amazing city like tokyo. It's like going to Disneyland for the first time. Got to go a few times to appreciate it all and still may not be enough. On another note more relevant to this forum. Here's a small video of a place you may have heard called s-kit in tokyo. One of the nike temples a sneaker head must visit in the world. This is just a small corner in this shop.

Wish I knew how to upload direct if you recall I've been away from posting for a while lol

One of the reasons I wanted to go to japan, but I feel nothing I want would be in my size either. :lol:
I mean...why would they?

Every country I've ever traveled to besides Japan I found people having some sort of English speaking ability, especially the more educated people.. Hell I've been to 3rd world countries where they still teach English in the village schools. Japan was the first country I went to where I couldn't find a single person proficient enough to even ask for directions. I was expecting that English would be taught at least somewhat in such a educated society but was wrong. I mean wouldn't you think the most common and powerful language in the world would be taught in Tokyo, one of the most educated places in the world?

Japan was also the first country I visited that had zero English street signs. While the rest of the world feels the necessity to adopt the English language to an extent, Japan is like F it we are doing our own thing here.
English is  taught in Japan. 
English is taught in Japan. 

I had the complete opposite experiences. I've gone several times to tokyo and everyone has spoken english, it wasn't perfect or complete sentences. But for the most part they do understand english there just a but shy because they feel like they need to speak perfect english. For the most part everyone made an effort to show me or tell me where to go even if they were extremely busy. I had a lady leave her small stand to walk me 5 minutes to the train station in the middle of tokyo I was extremely impressed I tried giving her money for her time lost but she would not accept.

currensy currensy unless you wear a size 14 and up your good. The thing about that place is that there stock is random for the good and bad.
Guess I should chime in since the thread necromancy happened and I used to be on the train in Tokyo like this on almost a daily basis for two years.

I would never try to ride the train between the hours of 7-9am or 5-8pm because it gets that crowded. Last train, generally around midnight depending which line you're on, is also terrible. I used to live at the last station of one of the main lines so the up side was that the last train ran later than others, but on the down side it would be packed with drunks and people trying to get home to the suburbs after putting in some crazy overtime. A lot of people who work in Tokyo will live up to 2 hours away by train because living in the city is crazy expensive.

One of my frustrations with being in Japan is that the trains don't run all night so you're either forced getting stuffed in a train like the first video, trying to stay out all night like the drunk girl, or paying for a painfully expensive taxi ride to get back. On the other hand, I remember reading a blog that said Japanese felt that the system of having a last train was helpful since it gave people a legit excuse to go home and not have to stay at work past midnight.
I mean...why would they?

Every country I've ever traveled to besides Japan I found people having some sort of English speaking ability, especially the more educated people.. Hell I've been to 3rd world countries where they still teach English in the village schools. Japan was the first country I went to where I couldn't find a single person proficient enough to even ask for directions. I was expecting that English would be taught at least somewhat in such a educated society but was wrong. I mean wouldn't you think the most common and powerful language in the world would be taught in Tokyo, one of the most educated places in the world?

Japan was also the first country I visited that had zero English street signs. While the rest of the world feels the necessity to adopt the English language to an extent, Japan is like F it we are doing our own thing here.
your arrogance is exceptional
It's not as bad as that but I've made the mistake of getting on the London Underground at rush hour. It's pretty packed and just when you think no-one else can get on your car then another 5 people do.

I'm glad I'm tall - all those people with their head in someone's armpit...
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