It's official, JB is dead.

its a recession. no one wants to pay high axx prices for wack sneakers. if they were shoes people wanted then they wouldve been sold.
yea i saw plenty of dmp2 sitting in the finishline by me, i think its just that the dmp2 was a big let down... whats the first thing you think when you heardmp? XI and VI and this dmp2 was just a big step down from that.
REAL real sneakerheads are well aware of the half-@ss quality and overpricing... these are the spenders with the doe.
All these new heads have no change and are OK with garbo quality.
Just my opinion.
dont care i buy wat i lke jb isnt changing a thing because alot of people buy fusions and other garbage wen i wen to my mall there where dudes in line tellingme the had all the 6 rings and they waited for them on rd i was like wat?? i thought nobody like those but that just shows u y there not going away peoplecoppin this crap are not on niketalk. Niketalk is only a small population of all the people coppin shoes ive met even old sneaker heads that dont go on here
Originally Posted by solekollectah81

See, it's the "new" generation collectors that killed it. I am shocked at people thinking the xii's are ugly, especially with the garbage out there. (supras, chucks, polka dot fawking 1's)....this is why it's dead...youngin's don't appreciate the classics.

Chucks are garbage?
Originally Posted by MikeTysontheKiller

I thought every body knew they been dead. Guess not
Cosign, To much garbage dropping that I dont even keep up anymore. Most people dont want to waiste $150+ or $330 for badly made sneakers withwack colors.
Originally Posted by solekollectah81

I am a manager at a major shoe retailer, and I am sad to say, but it is official, Jordan brand is dead. (and so is the sneakers in general). Forget the days of shoes selling out on the release date, now they don't sell period. I have the 12's in my store, and I have been hyping them up, but people don't seem interested. The DMP 2's are still sitting on shelves, etc...I think the mix of high prices and fakes having finally become to much for J.B to overcome.
you need to jump off your local bridge...act like every other pair doesnt sit there...jordans retail for more and drop more frequently then almostevery brand...i laugh at people like you
...step your shoe game up...lolat your wack shoe collection...Xx...
Right now I like the JOrdan I DMP's and is true what somebody said here the JOrdan DMP 2's cant compare to the JOrdan VI + XI pack second to that packI think right now is the DMP III;s Bulls vs Celtics.
I don't think that it's dead or on a decline, its just that a whole new generation is coming up who, dont want, don't appreciate or understand theclassics. My son who is 14 loves fusions, I heard him and his boys conversating over the Olive IX fusions, all I could do is listen and learn. Everythingchanges so I guess JB is just trying to keep up with the times.
Where do you live? Your area could be the reason. Or maybe think your store is garbage and your a horrible salesman? If they're selling out everywhereelse.. it becomes your problem.. don't blame it on JB.
Tell me about it man. i think that mostly the problem is that JB is trying to fight fakes by putting out shoes "like" fakes. those fake shoes startedwith fusions and now JB is dropping fusions. and the ppl that like regular Jayz aren't effin wit them so its getting kinda hard for them to plz everyone
I love how people live in their little bubbles and think that whatever is happening in their own stores/towns/lives represents what is happening all over theworld.

Dude... Brand Jordan is not dead... it's just dead in your town.
JB isn't dead, however this just shows that people aren't happy with what is being released. The 12's that you are speaking of were released in alimited form no more than 3 years back. Just because JB release a retro doesn't mean that everyone is going to buy it and thus every retro they put outwill sell out in mins. Just goes to show that most collectors buy what they like. Just wait till the next OG colorway release, that isn't in a pack, andthat is a shoe that is know to sell and watch it fly off of shelves. Just look at the way that JB is releasing the fusions in mostly OG colorways. in anattempt to sell some of those shoes and those that are buying them because they are starved for the real things. JB is alive, unfortunately they aren'talways making the best decisions in my opinion and the opinions of those that aren't buying the shoes that are still sitting on shelves in stores aroundthe world.
Originally Posted by brooklynnyc3000

Funny, all the "Raging Bull Pack" sold out here in Brooklyn.

haha all over bk eevn fulton st, which has the highest sell jordan accounts. they on sale here too
JB will never die as long as they have classics in their arsenal that can be released at any time (Any XI, Any OG VI, Any OG III, Any OG XIII, Any OG XVI, CitySeries X's, White/Red XII, Indiglo XIV, and the list goes on.......)

Thats just the way it is people......
Its not that Jordan Brand is dead, its that they need to put out releases that we want to see. Honestly who really wanted a pack with V's or even a pack atall. With releases like the Spacejams at the end of the year, and next year with Varsity red VI's and the Chicago X's it seems to be headed moretowards the early decade with great releases.
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