Jalen Rose calls out Skip Bayless about High School Career

Skip is entitled to his opinion and isn't obligated to sugarcoat anything, but its kinda ironic for him to call out people's character or toughness and say he doesn't give a damn about how it affects that player or his family and then tell us a sob story about how his sports career fizzled out. Rose didn't do anything different than what Skip does on a daily basis when he called out his 1.4 ppg and called him Water Pistol Pete. Making a big production out of the incident makes Skip look like an even bigger clown.

Why is this clown looking for sympathy?
Mind Blown. Pull your skirt down +@@!*.
Originally Posted by JUS3

Skip is entitled to his opinion and isn't obligated to sugarcoat anything, but its kinda ironic for him to call out people's character or toughness and say he doesn't give a damn about how it affects that player or his family and then tell us a sob story about how his sports career fizzled out. Rose didn't do anything different than what Skip does on a daily basis when he called out his 1.4 ppg and called him Water Pistol Pete. Making a big production out of the incident makes Skip look like an even bigger clown.

Why is this clown looking for sympathy?
Mind Blown. Pull your skirt down +@@!*.

Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

Originally Posted by 3900stabler

Originally Posted by gambit215

Today's athlete is mentally inept, completely delusional in regards to society's standards and are clueless about their own history in regards to athletes and the media.......

You think this man would have been upset if he was called "Bosh Spice"?

that's like saying black people in america today should just accept how some whites treat them because at least they are not being lynched or sprayed with hoses. you are pretty much saying high profile athletes should just deal with demeaning and humiliation from the media and fans because it could be worse. instead of holding those sports writers and members of the media accountable, you instead want athletes to overlook it. overlooking doesn't address the problem.
Damn you pulled the Race Card 

What about Tony Romo? What about Tebow? What about all the other countless amount of White athletes who get ridiculed? Are you serious?

They get paid millions of dollars dude, most of that money comes from us (the fans). We have the right along with sports writers to question and criticize them if they are not performing up to par. 

Here's some advice for the athletes you are protecting - Do Your Job, live up to the expectations, work on your game and you will be fine.
I didn't pull the race card Gambit brought race into the discussion by comparing the adversity Jackie Robinson went through to suggest that "it ain't that bad" for today's players. secondly, why are you counting another man's money? why does it matter that these guys are millionaires? So Kwame asked Jordan to draft #1 him overall? So, Kwame Brown somehow managed to stay in the league for over a decade without working hard? Don't you think word around the league would have gotten around that he was lazy. If so, ahy would he still be in the league? Trust me, Kwame works harder at his job than you do at yours. Why are equating hard work with talent/achievement? I worked hard in my trig class but I struggled like crazy. I can go hit golf balls all day and night but it doesn't mean I could win a PGA major. Working hard does not guarantee success or achievement.
Originally Posted by gambit215

Originally Posted by 3900stabler

Originally Posted by gambit215

Today's athlete is mentally inept, completely delusional in regards to society's standards and are clueless about their own history in regards to athletes and the media.......

You think this man would have been upset if he was called "Bosh Spice"?

that's like saying black people in america today should just accept how some whites treat them because at least they are not being lynched or sprayed with hoses. you are pretty much saying high profile athletes should just deal with demeaning and humiliation from the media and fans because it could be worse. instead of holding those sports writers and members of the media accountable, you instead want athletes to overlook it. overlooking doesn't address the problem.
Your play on the field determines if you are demeaning and humiliating, Calling someone Bosh Spice and Prince James is not humiliating, like them you need to grow a pair..........Seriously...

BTW, not all sports writers are white, not all athletes who have nicknames are black.............I look for racism in EVERYTHING............Millionaire athletes getting called out on their sub par performance is ANYTHING but racist........
I disagree. Calling someone Bosh Spice is the same thing as saying he plays like an B**ch. Or better yet saying Bosh plays like a F****t. Comparing his play to that of a female. How is that not degrading? Didn't Kobe get fined for yelling a homophobic slur last year at a ref?  I have no problem with saying he played small or that he played weak. Why is it needed to be completely over the top? Whatever happened to just having talent at your profession? Why limit yourself to gimmicks? You can criticize an athlete all you want, but you must exude some level of decency and decorum if you want me to take you seriously. Otherwise, your nothing more than some "shock jock" whose time will be short lived once people decide your act is getting old.

What this whole issue is really about is the fact that some fans and members of the sports media are jealous of pro athletes because of their perceived "privileged" life. These athletes are living the life that You dreamed of. Not saying you in particular but you in the collective. Whenever someone brings up how much an athlete makes I can't help but to think they are jealous. Russell Westbrook don't need any of us to count his money, so why are so many of you hung up on how much he makes? Why do we base our criticism relative to an athlete's salary?

Over 90% of the sports writers in this country are white. Obvious it would irresponsible for me to speak in absolutes. I never said all the criticized athletes were black and I never said all the sports writers were white. Me standing up for a little decency and holding professional members of the sports media accountable doesn't make my pair any smaller or yours any bigger because what you find acceptable I find unacceptable.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by JUS3

Skip is entitled to his opinion and isn't obligated to sugarcoat anything, but its kinda ironic for him to call out people's character or toughness and say he doesn't give a damn about how it affects that player or his family and then tell us a sob story about how his sports career fizzled out. Rose didn't do anything different than what Skip does on a daily basis when he called out his 1.4 ppg and called him Water Pistol Pete. Making a big production out of the incident makes Skip look like an even bigger clown.

Why is this clown looking for sympathy?
Mind Blown. Pull your skirt down +@@!*.

one more included...
about the bosh spice thing... bosh said you can make fun of him and his name by saying chris this or that.. just dont use his last name because it has to do with his family, dont throw his family into it... skip still had the nerve to say, i will call you that if you go back to playing that way... now he wants to cry when rose called him out?
This is hilarious.

Skip is a crybaby who can't take a dose of his own medicine.  Period.

I agree with everything Jalen said, although I think he could have made a few of his point more strongly which was hard with Steven A screaming at him at the top of his lungs.

I disagree with everything Steven A said and the way he said it.  Everything.

This incident really revealed a lot about the character of all of the guys involved...
Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

Originally Posted by 3900stabler

Originally Posted by gambit215

Today's athlete is mentally inept, completely delusional in regards to society's standards and are clueless about their own history in regards to athletes and the media.......

You think this man would have been upset if he was called "Bosh Spice"?

that's like saying black people in america today should just accept how some whites treat them because at least they are not being lynched or sprayed with hoses. you are pretty much saying high profile athletes should just deal with demeaning and humiliation from the media and fans because it could be worse. instead of holding those sports writers and members of the media accountable, you instead want athletes to overlook it. overlooking doesn't address the problem.
Damn you pulled the Race Card 

What about Tony Romo? What about Tebow? What about all the other countless amount of White athletes who get ridiculed? Are you serious?

They get paid millions of dollars dude, most of that money comes from us (the fans). We have the right along with sports writers to question and criticize them if they are not performing up to par. 

Here's some advice for the athletes you are protecting - Do Your Job, live up to the expectations, work on your game and you will be fine.

TRUTH. I don't care about skip bayless's highschool career. His arguments and takes on stuff are pretty humorous to me sometimes. Thats what the show is about, debating. EVERY sport fans debate about stuff. My friends and I do it all the time. We rag on players and criticize them when they do terrible. Jalen's shot against skip was not even surprising to me..plenty of analyst and journalist haven't done ***% on the fields/courts. Example; Mel Kiper? I doubt he's ever put on a helmet. 
I can't believe this is even a debate.

Sports-writers and sports analysts have no obligation to lay off any of these athletes. They make their livelihood from critiquing the performance of those on the playing field, and to hold back in any way would just be pathetic. Who cares if Skip calls Bosh, "Bosh Spice"? He's just a ##*%*%# analyst. Players need to adopt the attitude of "Who gives a $%%@ what these guys think."
Originally Posted by JPZx

I can't believe this is even a debate.

Sports-writers and sports analysts have no obligation to lay off any of these athletes. They make their livelihood from critiquing the performance of those on the playing field, and to hold back in any way would just be pathetic. Who cares if Skip calls Bosh, "Bosh Spice"? He's just a ##*%*%# analyst. Players need to adopt the attitude of "Who gives a $%%@ what these guys think."


You can tell that the majority of the people in this thread are gonna have the back of the athletes, simply because they love and admire these athletes.

Although I have no problem with Jalen calling skip out, you have to realize that these journalists and analysts are paid to critique these players... There's a lot worst things you can call a player than Bosh Spice or Prince James. Got people in here saying you might as well call them F****ts.

It all boils down to the softness of the new breed of athletes. Just because someone doesn't think you're able to win a championship doesn't mean he's a hater... it means he doesn't believe in you... So instead of crying, *****ing, and having your big bro call out Skip Bayless, work that much harder and prove him wrong...

Do any of you remember the things that was said about Kobe Bryant from 03-07?

Instead of crying and being a $%$!! on Twitter, Kobe went extra hard and proved why he is one of the greatest of all time.
Originally Posted by MoonMan818

Originally Posted by JPZx

I can't believe this is even a debate.

Sports-writers and sports analysts have no obligation to lay off any of these athletes. They make their livelihood from critiquing the performance of those on the playing field, and to hold back in any way would just be pathetic. Who cares if Skip calls Bosh, "Bosh Spice"? He's just a ##*%*%# analyst. Players need to adopt the attitude of "Who gives a $%%@ what these guys think."


You can tell that the majority of the people in this thread are gonna have the back of the athletes, simply because they love and admire these athletes.

Although I have no problem with Jalen calling skip out, you have to realize that these journalists and analysts are paid to critique these players... There's a lot worst things you can call a player than Bosh Spice or Prince James. Got people in here saying you might as well call them F****ts.

It all boils down to the softness of the new breed of athletes. Just because someone doesn't think you're able to win a championship doesn't mean he's a hater... it means he doesn't believe in you... So instead of crying, *****ing, and having your big bro call out Skip Bayless, work that much harder and prove him wrong...

Do any of you remember the things that was said about Kobe Bryant from 03-07?

Instead of crying and being a $%$!! on Twitter, Kobe went extra hard and proved why he is one of the greatest of all time.

THIS.If Bosh doesn't play soft, Skip CANNOT call him bosh spice, if lebron goes out and dominates the entire league for a whole season/playoffs/finals, Skip cannot call him prince James.And since no one else mentioned it, Skip said he was only upset that Jalen came at him without knowing the entire story and now that he does know the truth, his high school career is fair game.
I'm sure there are hundreds of athletes that wish skip knew their side of the story.

But no only skips sob story matters to him. It's very hypocritical and funny
Originally Posted by ChampCruThik

 I recommend everyone check out Marcellus Wiley's take on yesterday's episode. Of course he defended the athletes, but did so in a well-spoken manner.

Dat Dude. Compton bred & an Ivy League grad.

Is there a video of this?
Originally Posted by 3900stabler

Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

Originally Posted by 3900stabler

that's like saying black people in america today should just accept how some whites treat them because at least they are not being lynched or sprayed with hoses. you are pretty much saying high profile athletes should just deal with demeaning and humiliation from the media and fans because it could be worse. instead of holding those sports writers and members of the media accountable, you instead want athletes to overlook it. overlooking doesn't address the problem.
Damn you pulled the Race Card 

What about Tony Romo? What about Tebow? What about all the other countless amount of White athletes who get ridiculed? Are you serious?

They get paid millions of dollars dude, most of that money comes from us (the fans). We have the right along with sports writers to question and criticize them if they are not performing up to par. 

Here's some advice for the athletes you are protecting - Do Your Job, live up to the expectations, work on your game and you will be fine.
I didn't pull the race card Gambit brought race into the discussion by comparing the adversity Jackie Robinson went through to suggest that "it ain't that bad" for today's players. secondly, why are you counting another man's money? why does it matter that these guys are millionaires? So Kwame asked Jordan to draft #1 him overall? So, Kwame Brown somehow managed to stay in the league for over a decade without working hard? Don't you think word around the league would have gotten around that he was lazy. If so, ahy would he still be in the league? Trust me, Kwame works harder at his job than you do at yours. Why are equating hard work with talent/achievement? I worked hard in my trig class but I struggled like crazy. I can go hit golf balls all day and night but it doesn't mean I could win a PGA major. Working hard does not guarantee success or achievement.

Reading is fundamental homey..............I didnt bring up the race card, the person who QUOTED you (CoupeIT88) did, but anyway, no one is counting Russell Westbrook's money, Jalen Rose, took Skips question out of context and tried to play him, Rose tried to say that positions were made so the novice can understand (which is a whole bunch of crap), Skip asked him what position did he play, IMPLYING HE WAS A POINT GUARD, and the rest is history.......... And yea, being called Bosh Spice is WAY better than having rocks thrown at you, death threats, intentional slides into your leg, being called the N word ALL THE TIME and yet he was still PUTTING UP NUMBERS!!! Jackie Robinson was Rookie of the year, 10 time all Star, MVP and World Series Champ,

All these players that are being defended in this thread have done NOTHING for their sport or society ...........Wise Up young man.............

Jalen Rose,Russell Westbrook, Lebron James, Chris Bosh, Kwame Brown, Marcellus Wiley combined PROFESSIONAL championships= 0
Originally Posted by gambit215

Originally Posted by 3900stabler

Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

Damn you pulled the Race Card 

What about Tony Romo? What about Tebow? What about all the other countless amount of White athletes who get ridiculed? Are you serious?

They get paid millions of dollars dude, most of that money comes from us (the fans). We have the right along with sports writers to question and criticize them if they are not performing up to par. 

Here's some advice for the athletes you are protecting - Do Your Job, live up to the expectations, work on your game and you will be fine.
I didn't pull the race card Gambit brought race into the discussion by comparing the adversity Jackie Robinson went through to suggest that "it ain't that bad" for today's players. secondly, why are you counting another man's money? why does it matter that these guys are millionaires? So Kwame asked Jordan to draft #1 him overall? So, Kwame Brown somehow managed to stay in the league for over a decade without working hard? Don't you think word around the league would have gotten around that he was lazy. If so, ahy would he still be in the league? Trust me, Kwame works harder at his job than you do at yours. Why are equating hard work with talent/achievement? I worked hard in my trig class but I struggled like crazy. I can go hit golf balls all day and night but it doesn't mean I could win a PGA major. Working hard does not guarantee success or achievement.

Reading is fundamental homey..............I didnt bring up the race card, the person who QUOTED you (CoupeIT88) did, but anyway, no one is counting Russell Westbrook's money, Jalen Rose, took Skips question out of context and tried to play him, Rose tried to say that positions were made so the novice can understand (which is a whole bunch of crap), Skip asked him what position did he play, IMPLYING HE WAS A POINT GUARD, and the rest is history.......... And yea, being called Bosh Spice is WAY better than having rocks thrown at you, death threats, intentional slides into your leg, being called the N word ALL THE TIME and yet he was still PUTTING UP NUMBERS!!! Jackie Robinson was Rookie of the year, 10 time all Star, MVP and World Series Champ,

All these players that are being defended in this thread have done NOTHING for their sport or society ...........Wise Up young man.............

Jalen Rose,Russell Westbrook, Lebron James, Chris Bosh, Kwame Brown, Marcellus Wiley combined PROFESSIONAL championships= 0
Explain to me what's comical about my statement. Based on your logic, everyone that works hard will never or has never failed. Ray Allen is one of the greatest shooters ever and yet he still misses 6 out of every 10 shots. You are totally off-base stating these athletes have never done anything outside of their sport. Jalen has opened reading centers in city of Detroit and has contributed funds to open a hospital in Congo. I could argue Lebron's decision to leave went against every preconceived notion about the modern day black athlete.

What exactly did Jordan outside of play ball? HE SOLD SNEAKERS AND GATERADE!!!!! Young black kids dying over sneakers in the early 90's in the city of Chicago and what Jordan did do? There were allegations of sweatshop misconduct in the mid 90's in Asian countries, what did Jordan do? In both instances, Jordan went a-political and continued to sell you sneakers and Gatorade. The most visible black man on this planet (outside of  the other MJ) with one of the largest platforms turned his back on the same people that contributed to his then current and now present privileged position.
Originally Posted by DubA169

Thats tbe funny part. Skip was soooooo hurt. Off one little jab.

But he cant understand why him calling bosh a woman might be messed up

Essentially because "they make so much money" and are in the public domain. Hey genius you make damn good money and are in tbe public domain too

He complains about athletes defending athletes when the entire show was journalists defendinf joirnalists
Truth esp the bold.  
First and foremost when it comes to Kwame you can't sit here and say he doesn't deserve to be in the league. The fact he was drafted first is always brought up, but the team chose him not the other way around. He isn't judged amongst his peers, he is judged off "potential" and being the number one pick. Second all you dudes saying athletes are too soft these days aren't seeing the fact that Skip was genuinely hurt that something he does habitually was done to him. Athletes back then were not sitting there and allowing someone to disrespect them, no one has ever been cool with that. If skip decided to make up a nick name for charles oakley, chances are hands would be put on him if he attempted to say it in person. Today Bosh would probably be suspended an entire year for such an act. I'm not saying that Bosh is that type of guy at all, but I am saying that these media dudes are openly disrespectful for a reason, they don't expect anything in return, society doesn't expect anything done in return, and it's honestly become just about taking abuse, and any reaction you are deemed sensitive, yet if they do what most of us would do which is put hands on dudes they are deemed stupid, unprofessional and out of control. End of the day these are men, you don't have to care about how they react or feel about being disrespected, but don't make them out to be inferior for not being comfortable with it. 
Forgot to add I lost even more respect for SAS after that garbage. He acted like everybody sits around perpetually in tears because they don't get to live the awesome life of a sports journalist
Sure a lot of people might think its a fun job, but I honestly don't think very many people resent sports journalists because they are jealous of the position they're in, at least not to near the same extent as they feel that way about athletes. The fact that he trumpeted that comparison so strongly shows you how highly he thinks of himself. Yea a lot of athletes become analysts after they retire, but its not because a sports analyst is the most respected, desirable job out there; its because it's an easy and obvious transition for them after they retire and a good way to make money, and the networks figure more people will watch a big name they're familiar with and respect their opinion more. Emmit %!%!%%$ Smith was an analyst for ESPN and look how that turned out. Shaq has been terrible on TNT, especially from the standpoint of offering insight and knowledge about the game the way you'd expect from a former great. Point being, being an analyst on TV or writing about sports for a living isn't nearly as merit-based, exclusive and cutthroat as making it to the NBA.

Further, people don't resent guys like Skip and SAS because they want their jobs or are jealous, they resent them because they're unapologetic blowhards with overinflated egos and often say outlandish, disagreeable things because they know it gets a rise out of people. And judging from that piece they clearly think their opinion carries a ton more weight simply because they are on TV and do it for a living. Trust us guys, we don't dislike you because we want to BE you, its because we think your opinions are wrong and you have abrasive personalities. You're not on TV because your opinion is sooooo esteemed, you're on TV because you're a heel. People love to hate and disagree with you or in SAS case he has an excitable personality (though his insight is more well. informed and credible than Skip's).

And Skip catches feelings because Jalen clowned on him without knowing his while story, and yet Skip clowns on athletes, psychoanalyzes or makes snap judgments about them on the daily and how deep does he know that athlete's "whole story?" But now that he knows the background behind it its OK to talk about and they're on good terms. But is not a big deal for an athlete 's family whom he may criticize or name call to be affected because Skip doesn't know the whole story....
Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

Forgot to add I lost even more respect for SAS after that garbage. He acted like everybody sits around perpetually in tears because they don't get to live the awesome life of a sports journalist
Sure a lot of people might think its a fun job, but I honestly don't think very many people resent sports journalists because they are jealous of the position they're in, at least not to near the same extent as they feel that way about athletes. The fact that he trumpeted that comparison so strongly shows you how highly he thinks of himself. Yea a lot of athletes become analysts after they retire, but its not because a sports analyst is the most respected, desirable job out there; its because it's an easy and obvious transition for them after they retire and a good way to make money, and the networks figure more people will watch a big name they're familiar with and respect their opinion more. Emmit %!%!%%$ Smith was an analyst for ESPN and look how that turned out. Shaq has been terrible on TNT, especially from the standpoint of offering insight and knowledge about the game the way you'd expect from a former great. Point being, being an analyst on TV or writing about sports for a living isn't nearly as merit-based, exclusive and cutthroat as making it to the NBA.

Further, people don't resent guys like Skip and SAS because they want their jobs or are jealous, they resent them because they're unapologetic blowhards with overinflated egos and often say outlandish, disagreeable things because they know it gets a rise out of people. And judging from that piece they clearly think their opinion carries a ton more weight simply because they are on TV and do it for a living. Trust us guys, we don't dislike you because we want to BE you, its because we think your opinions are wrong and you have abrasive personalities. You're not on TV because your opinion is sooooo esteemed, you're on TV because you're a heel. People love to hate and disagree with you or in SAS case he has an excitable personality (though his insight is more well. informed and credible than Skip's).

And Skip catches feelings because Jalen clowned on him without knowing his while story, and yet Skip clowns on athletes, psychoanalyzes or makes snap judgments about them on the daily and how deep does he know that athlete's "whole story?" But now that he knows the background behind it its OK to talk about and they're on good terms. But is not a big deal for an athlete 's family whom he may criticize or name call to be affected because Skip doesn't know the whole story....
well said
When will people just realize that Jalen Rose basically said "It's one thing to critique a player about his play, but it's another thing to diminish another man's CHARACTER based on his play". That's a big difference. Dumbasses on this thread.
Originally Posted by 3900stabler

Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

Forgot to add I lost even more respect for SAS after that garbage. He acted like everybody sits around perpetually in tears because they don't get to live the awesome life of a sports journalist
Sure a lot of people might think its a fun job, but I honestly don't think very many people resent sports journalists because they are jealous of the position they're in, at least not to near the same extent as they feel that way about athletes. The fact that he trumpeted that comparison so strongly shows you how highly he thinks of himself. Yea a lot of athletes become analysts after they retire, but its not because a sports analyst is the most respected, desirable job out there; its because it's an easy and obvious transition for them after they retire and a good way to make money, and the networks figure more people will watch a big name they're familiar with and respect their opinion more. Emmit %!%!%%$ Smith was an analyst for ESPN and look how that turned out. Shaq has been terrible on TNT, especially from the standpoint of offering insight and knowledge about the game the way you'd expect from a former great. Point being, being an analyst on TV or writing about sports for a living isn't nearly as merit-based, exclusive and cutthroat as making it to the NBA.

Further, people don't resent guys like Skip and SAS because they want their jobs or are jealous, they resent them because they're unapologetic blowhards with overinflated egos and often say outlandish, disagreeable things because they know it gets a rise out of people. And judging from that piece they clearly think their opinion carries a ton more weight simply because they are on TV and do it for a living. Trust us guys, we don't dislike you because we want to BE you, its because we think your opinions are wrong and you have abrasive personalities. You're not on TV because your opinion is sooooo esteemed, you're on TV because you're a heel. People love to hate and disagree with you or in SAS case he has an excitable personality (though his insight is more well. informed and credible than Skip's).

And Skip catches feelings because Jalen clowned on him without knowing his while story, and yet Skip clowns on athletes, psychoanalyzes or makes snap judgments about them on the daily and how deep does he know that athlete's "whole story?" But now that he knows the background behind it its OK to talk about and they're on good terms. But is not a big deal for an athlete 's family whom he may criticize or name call to be affected because Skip doesn't know the whole story....
well said
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