Jamal Crawford on his way to being the biggest loser in sports history

i never thought that crawford didnt play hard or didnt care about winning

and he definitely shouldnt get all the blame for their losing ways

but, you cannot tell me knick fans would be distraught if he wasnt on the team next year.
He demands the ball too much. At 2 guard I guess he ok but your pg shouldn't take as many out of rythym shots as he does.

There are certain players you can look at and think no matter who they have around them they are gunna take the same amount of shots and they are not gunna geta W. The KNicks problem is they have at least 2 other players like him who just wanna get theirs. He wouldnt be a bad 6th man though.
Which is why I have no idea why some Knick fans want him here.

I liked Jamal when he first got here... he's good for a few highlights here and there... but he's a horrible SG.

He shoots a horrible percentage, weighs about 120lbs, and plays some of the worst defense I have ever seen in my life.
He does compete....but, I HATE giving props to people for going 100% night in and night out....you are a paid pro, and that is what you are supposed to do.Anyways, looking back at some of the asinine arguments here on NT, the most recent that sticks out to me are the Crawford apologists who think he is a betterplayer than Vince Carter
. He's a good player, who will have a lengthy career in the NBA as a 6th man down the road. If you put him in the rightsituation where he is NOT starting, he will pay dividends with his performance.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Are we sure those aren't his shooting percentages?

I like Jamal. He has played on a lot of crappy teams, so I cant blame him for his teams losing ways...

On a side note, Bullsrepeat I think its time that we retire the gif of the man clapping in the theater lol
On a side note, Bullsrepeat I think its time that we retire the gif of the man clapping in the theater lol

ya you right

when you say that, do you mean he's a better player than Vince, he's having a better season Vince, or he's a better 'leader'than Vince?
I thought Jamal Crawford was awful in Chicago. I was very grateful the Knicks gave us anything for him. He basically takes bad shots that lead to transitionopps for the opponent. If he does play defense, it's Allen Iverson "gamble in the passing lanes, I don't care about team defense" defense.

EDIT: It's a little worrisome to read so many NTer comments like "he just needs more playing time". This isn't just about Crawford. GeraldGreen was cut by the Rockets because Gerald Green is still learning the game of basketball. He's just not ready to learn the NBA game of basketball. Goto college. A lot of these guys really need to learn how to play basketball before they think about getting drafted.
He is a hardworking player. There is no doubt about that. You can tell that he does care about how the losses are not stopping. You cant hate on a player who is giving all their effort into giving his team a chance to win.

Jamal is good in my books.
i agree.

you guys can say whatever you want about jamal, but let's get real here. if jamal crawford is your number one option, you've got a problem.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Eddy Curry has the same record except for the '00 season because he wasnt in the league yet...I blame him.

Originally Posted by BallinBoykz

I dont know what the big fuss is about. Like someone said above, name the best player he has played with in either chicago or New York.

Chicago - Tyson Chandler
New York - Steph who was locked out of MSG.

I would love to see Kobe play with guys like Curry and Boseph. Well, not turning this into a Kobe thread, but even with the best player on the planet, on the current team Jamal is on, they would still struggle.
He is a hardworking player. There is no doubt about that. You can tell that he does care about how the losses are not stopping. You cant hate on a player who is giving all their effort into giving his team a chance to win.

Jamal is good in my books.

Agreed Jamal has a winning attitude and he got skills. He could win, hes just played on %!$*!! teams. i mean cmon hes been followed around by a 500 pound fatuck his whole life who the teams that he is on like to run the ffense around. You cant win when your offense is based on Curry, because he sucks and alsobecause when he gets those minutes teams have a field day in the paint. You can be a 4 foot 8 year old and still have way with fat #*%$ down low. he doesnteven make an attempt to play D. And coincidencely Curry never been to the playoffs either.
Another thing, Crawford is also known as one of the most friendly people in the NBA. This is a bonus in my book, but you still need to play defense and TEAMDEFENSE.
you can't put an excuse like "but he plays hard everyday" to defend him. pretty much every players in NBNA do the same thing. I'm not sayinghe is the reason of all the losing, but he's not helping the matter either with those horrible shot selection and nonexistent D.
^^because if you give him the ball down the stretch he wil knock down the shots.

Stop hating Jamal hasnt played on one team even remotely close to quality.

I would ssay the best team with a chance of playoffs hes even been on was last years Knicks. And this was because of him not despite of him. I mean he was acatalyst and i remember his last game of the season he hit a game winning 3 vs Miami to put us at the 7 seed...

But for us Knicks know that it was his season ending injury (that he was apparently playing with for 2 weeks even when he hit the game winner which btw is whatmakes him clutch) along with Isiah's very untimely extension that led to the downfall of our season. Jamal was a catalyst and we fell apart without him andother season ending injuries followed while we were losing such as David Lee, (bum) Francis, Q Rich and than the guy who was holding us in the race by a threadStephon Marbury and than we weere done.

But the Knicks and i think any team Crawford has played for is worse with him than without definitley. The Knicks have maybe 5 wins this season if it wasnt forhis stellar play. He has just always been on ***!@+ teams.

I mean im not going out and calling him a winner, but he has a good attitude, he is a gentleman, and he does definitley have game, sure he has some flaws buthe is definitley a player capable of winning if he has the supporting cast and he has the right role on the team (maybe more of a 3rd ooption but def not #1)IMO
Originally Posted by allen3xis

He's not helping matters....that's my take.

He plays no D, takes dumb shots, can't distribute.

It is not all his fault, but it's not a coincidence either.

We made the playoffs the year before he came here.

I'm sure a Knick fan or two will tell you he's the heart and leader of this team now and has played the best ball this season...on a 19 win team.

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