January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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I loved how they had legends scattered in the audience. Goldberg being in the audience added a “big right feel”.
Thos is a whole week later not a second day
It is still gives them 2 days worth of content on a major cable network.

Why put that at the end of Dynamites?

They are throw away matches. Who wants to see main event material and then right after view opening match talent?

"The sad, ongoing struggle between WWE Superstar Jeff Hardy and his worst demons continues as the 42-year old wrestler was arrested earlier this week for driving while intoxicated, and for driving on a revoked drivers license.Hardy was previously arrested for the same offense last March, with both incidents happening in his home state of North Carolina. Per TMZ, Hardy was busted this time in Moore County, NC, on Thursday at around 10:30 PM. He was also arrested for public intoxication in Myrtle Beach, SC, back in July.
WWE released the following statement, which is consistent with other recent arrests of the same nature:
“Jeff Hardy is responsible for his own personal actions.”
Jeff’s brother and tag team partner Matt also issued a statement via social media, noting that he can only be responsible for his own actions, and that he loves his brother and wants him to be healthy and happy.

Since so many have asked me about my brother tonight-I love my brother & want him to be happy & healthy. I’ve expressed that to him as much as I can. Jeff has to make his decisions about his life.
I have to focus on my 2 boys & soon to arrive son. I can only control MY actions.
As always, we hope Jeff gets the help he needs."
So as a casual WWE fan who only watches events like last night or Wrestlemanias at most why did they have Kofi lose in seconds!? They build up Brock being on Smackdown and then has that short short match. I get what they were doing bringing in Cain but I just dont get them not having Brock look like hes at least in a bit of trouble in his match.
Feel bad for Jeff man. Dude has a legitimate problem.
Yeah he does but how do we know if people around him haven't tried to help him multiple times and are just fed up with it? Some people just don't accept help.
Finished up NXT and Smackdown

- Bay Bay v. Bro was highly sports entertaining

-Like I said before Finn being byke in NXT adds legitimacy to NXT being the 3rd brand and not developmental anymore

- Bad Io

- Who the **** is gonna stop The Baze? Those screams by credit score during the match were appreciated.

- The Street Profits have IT. Montez been had IT, but D'Angelo has shown something too during their recent run on NXT and their Raw and Smackdown appearances. I memba when he was in gimmick purgatory a la the woman of 1,000....

- Ciampa :emoji_hugging:

- From the new presentation, the new stage, and using Erin Andrews washed self, Fox did a GOODT job making Smackdown's debutt seem like a big deal.

- That was a GOODT opening segment with Rock, King Corbin and The Man. Corbin got a nice rub from that segment and didn't seem out of place at all.

- I swear Ramblin' Rabbit has died more times than Kenny did in the early South Park seasons. :lol:

- My Cheerio keeping his job. :emoji_hugging:

- I already gave my thoughts on the Brock/Kofi match
- Brock one of the GOATS with his selling. Just by some subtle facial expressions he was able to convey that he was scared ****less when Cheerio Cain came out.

- Cain coming to WWE is a huge coup for Vince. He already has built in history with their biggest attraction in Brock, and Brock's selling of Cain's debutt also helped add significance to his arrival

- All that said, Ron comes across as a complete ***** word to iruby. You and you son get the dog**** beat out of and your response is to bring in your big brother to handle it on some sucka ****. You gotta come out there with a sledgehammer or kendo stick. How Miz's dad have more heart than you?
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