January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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AJ Styles apparently injured last night.

No word yet on what the injury is or the severity.

The Man Called Case
The Man Called Case
He's a Man Called Case
The Man Called Case
He does this, he does that
He big as bull, & quick as a cat
He look fine, he looks cool
He's own man, & he's n**ody's fool
Don't double cross him, or get in his way
Cause if you do, your gonna have to pay
To the Man called Case
The Man Called Case
He's a Man Called Case
Man Called Case

Somebody say something bout some Case Case ?
Mania thoughts...

- Kofi winning was obviously the biggest highlight of the show. Great heel work from Bryan, and great babyface work from Kofi. Fantastic match, great finish, crowd was great, great celebration. One of the best moments in wrestling I've witnessed.
- Show was definitely WAY too long. The Batista/HHH match felt like IT lasted an eternity, and the crowd was drained by the time the main event came along. Would've been the same no matter who was in that spot. The women deserved to go on last due to the long build. They really have to consolidate this show going into the future. Having the main event start at midnight is absurd.
- Glad Rollins won and bringing the belt swing back was awesome. Match was weird. Will be good to have the belt back on Raw weekly.
- AJ/Orton was good, but overshadowed by the yearly issue they seem to have with shining bright lights into multiple sections.
- Shane/Miz was my 2nd favorite match of the night. Very sports entertaining.
- Speaking of sports entertaining, Thuganomics Cena was :pimp:. Easily one of the biggest pops of the night. Has to be the first time in 15+ years that a crowd was universally excited to see him.
- Went on a beer run during the women's tag match but got back right in time for the ending. EYECONICS :pimp::pimp::pimp::pimp::pimp::pimp::pimp:. Most entertaining team in the division BY FAR. Got a really good pop from the crowd too.
- SD tag match was fun. O'Shea is going to be a star. Good to see the Usos deservingly get a Mania win on the main card.
- Women's match was actually good until the end with them being unable to break the table and then the weird botchy finish.
Randy vs AJ was good, but it didn’t feel like it went into next gear. If AJ is injured that’s probably why. He’s 3-1 at Mania and that’s pretty damn cool.
Usos fit :pimp:

Shinsukes fit 0]

So dope seeing Ricochet and Aleister black at mania. if someone would've told me they would be there turn of the year id be like nah. Ricochet and Aliester Black are a fun team to watch i still dont understand how they just became a team though but whatever ill roll wit it

lol at ricochet stoping a pin with a shooting star press
ricochets facial expressions lollllll

Cool with Usos retaining

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