January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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Triple HHH just looks like a dude in a constant midlife crisis now. I cant take him seriously with the DX hall of fame segment :rofl:
I like this one more
Triple HHH just looks like a dude in a constant midlife crisis now. I cant take him seriously with the DX hall of fame segment :rofl:

Somebody on another site said he looks like an extra washed Kratos from God Of War on PS4 and I can't unsee it.
Im happy my prediction of miz and shane facing each other at mania as the tag champs didnt come true

Never really cared for Miz but cant lie hes been a pretty compelling baby face in this fued with Evil 1%er Shane

I dont want to see Shane wrestling anymore like can we PLS stop BUT I cant lie him leaning into the best in the world thing is funny

lord shanes punches are basura

wtf is happening rn miz dad actually in the ring

the annual shane attempted death spot was cool i guess

lol at that being the pinfall
Kofi's first title win is even better than Rock's first one. "He's a millionaire, he's the WWF Champ!" was great though :lol:
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