January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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danger style danger style youngogjosh youngogjosh

Legit question.

Thoughts on male to female trans fighters fight cis-women.

Not asking if you are emotionally invested in it
Interesting question from a biological perspective. With all the testing going and the changes a trans person is going biologically/physically idk if modern sports has the capability to include them in mainstream sports besides a league/division of their own. To put it more succinct, combine the mysteries of modern PEDs that already run rampant in sports WITH the uncertainty of the biological make up of a trans person you have way too much going on to determine if competition is fair.

Obviously, I'm not a scientist in any way, so this question is way out of my league. But those are just my thoughts.
But you both know the segration of them from mainstream sports then turns it into a Civil Rights issue?
I don't think that would even make IT to the SCOTUS tbh. The science on the matter is really murky, then you have the factor of many leagues being privately owned. I'm sure It'd make for an interesting Netflix special in about 10-15 years :lol:
But you both know the segration of them from mainstream sports then turns it into a Civil Rights issue?

DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican Like take Cyborg for instance, with her history of PED abuse should she be allowed to fight women with a proven (as far as the tests can say) "clean" record? Shouldn't she only be limited to fighting women who also abused PEDs? Same with any male athlete who's been found guilty of the same. Obviously, the "prize" fighting aspect of the business wins in that regard because Cyborg brings in fans. So IT's really a debate on how far sports organizers/governing bodies are willing to go to make sure things are "fair".
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