January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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In your opinion ic Cinci>Columbus?
I retired from the sneaker thing this year. Getting my priorities in order.
I’ve bever been to a College Football town but man everybody there was crazy about Ohio State. Grandmas and babies and all :lol:

It's a tough call. Columbus is definitely a college FB city, with a very good pro hockey team in there. Cincy area is a little more mixed. If we're talking strictly sports, Cincy has pro baseball, pro football, pro soccer, 3 D1 college hoops programs with loyal followings, and a D1 football program that all have strong followings. Columbus may have a slightly better downtown nightlife scene, but it is VERY frat boy-ish. The Cincy downtown scene has grown by leaps and bounds the last 5+ years, and is still getting better. Add the spots right across the river in KY, and it's a little more well-rounded than Columbus. I'm really trying not to be biased here haha. Just talking about what I know having spent time in both areas.

Lmk if you want to know anything more specific and I'll try my best to answer it.
In your opinion ic Cinci>Columbus?
I retired from the sneaker thing this year. Getting my priorities in order.
I’ve bever been to a College Football town but man everybody there was crazy about Ohio State. Grandmas and babies and all :lol:

C-Bus edges out Nati..Cincybhas mote pro teams but they’re all super trash and their college teams aregarbage too..Cbus is the bigger college town..Cinci is better for mote grown up events/lifestyle..But Cinci still has a huge racial problem..

Watched this PPV at my cousin's house, who had the black box at the time. 8 year old me was watching this not knowing who Liger was, and confused about where he came from. I loved watching Rey Mysterio weekly, and to see him lose crushed me.

This post Made me watch this PPV on the Network today.

The promos to start the ppv were 🔥

check out young Charles:
C-Bus edges out Nati..Cincybhas mote pro teams but they’re all super trash and their college teams aregarbage too..Cbus is the bigger college town..Cinci is better for mote grown up events/lifestyle..But Cinci still has a huge racial problem..
Are you from Ohio?
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