January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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You know who..
i need to see pics of this if true, cause this is unbelievable and sounds like something a Vince stooge with a burner account would sprinkle out there :lol:
Vince will give them the belts back asap.
He’s trying to keep talent rn. Avoiding a Jeans domino effect.
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This broad talking about where she is at AGAIN!!?? Seems like that is her thing after every wrestlemania.

I mean...it coincides with her either being an ancillary player are a footnote by the time it comes around :lol: she has her flaws no doubt, but it's hard to really dump on her when her best booking was almost 4 years ago.
The fact that they're showing interest in leaving dub dub e shows that there are alternatives/competition within the market of pro wrestling. The root beer company and collision wrestling still don't have a big name in either of their women's divisions. They could use them. I'm sure they'll do they fine financially if they decide on leaving.
Vince aint paying these women much. They can prob open up a few franchises with their earnings and make more than they are now
Anyone watch the Macho/Liz Vice docu that dropped?..Nothing in it that I didn't already know, but it'll be interesting for those not hip to their relationship/deaths..
I mean...it coincides with her either being an ancillary player are a footnote by the time it comes around :lol: she has her flaws no doubt, but it's hard to really dump on her when her best booking was almost 4 years ago.

I mean beside her fued with Charlotte what has she done since being called to main roster. She is always injured matches have been forgettable promos even more forgettable. I feel she is the the type to be in hear own head , once things dont go her way she just breaks down and cant pick herself up.
I mean beside her fued with Charlotte what has she done since being called to main roster. She is always injured matches have been forgettable promos even more forgettable. I feel she is the the type to be in hear own head , once things dont go her way she just breaks down and cant pick herself up.

We're pretty much in agreement. She's been a pretty wack face since she's been on the roster, feels very forced, but she was a heel through and through in the first place. As far as injuries, she's basically a Joshi chick masquerading as a regular WWE wrestler. She'd be wise to scale back on her stuff. Could be worse, she could get concussions from botching a wristlock.
So much stuff in this vid :lol: Mankind turns on Ahmed Johnson and walks out a little less than 2 minutes before the match ends, but neither Brian Pillman nor JR acknowledge this in the slightest. And then Ahmed's pin on Lawler :rofl:
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