January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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Shane Strickland, KUSHIDA, and Garza Jr officially NXT now.


Ima need Strickland/Riddle II at the next Takeover. Their match for the MLW WHC was :emoji_fire::emoji_fire::emoji_fire::emoji_fire::emoji_fire:
Still would've been way better than calling them a Six Flags attraction.
And if they really wanted to rename Rowe because it’s too similar to Rowan, I would’ve renamed him Gordon and kept Hanson’s name

Gordon and Hanson sounds way better
youre gonna bring your son into this, when I clearly didnt say anything you said? think whatever the hell you want to think.

I hate when kids formulate their own thing little silly things in their heads and want to be all loud with it. Go and find where I said "people should only date their race" go ahead and find it little boy, you're barking up the wrong tree.

If you dont want your feelings hurt keep me out of it, and leave your son out of it too.
Yo dumbass know what you was saying. Your racist b its kool. Own it. Dont ***** up now cause you getting called out on it. I used my son as a example of how asinine your statement is but your simple *** mind cant understand that. Hurt my feelings? lmao what are we 12? Grow up b. Be proud if who you are. Hell our president racist with no dams given take his path.
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