January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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Bayley just another case of NXT booking vs main roster booking. NXT hid her flaws, and presented her in a way to look legit. She was a lifelong WWE fan that appealed to kids on NXT, and could kick ***. On the main roster, she was presented as an awkward adult child, a loser, a virgin, and scared to fight, on top of putting a mic in her hand and telling her to cut 10+ minute promos, exposing her being horrendous at talking. She’s curtains.
A virgin though. Lolz
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********/ZackDaddy :wink:
my mans really said people should only date the same race wow. So i guess my mixed son is an abomination and should burn in the depths of hell?
Bayley just another case of NXT booking vs main roster booking. NXT hid her flaws, and presented her in a way to look legit. She was a lifelong WWE fan that appealed to kids on NXT, and could kick ***. On the main roster, she was presented as an awkward adult child, a loser, a virgin, and scared to fight, on top of putting a mic in her hand and telling her to cut 10+ minute promos, exposing her being horrendous at talking. She’s curtains.

NXT writer in the modern Paul Heyman
Y’all remember when Bayley had “next John Cena potential”?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I memba when Jemele said this.

I understand her though process because Bayley was super over in NXT and the Izzy's of the world ate her gimmick up.

But you hit the nail on the head:

Bayley just another case of NXT booking vs main roster booking. NXT hid her flaws, and presented her in a way to look legit. She was a lifelong WWE fan that appealed to kids on NXT, and could kick ***. On the main roster, she was presented as an awkward adult child, a loser, a virgin, and scared to fight, on top of putting a mic in her hand and telling her to cut 10+ minute promos, exposing her being horrendous at talking. She’s curtains.

I still memba the pop she got when she made her de-but as Sasha's partner, but then it all went to **** for the reasons you mentioned.

I don't memba the virgin thing though. :lol:
I memba when Jemele said this.

I understand her though process because Bayley was super over in NXT and the Izzy's of the world ate her gimmick up.

But you hit the nail on the head:

I still memba the pop she got when she made her de-but as Sasha's partner, but then it all went to **** for the reasons you mentioned.

I don't memba the virgin thing though. :lol:

Alexa basically implied that with “have you even kissed a boy before?” in that horrendous This Is Your Life segment :lol:
my mans really said people should only date the same race wow. So i guess my mixed son is an abomination and should burn in the depths of hell?

youre gonna bring your son into this, when I clearly didnt say anything you said? think whatever the hell you want to think.

I hate when kids formulate their own thing little silly things in their heads and want to be all loud with it. Go and find where I said "people should only date their race" go ahead and find it little boy, you're barking up the wrong tree.

If you dont want your feelings hurt keep me out of it, and leave your son out of it too.
Meltzer analysis on WWE's ratings drop

From WOR:

The year to year drop for WWE is so significant. The NBA regular season are equal to what they had last year, so no drop despite LeBron playing on the West Coast and not making the playoffs. The NFL were actually up on the last year.

He says Sports and TV ratings are going down to digital platforms but not to a degree of 25% per year in any way, shape or form. Last weeks Raw and Last weeks Smackdown are down 25% uniformly.

Demos, from 1 year ago to now.

Teenagers are Down 29% on last year.

18-34's are Down 37% (!) from last year. He emphasizes this sucks.

35-49's are Down 27% from last year, he also says that is horrendous.

50+'s are down 10%, this is the likely demo that watches the show regularly.

So if you go under the ages of 49 years old, WWE have huge drops in every demographic from 1 year ago.
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