January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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Just gonna disrespect #TeamAsianWomen, huh?

You don't want to believe that we have diverse tastes? Look at this dude :smh: Bend_The_Knee Bend_The_Knee
Just gonna disrespect robpzee612 robpzee612 #TeamAsianMen

I agree.

If you tell the story of pro wrestling, you have to mention his name.

I think we get caught up in this idea that speaking highly of his career means we are turning a blind eye to how "he" went out.

I say "he" because we knew his level of head trauma mixed with drug abuse moved him away from being who he actually was. (According to his friends).

But I agree, he should be in.
Sure, to a certain extent. I don’t think he should be erased from history and I can still watch his matches, but I don’t think we should publicly honor him either. I’ll just leave it at that.
agree no public honoring but erasing him for the network is kinda od imo
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