January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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#OPINFLUENCE can't be stopped man :smh:

Lio def still has some maturing to do. While I also don't agree with some of the dumb carny **** that takes place in that business, he's still acting like a child about it.

Hopefully a 2nd NXT run will humble him a bit.

I missed this segment, but after Drew told him to shut up, did he shut up? If so, yikes

..yup :lol: I'm a big fan of Ricochet, but they set him up to get exposed out there. Segement didn't do anything for him besides make him look like a goober.

I was about to say when did he have hair

BOOZER :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Man that NT thread was top 5

I gotta check this new Bray video

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ya think Lio is going to be happy going back to NXT? doing shows in front of a small crowd, setting and breaking down rings, etc
ya think Lio is going to be happy going back to NXT? doing shows in front of a small crowd, setting and breaking down rings, etc
Nobody would happy with that but let Niketalk Wrestling Dweebs tell it, getting sent to NXT isn't a demotion
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