January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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green rhino123 green rhino123

One of the GOAT NTWT gifs. :nthat:

Kurt just standing there so unassuming like he ain't got a care in the world, *exhales* then Triple H socks him. :lol:

Ain't watched a lick of Smackdown (still recovering from watching Raw). Saw a clip of My Cheerio attacking Caviar.

Still catching up on the thread hopefully there will be pics of this thicc black girl that was on Smackdown last night. :emoji_eyes:
Everyone is doing great. Little man busted his lip pretty nasty last week but it’s healing up nicely.

How are y’all doing?

We're doing good..Got us a new ride last weekend and Coop is playing his final band concert of the year this week..So can't complain..

I initially thought the second pic said peeing.

Had me like:


And someone needs to come get this people going the reddit captions.

"Charly and her big booty"

"Renee shaking"

And I see I was once again not @'d in Toni Storm and Naomi related posts. :smh:


What was the nickname Peep Game Peep Game gave him when he returned?


Prison Release Dean aka PRD. :lol:

LayzieBuns really bumped the old thread? He is washed.
I’d WASH you.
I would watch just like the usos's youngogjosh youngogjosh
can film IT

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