January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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Someone's ears are perking up now :nerd:



A couple points here:
Kaufman was as much or more of a wrestling 'mark' than anyone in this thread.
Kaufman was a master troll so to speak...he enjoyed the reactions. He enjoyed people not understanding this.
Before I forget again...

The Vice 'Gino Hernandez' episode is supposed to air tonight.
I'm gonna watch. Hopefully there will be a morsel of new info to glean.

I watched the Vice Brody doc and the only thing I can remember that I hadn't already heard
was that Brody was trying to buy into the territory.

I had heard before that Colon & Co. owed Brody money but not the ownership part of it.

And I hadn't seen Brody's full grown son before either....but that was about it.
They really just skimmed the surface imo and I was not impressed.
I hope the Gino Hernandez one is marginally better but we'll see...
Can someone give me a scouting report on Jimmy Havoc? Fighting style? Person? Etc........

@CleanestNdaCity :RE Liger's Style

Not to sound like a "Fan" but I enjoyed every style of Liger's. When I was younger, I enjoyed the flying a little more and that what where he was in his career. In 97, when he had the Tumor, he slowed down and started doing more of a technical style. I adjusted, got my flying from the WCW Luchadors, but still enjoyed Liger's deliberate style.

Speaking of his Brain Tumor, he was competing in the J-Crown at the time and he didn't want to pull-out of the tournament so this happened.

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