Japan 9.0 Mag. Quake/Tsunami -HAITI stands with Japan [vid]

Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Wow.... This really is eye opening ... Im so srry for the families over in Japan. I truly hope the best for all of them.
Originally Posted by Chrisphreezy

Crazy how an earthquake can cause so much additional damage and problems
Surprisingly, the actual earthquake really doesn't do as much damage as you would think. It's the damage done structurally to building and other man made objects that really cause the most harm and danger. When the New Madrid Earthquake occured in 1812, there were very few deaths just due to the fact that tallest building was literally 5 stories high and there were very little man mad objects in that area at the time. My thoughts and prayers go out to those in Japan and in general anyone who has been effected by this travesty.

Originally Posted by Chrisphreezy

Crazy how an earthquake can cause so much additional damage and problems
Surprisingly, the actual earthquake really doesn't do as much damage as you would think. It's the damage done structurally to building and other man made objects that really cause the most harm and danger. When the New Madrid Earthquake occured in 1812, there were very few deaths just due to the fact that tallest building was literally 5 stories high and there were very little man mad objects in that area at the time. My thoughts and prayers go out to those in Japan and in general anyone who has been effected by this travesty.

I would be straight Tokyo drift seeing that water coming for me!

That aerial footage of the water overtaking the farm is so incredible though.. the power of the ocean >
I would be straight Tokyo drift seeing that water coming for me!

That aerial footage of the water overtaking the farm is so incredible though.. the power of the ocean >
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68



ive thought about it...but its hard to see

where do they go from here...if theyre on a roof...how do they eat?  move around? its all news to us, forget about it and go about our day, but theyve been in this for 3 days straight
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68



ive thought about it...but its hard to see

where do they go from here...if theyre on a roof...how do they eat?  move around? its all news to us, forget about it and go about our day, but theyve been in this for 3 days straight
Originally Posted by finnns2003

And those fb statuses, everyone of those people deserves what's coming to them.

Dont worry about them, it's not like they'll ever be in positions to make a difference in the world. The idiots wouldn't learn a lesson no matter what comes to them; ignorance knows no bounds of stubbornness.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

And those fb statuses, everyone of those people deserves what's coming to them.

Dont worry about them, it's not like they'll ever be in positions to make a difference in the world. The idiots wouldn't learn a lesson no matter what comes to them; ignorance knows no bounds of stubbornness.

Shirakawa, Japan (CNN) -- Japanese authorities are operatingon the presumption that possible meltdowns are under way at two nuclearreactors, a government official said Sunday, adding that there havebeen no indications yet of hazardous emissions of radioactive materialinto the atmosphere.

The attempts to avert a possible nuclearcrisis, centered around the Fukushima Daiichi facility in northeastJapan, came as rescuers frantically scrambled to find survivorsfollowing the country's strongest-ever earthquake and a devastatingtsunami that, minutes later, brought crushing walls of water that wipedout nearly everything in their paths.

Chief Cabinet SecretaryYukio Edano told reporters there is a "possibility" of a meltdown atthe plant's No. 1 reactor, adding, "It is inside the reactor. We can'tsee." He then added that authorities are also "assuming the possibilityof a meltdown" at the facility's No. 3 reactor.

A meltdown is a catastrophic failure of the reactor core, with a potential for widespread radiation release.
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