Jay-Z / FreeMason

since i posted this in another related thread:

you can find hidden meaning in anything if you look hard enough. postmodern art has shown most of the time there's themes and "meaning" in artforms that the artist himself doesn't mean or even realize is there to begin with. it doesn't mean it was his conscious intent.

Jay-Z is not in the illuminati.
isnt there different levels???? i'm pretty sure some local ones dont know %!%* about the ones who are in it deep and who have the money and power
Originally Posted by LifeLessons

isnt there different levels???? i'm pretty sure some local ones dont know %!%* about the ones who are in it deep and who have the money and power

Yea 33 degree masons is the highest rank. people say they are the people who hold the illuminati power. well I guess that means Jesse Jackson is in theIlluminati. There are junkies out here that are 33rd degree masons doesnt mean anything really. 33rd degree masons is an honorary degree given to masons who doalot of charity.

Somewhere someone tied occult symbols, freemasons and New World order together. If people actually researched the occult theres nothing evil about it reallyexcept it goes aginst roman catholic beliefs.
Originally Posted by only HoHs collected

not what you wanna hear is it.
This guy I work with is a Mason. He wears a ring that has the mason symbol on it.
I asked if Jay-Z was a Mason, he said he didn't know, but if he talked to him he would be able to tell.
lol@biggie being a freemason.

was this before he had the lumberjack wit the hat to match?

dude was all of 25 years old. and black. and poor. and fat. and possibly smelly. i doubt he was 1.
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Somewhere skynet is systematically setting up their takeover....[/color]
Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Somewhere skynet is systematically setting up their takeover....[/color]

Hov sent them the Morse Code years ago

It's a wrap.
Lol at this thread being 8 pages yet there isn't one legitimate reason on why it even matters if he is or not.
Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

lol@biggie being a freemason.

was this before he had the lumberjack wit the hat to match?

dude was all of 25 years old. and black. and poor. and fat. and possibly smelly. i doubt he was 1.

and at the end of the day, hov and rhianna may be masons and spreading the evil and such... but...


WAIT!!! maybe chris knew something we didnt and beat rhianna early....
I think freemasonry is for a legitimately good cause until you start to get to the upper levels of it. At the entry levels, there are just a tight group ofpeople that look out for each other and do good deeds.

It would be significant if Jay-Z was in this because the guy has a TON of influence on a huge generation of people. These secret societies own us: they gotpeople watching the CBS Eye logo, with their pagan symbols in their wallets wearing shirts with pyramids and crap on it.
Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

I think freemasonry is for a legitimately good cause until you start to get to the upper levels of it. At the entry levels, there are just a tight group of people that look out for each other and do good deeds.

It would be significant if Jay-Z was in this because the guy has a TON of influence on a huge generation of people. These secret societies own us: they got people watching the CBS Eye logo, with their pagan symbols in their wallets wearing shirts with pyramids and crap on it.
like i said you could say the same about alot of popular artists. jays influence has been primarily positive, hes breaking down alot of doors foralot of people to make their way. as far as pop culture goes, fashion is where most of his influence is at. hes set alot of trends, but at the same time theyare just trends. i've heard alot of people talk about how we are becoming more enamored with evil and demonicthings simply because people are rocking ed hardy shirts, but the same goes for them as well. im not too concerned with jay being a mason and somehowinfluencing peoples thoughts/actions etc, i'm more concerned about things coming from the top-down, i.e. media moguls who control what we see/hear onwhatever form of media from around the world.
Originally Posted by kidposite

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

lol@biggie being a freemason.

was this before he had the lumberjack wit the hat to match?

dude was all of 25 years old. and black. and poor. and fat. and possibly smelly. i doubt he was 1.

and at the end of the day, hov and rhianna may be masons and spreading the evil and such... but...


WAIT!!! maybe chris knew something we didnt and beat rhianna early....

I love Big and all, but...


@ Possibly smelly.
Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

lol@biggie being a freemason.

was this before he had the lumberjack wit the hat to match?

dude was all of 25 years old. and black. and poor. and fat. and possibly smelly. i doubt he was 1.

and at the end of the day, hov and rhianna may be masons and spreading the evil and such... but...


WAIT!!! maybe chris knew something we didnt and beat rhianna early....
Are you a traveler?

Jay is there to promote more new age/occult/pagan symbols.
I think that symbol that he does with his hands is called a Marduk also known as a pyramid symbol. That symbol is associated with Nimrod from Babylon. httphttp://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?artid=295&letter=N&search=nimrod://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?artid=295&letter=N&search=nimrod

I have heard that Freemasonry is the teaching of the mystery schools of babylon. The rituals that occur in the lodges are the worship of isis. I think notall lodges probably worship isis. But I would like to know how many Freemasonry sec are there? i.e. the Scottish rite, french order, Russian order. justwondering.
I believe what you hear on History channel and Nat. Geo is mostly all disinfo. because they try to place all Freemason in one group when in reality there aremany sec's, right?
Hey Cartune, whats your opinion on History and Nat. Geo portraying of Freemason?
a lot of people think this stuff is a joke. this guy made some really good connections
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