Jay-Z / FreeMason

I just watched all 7 parts of this and I find very interesting. After seeing the videos, I believe Jay-z is a free mason. all the blueprint albums, the RD ofthe 3rd blueprint, the symbols, and the run this town video, are all linked to freesmasonry and that can't be just one big coincidence.
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by CuriousGeorg3

so whats the big deal if he even was a mason?

They think we're they're evil because the forefathers of the fraternity adopted a couple occult symbols. Nobody is checking Alpha Phi Alpha for using Anabis or Delta Sigma Theta for using the same triangle that the masons use. And everyone knows those chicks are evil
Shut up stupid. Omega Psi Phi uses Anubis.
What da hell did u really just skip the point i was making

yall dudes just skipping over people who say they have ties tofreemasons. Yea Jay is probably a mason so was this j who stole my phone 2 months ago. Stop gettin your info off youtube yall gone be stuck looking dumb.Masons arent a secret society "You want to be a Mason? Ask a Mason" it aint a secret people
I am a Mason. The best thing I ever did was join my lodge. I see a fellow mason, I know he has my back, that I can trust him…. Do you know the power that gives me? None… It only helps me rest easy at times. The trust is powerful, because of how rare it is…. Can you walk into any place, any place, and feel like you are with people that have your back? That you can leave your wife alone in a room full of men, and not worry about what will happen to her? Probably not. Because in this world they built we are supposed to hate each other while they take over…. They will never get me to hate on my brothers! But they will make it so no one ever joins, and our numbers disappear…
Jay z is not a Mason… He's duping you… I can't tell you how I know, because of our secrets… But as a Mason he breaks a rule no Mason would ever break… Trust me. He's pure disinformation…
From a supposed mason.
Originally Posted by RED FLAG

I am a Mason. The best thing I ever did was join my lodge. I see a fellow mason, I know he has my back, that I can trust him…. Do you know the power that gives me? None… It only helps me rest easy at times. The trust is powerful, because of how rare it is…. Can you walk into any place, any place, and feel like you are with people that have your back? That you can leave your wife alone in a room full of men, and not worry about what will happen to her? Probably not. Because in this world they built we are supposed to hate each other while they take over…. They will never get me to hate on my brothers! But they will make it so no one ever joins, and our numbers disappear…
Jay z is not a Mason… He's duping you… I can't tell you how I know, because of our secrets… But as a Mason he breaks a rule no Mason would ever break… Trust me. He's pure disinformation…
From a supposed mason.

*key word*
Word to Hov, wayne, Kanye, Etc. most of the industry music, acting, etc. all are a part of the illuminati. Even The great notorious b.i.g. was as well.

I thought this was known though.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

A particular politician that we all know has admitted to be in S&B IN an interview but refused to say anything about it. I cant remember his name but I saw the video a few days ago.
Bush AND Kerry

Skull and Bones....'that Yale thing'.
Originally Posted by blazersfan

Originally Posted by RED FLAG

I am a Mason. The best thing I ever did was join my lodge. I see a fellow mason, I know he has my back, that I can trust him…. Do you know the power that gives me? None… It only helps me rest easy at times. The trust is powerful, because of how rare it is…. Can you walk into any place, any place, and feel like you are with people that have your back? That you can leave your wife alone in a room full of men, and not worry about what will happen to her? Probably not. Because in this world they built we are supposed to hate each other while they take over…. They will never get me to hate on my brothers! But they will make it so no one ever joins, and our numbers disappear…
Jay z is not a Mason… He's duping you… I can't tell you how I know, because of our secrets… But as a Mason he breaks a rule no Mason would ever break… Trust me. He's pure disinformation…
From a supposed mason.
*key word*

I put that word there just so someone like you could highlight and bold it and say " key word" to discredit what he's saying
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Word to Hov, wayne, Kanye, Etc. most of the industry music, acting, etc. all are a part of the illuminati. Even The great notorious b.i.g. was as well.

I thought this was known though.

Masons dont run no music industry
BMF had more pull over Def Jam they was extorted the hell out of Jay I could go into it more. but how the hell is Jayassociates with Illuminati when BMF was running dude at Def Jam.
Yall need to just play your position yall dont know what is going on behind the scenesforreal

Yes Doug Morris is a mason he will tell you he's one. Any mason will let you know they are a mason. Yall fools need to get out of the house
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Word to Hov, wayne, Kanye, Etc. most of the industry music, acting, etc. all are a part of the illuminati. Even The great notorious b.i.g. was as well.

I thought this was known though.

Masons dont run no music industry
BMF had more pull over Def Jam they was extorted the hell out of Jay I could go into it more. but how the hell is Jay associates with Illuminati when BMF was running dude at Def Jam.
Yall need to just play your position yall dont know what is going on behind the scenes forreal

Yes Doug Morris is a mason he will tell you he's one. Any mason will let you know they are a mason. Yall fools need to get out of the house
Oh damn, Yay guys! We are in the presence of a superior, please enlighten us what goes on in behind the scenes

LoL @ the guy saying we need to get out of our house as he posts it on a friday night
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Word to Hov, wayne, Kanye, Etc. most of the industry music, acting, etc. all are a part of the illuminati. Even The great notorious b.i.g. was as well.

I thought this was known though.

Masons dont run no music industry
BMF had more pull over Def Jam they was extorted the hell out of Jay I could go into it more. but how the hell is Jay associates with Illuminati when BMF was running dude at Def Jam.
Yall need to just play your position yall dont know what is going on behind the scenes forreal

Yes Doug Morris is a mason he will tell you he's one. Any mason will let you know they are a mason. Yall fools need to get out of the house

And R.I.P to the dude that asked Bush if he was in skull and bones...
lol@biggie being a freemason.

was this before he had the lumberjack wit the hat to match?

dude was all of 25 years old. and black. and poor. and fat. and possibly smelly. i doubt he was 1.

and at the end of the day, hov and rhianna may be masons and spreading the evil and such... but...


WAIT!!! maybe chris knew something we didnt and beat rhianna early....
Originally Posted by CashmereThought96

hmm i dont wanna watch i follow too much of what the man does to get side tracked

but anyways from what i gather illuminati =/= freemason =/= skull and bones, sure they may be lumped into the umbrella of secret societies but that doesn'tmean they are one and the same. i dont know where this idea is coming from. whether or not jay-z is a freemason or not i could care less. i give him his propsbut that's where it stops. i would enjoy his music regardless. so lets assume he is, and everything in these videos is true, what kind of masonicmessages/influences do you think are being permeated from his music to you as a listener? and how does that really affect you? what is he saying or what areyou seeing that is really furthering along their message or their intentions? all it really does to you is make youmore aware of what other people think/believe in. millions of people buy jays music, so from that standpoint he has a following - people want to dress like hedresses, talk like he talks and so on - but you could say the same for any popular artist. you wear a rocawear shirt with some type of message on it (whetheror not understand what it is or not is irrelevant), but by you wearing that shirt somehow you are being controlled in some way? ****. people like it becauseits hot at the time. time passes and trends changed. jay-z mentions the return of the god or mentions lucifer in one of his tracks and people think he knowssomething that anybody with half a brain doesn't. how many times over the course of history have people thought the same things were going to happen, onlyfor time to pass, fears subside, and things remain the same. really i think he puts these things in his music to add layers to his artistry. so jay-z has ablack album cover that supposedly connects him to this idea of an antichrist or lucifer, or he spits on a track that he wants all-black everything, but really people dont buy his album because they feel some type of connection with all that, they like themusic. even if you understand the layers to his music and understand what he's saying with the metaphors and double-entendres and all that, what does thatreally do to you besides give you the
face or make you think a little.maybe im naive to think that people don't actually base all their thoughts/actions around some artist (save maybe 11-12 year olds' because we were allimpressionable at that age).
you know good thread man. we all have our conspiracy beliefs and what not. and im kinda imformed about it.

i mean N.O.W ,back of the dollar bill. one govemrent one currency. george washington one of the first president thats a freemason.
all this stuff is scary.

i mean when the age of aquarious ends in 2012 thats when a new govemrnet comes i beleive. the 'Microchip'

and yeah those freemason worship centers are real. ive seen a couple by my city. wat ever they do their not our bussines.
Originally Posted by truubrasilian33

you know good thread man. we all have our conspiracy beliefs and what not. and im kinda imformed about it.

i mean N.O.W ,back of the dollar bill. one govemrent one currency. george washington one of the first president thats a freemason.
all this stuff is scary.

and yeah those freemason worship centers are real. ive seen a couple by my city. wat ever they do their not our bussines.
If America was started by Crips alot of stuff in America (I know yall will just miss the whole point
) would have crip influence ya dig? Masonry is a fraternity it just so happensthat SOME of the country's forefathers were part of the fraternity so they put their influence in the country they helped found. The statue of liberty wasa gift from a mason in france it has a masonic meaning.

Roosevelt and his Vice President Henry Wallace were both a 32 or 33 degree Masons. he put the eye of providence on the bill because he believe in one Godoverseeing the nation Its nothing to be afraid of

Freemason worship centers. Freemasonry isnt a religion.

Obama aint a mason George Bush wasnt either so if this whole world domination thing is what the masons want. looks like the masons losing right now
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