Jay-Z, Gay Marriage: Obama's New Stance Is 'The Right Thing To Do' (VIDEO)

Originally Posted by Deuce King

   First Huey P. Newton, now Jay-Z

All your heroes are going to the dark side
You must really think all black people follow under one leader or march to the beat of one person don't you??
learn2 reading comprehension

One by one, black leaders are speaking out in favor of this. You think you know more about civil rights than Huey Newton?
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by AntBanks81

I really don't care anymore about any opinion of anyone. However, I wish they would stop comparing it the racial discrimination of blacks. IT IS NOT THE SAME! People are born black, whether they like it or not. People are not born homosexual, it is a choice.

people like you who just choose to be ignorant really are the worst kind of person.
It's not a choice to be ignorant!  He was born and raised that way.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

   First Huey P. Newton, now Jay-Z

All your heroes are going to the dark side
You must really think all black people follow under one leader or march to the beat of one person don't you??
Why did you even bother responding to that drug addict?
Originally Posted by RetroSan

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

I can't believe some people still think being gay is a choice. It's a chemical imbalance/chromosome issue that leads to homosexuality.

 do you have proof? (srs)

You just need to google and you'll find tons of articles published by major news outlets about brain makeup and chemical differences in homosexuals.

Or you could research about how same sex intercourse is common amongst hundreds of species of animals.  Unless of course they're just making a lifestyle choice.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by Deuce King

   First Huey P. Newton, now Jay-Z

All your heroes are going to the dark side
You must really think all black people follow under one leader or march to the beat of one person don't you??
learn2 reading comprehension

One by one, black leaders are speaking out in favor of this. You think you know more about civil rights than Huey Newton?

Dude, your not even black so don't even worry about what "our leaders" are doing or saying as it doesn't pertain to you 
.  I know deep down you want to be black but at the end of the day you just have to realize that your not.  We appreciate you enjoying the culture however, you can continue to do that.  As far as Huey Newton goes, just look at how he went out.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

I can't believe some people still think being gay is a choice. It's a chemical imbalance/chromosome issue that leads to homosexuality.
da bible told dem so

Lol at not being black so don't listen to black leaders. I guess non blacks should only listen when it's convenient for YOUR cause.
Why couldn't they take their civil unions and be done with this issue years ago?
What's with the relentless efforts to call it a "marriage?"

It's not a marriage, and I don't support anything or anybody calling it such...

...no one's against their equality, but I'll always be against calling that union a "marriage."
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by Deuce King

   First Huey P. Newton, now Jay-Z

All your heroes are going to the dark side
You must really think all black people follow under one leader or march to the beat of one person don't you??
learn2 reading comprehension

One by one, black leaders are speaking out in favor of this. You think you know more about civil rights than Huey Newton?

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Why couldn't they take their civil unions and be done with this issue years ago?
What's with the relentless efforts to call it a "marriage?"

It's not a marriage, and I don't support anything or anybody calling it such...

...no one's against their equality, but I'll always be against calling that union a "marriage."

Well, that's not equality then. You can't have it both ways, either they're equal or they aren't.

How would you feel if your daughter/son were gay? Wouldn't you want them to have the same benefits of a couple gets with marriage, just like everyone else?
Originally Posted by Regis

Lol at not being black so don't listen to black leaders. I guess non blacks should only listen when it's convenient for YOUR cause.

No, that statement of mines only applies to an dee 51o, from statements and posts he made before in the past.............which he knows about. 

Why people acting like you have to agree with EVERYTHING with someone you look up to?

Exactly, folks act like you have to agree with EVERYTHING somebody says, whether you vote for that person into office or if you like them.  I'm sure folks in here don't agree with everything a close family member says or does so why would you not think the same for a politician or a celebrity.


You think you know more about civil rights than Huey Newton?

I damn sure know more about civil rights than you.  You don't experience it, and most likely never will.

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by Nike Jordan

I guess Jay Z. must be saying it political gain too, right?
That's the only reason he said that.
 @ anyone actually believing him.  Have you heard some of his lyrics and the way he uses the F word for homosexuals in an ignorant/derogatory way?  And now he supports Gay Marriage.. .yeah OK! 
22 Twos, Jigga What, Jigga Who, Heart of the City, and Takeover are the only songs I could find with him using the F word..
Out of 11 albums.
Try again..
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Why couldn't they take their civil unions and be done with this issue years ago?
What's with the relentless efforts to call it a "marriage?"

It's not a marriage, and I don't support anything or anybody calling it such...

...no one's against their equality, but I'll always be against calling that union a "marriage."

Can someone urban dictionary "EQUALITY" for this dude?
Originally Posted by 7thAve btn 31stN33rd St

Why people acting like you have to agree with EVERYTHING with someone you look up to? 

@fraij will do
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by Deuce King

   First Huey P. Newton, now Jay-Z

All your heroes are going to the dark side
You must really think all black people follow under one leader or march to the beat of one person don't you??
Why did you even bother responding to that drug addict?

Because this drug addict has a higher IQ, more sense, and is obviously making better points than you. All you do is post one sentence "BOO HOO I'M TIRED OF DA BLACK STRUGGLE BEING COMPARED TO THE GAY STRUGGLE." Every thread. You have nothing to contribute because you have no argument.
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Why couldn't they take their civil unions and be done with this issue years ago?
What's with the relentless efforts to call it a "marriage?"

It's not a marriage, and I don't support anything or anybody calling it such...

...no one's against their equality, but I'll always be against calling that union a "marriage."
Because Christians seem to think they invented marriage. No, sorry. That was occurring long before Jesus.
Originally Posted by JordanXI45

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Why couldn't they take their civil unions and be done with this issue years ago?
What's with the relentless efforts to call it a "marriage?"

It's not a marriage, and I don't support anything or anybody calling it such...

...no one's against their equality, but I'll always be against calling that union a "marriage."

Well, that's not equality then. You can't have it both ways, either they're equal or they aren't.

How would you feel if your daughter/son were gay? Wouldn't you want them to have the same benefits of marriage, just like everyone else?
i doubt he'll give you a straight (no pun intended) answer
he'll use bible quotes, talk about how homosexuality is a "choice" and generally try and hide behind walls like everyone else who hates something/somebody but they dont really know why outside of "because they are icky" maybe.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

You think you know more about civil rights than Huey Newton?

I damn sure know more about civil rights than you.  You don't experience it, and most likely never will.

We're not talking about me, we're talking about Huey P. Newton. One of the most famous and influential people in the fight for civil rights, speaking about a civil rights issue.

So my question still stands: Do you know more about civil rights than Huey?
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Why couldn't they take their civil unions and be done with this issue years ago?
What's with the relentless efforts to call it a "marriage?"

It's not a marriage, and I don't support anything or anybody calling it such...

...no one's against their equality, but I'll always be against calling that union a "marriage."
If no one is against their equality, why do you want to keep them from having the ability to wed like straight couples?  "You can't have marriage BUT because you're different you can have a civil union."  Please don't refer to the bible's definition of marriage or that marriage is rooted in religion because, among other reasons, there's no outrage over non-religious straight couples getting married, is there?
And I always wonder when this issue comes up...is it really about homosexuality or is it really just about two dudes?  I never see this directed towards lesbian couples, it's always "da booty pirates".

Regarding race/civil rights/homosexuality, I don't think that MOST are claiming that they are the same but there clearly are parallels in that it is an antiquated belief that this group of people is not equal and does not deserve the same rights though I do understand that in the grand scheme of things the civil rights movement was more significant.  I don't care whether it's Jay Z, Obama or a religious leader stating this belief but it's not unfair to mention both movements in the same breath.
Here's what pisses me off about anyone who thinks homosexuals are second class citizens, and let's face it, that's what is being implied. It's your arrogance. It's your wanting to deny someone the same liberties to express their love in the ways you do. You cling to your bibles or your hatred, if there is a difference at this point, and at some point you have decided that YOUR love is more legitimate than theirs. Somewhere you have become so deluded in your thought process to where you have saddled up with the idea that ALL LOVE SHOULD BE LIKE YOUR LOVE! Sadly for the hateful, that simply isn't the case. Love is love. It always seems to me that the hate-filled often forget what it's like to fall in love. It doesn't always happen how you want it or at the most convenient time. There isn't a greater force than love, The feeling is undeniable. It's the greatest feeling in the world to know what reciprocated love is. Your life changes. To those who oppose same-sex marriages, what makes your love more real than anyone else's? How did you arrive at the point where you think your love is better than anyone else who happens to love someone of the same sex? Your adherence to antiquated social constructs or a book filled with hate is sad at best. This isn't about the 'sanctity of marriage.' This is about love, and somewhere along the line you have forgotten what love is. Marriage, to those who believe in it, is the ultimate expression of love. Why deny anyone that happiness? Why deny anyone the feeling you get when you want to proclaim to all of the world and whatever god you believe in that you want a lifetime with someone you think is worthy of sharing your name and your life? Is your uncomfortableness or hatred more important than someone's happiness. I truly don't get it. Thump your bibles or beat your homophobic chests all you want, but this all comes down to love. Congrats on finding LOVE of the convenient kind. You are lucky and arrogant.
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Why couldn't they take their civil unions and be done with this issue years ago?
What's with the relentless efforts to call it a "marriage?"

It's not a marriage, and I don't support anything or anybody calling it such...

...no one's against their equality, but I'll always be against calling that union a "marriage."

So? Who cares what you're against. It's not about you.
In less than 10-15 years it will be considered a marriage in all the states. What are you doing to do? Move to another country because of something that doesn't even effect you?
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