Jay-Z, Gay Marriage: Obama's New Stance Is 'The Right Thing To Do' (VIDEO)

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Nothing like a good ol 'whose had it worse' pissing match. It always strikes me weird that African Americans are trying to monopolize civil rights movements. Get over yourself! DOES ANYONE EVER DISAGREE THAT AFRICAN AMERICANS WERE PERSECUTED WORSE? Has anyone ever denied that? The irrelevancy astounds me. Jesus @$%@*!% christ, it seems to me that those who have been persecuted would be the first to empathize with someone receiving false judgments! There is no prize to the 'We had it worse' argument. The prize is in equality. It sickens me that gets overlooked due to groups not wanting to detract from their own past struggles. WE GET IT! You had it worse, now look inside yourself to at least recognize the similarities.
@ "You've never experienced civil rights"

Black people are not the only people to get persecuted in this country
There's always those few idiots who start shedding tears when people bring up this fact. You'd think being persecuted would make them more open to other people's troubles, but instead they wear it like a badge of honor. "We had it the worst, so @#$% off with your struggles."
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Nothing like a good ol 'whose had it worse' pissing match. It always strikes me weird that African Americans are trying to monopolize civil rights movements. Get over yourself! DOES ANYONE EVER DISAGREE THAT AFRICAN AMERICANS WERE PERSECUTED WORSE? Has anyone ever denied that? The irrelevancy astounds me. Jesus @$%@*!% christ, it seems to me that those who have been persecuted would be the first to empathize with someone receiving false judgments! There is no prize to the 'We had it worse' argument. The prize is in equality. It sickens me that gets overlooked due to groups not wanting to detract from their own past struggles. WE GET IT! You had it worse, now look inside yourself to at least recognize the similarities.

Hit the nail on the damn head
Hendrix Watermelon wrote:

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Nothing like a good ol 'whose had it worse' pissing match. It always strikes me weird that African Americans are trying to monopolize civil rights movements. Get over yourself! DOES ANYONE EVER DISAGREE THAT AFRICAN AMERICANS WERE PERSECUTED WORSE? Has anyone ever denied that? The irrelevancy astounds me. Jesus @$%@*!% christ, it seems to me that those who have been persecuted would be the first to empathize with someone receiving false judgments! There is no prize to the 'We had it worse' argument. The prize is in equality. It sickens me that gets overlooked due to groups not wanting to detract from their own past struggles. WE GET IT! You had it worse, now look inside yourself to at least recognize the similarities.

Hit the nail on the damn head

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Nothing like a good ol 'whose had it worse' pissing match. It always strikes me weird that African Americans are trying to monopolize civil rights movements. Get over yourself! DOES ANYONE EVER DISAGREE THAT AFRICAN AMERICANS WERE PERSECUTED WORSE? Has anyone ever denied that? The irrelevancy astounds me. Jesus @$%@*!% christ, it seems to me that those who have been persecuted would be the first to empathize with someone receiving false judgments! There is no prize to the 'We had it worse' argument. The prize is in equality. It sickens me that gets overlooked due to groups not wanting to detract from their own past struggles. WE GET IT! You had it worse, now look inside yourself to at least recognize the similarities.

ScarsOrScabs wrote:
Originally Posted by cartune

ScarsOrScabs wrote:
Hmmm...maybe you should follow your own advice.  I asked a rhetorical question just as you did.

Look up it went over your head
Once again, proving my point.
Since you want to make this an angry, mistreated black man vs. gay white man thing, no, they are not equal.

Do you expect that if gay marriage becomes legalized that gay men will all of a sudden be treated equally?  Will those narrow-minded folks who are focused only on yourself all of a sudden respect and treat homosexuals as equal?

1. Im not angry...at all

2. Im not against gay marriage. Im not going out of my way to support it either.

3. Im against hypocrites who act like there Mother Teresa and defend gay rights, claim its a civil rights issue but are nowhere to be found when other types of people are discriminated against
Originally Posted by LyonBC1

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Nothing like a good ol 'whose had it worse' pissing match. It always strikes me weird that African Americans are trying to monopolize civil rights movements. Get over yourself! DOES ANYONE EVER DISAGREE THAT AFRICAN AMERICANS WERE PERSECUTED WORSE? Has anyone ever denied that? The irrelevancy astounds me. Jesus @$%@*!% christ, it seems to me that those who have been persecuted would be the first to empathize with someone receiving false judgments! There is no prize to the 'We had it worse' argument. The prize is in equality. It sickens me that gets overlooked due to groups not wanting to detract from their own past struggles. WE GET IT! You had it worse, now look inside yourself to at least recognize the similarities.
Lol don't lump all of us in together but this is the truth, end of discussion, there's no trophy to be awarded for having it worse than another group that is/was being discriminated against
My intention wasn't to lump everyone in at all.  I am sorry if my post implied that. 
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by LyonBC1

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Nothing like a good ol 'whose had it worse' pissing match. It always strikes me weird that African Americans are trying to monopolize civil rights movements. Get over yourself! DOES ANYONE EVER DISAGREE THAT AFRICAN AMERICANS WERE PERSECUTED WORSE? Has anyone ever denied that? The irrelevancy astounds me. Jesus @$%@*!% christ, it seems to me that those who have been persecuted would be the first to empathize with someone receiving false judgments! There is no prize to the 'We had it worse' argument. The prize is in equality. It sickens me that gets overlooked due to groups not wanting to detract from their own past struggles. WE GET IT! You had it worse, now look inside yourself to at least recognize the similarities.
Lol don't lump all of us in together but this is the truth, end of discussion, there's no trophy to be awarded for having it worse than another group that is/was being discriminated against
My intention wasn't to lump everyone in at all.  I am sorry if my post implied that. 
Nah I know I was kidding, but that was the straight up truth though 
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Nothing like a good ol 'whose had it worse' pissing match. It always strikes me weird that African Americans are trying to monopolize civil rights movements. Get over yourself! DOES ANYONE EVER DISAGREE THAT AFRICAN AMERICANS WERE PERSECUTED WORSE? Has anyone ever denied that? The irrelevancy astounds me. Jesus @$%@*!% christ, it seems to me that those who have been persecuted would be the first to empathize with someone receiving false judgments! There is no prize to the 'We had it worse' argument. The prize is in equality. It sickens me that gets overlooked due to groups not wanting to detract from their own past struggles. WE GET IT! You had it worse, now look inside yourself to at least recognize the similarities.
Cue the Dwayne Johnson standing ovation gif
Originally Posted by Nowitzness41

What a hypocrite, you know damb well hes only saying this and backing him because hes black. It bugs the crap outta me how so many people back him and agree with everything he says just because of his skin color- talking about "thats my president" - why? Are you full of crap and talk out your behind like he does too?

Clearly you know nothing.
Originally Posted by cartune

ScarsOrScabs wrote:
Originally Posted by cartune

Look up it went over your head
Once again, proving my point.
Since you want to make this an angry, mistreated black man vs. gay white man thing, no, they are not equal.

Do you expect that if gay marriage becomes legalized that gay men will all of a sudden be treated equally?  Will those narrow-minded folks who are focused only on yourself all of a sudden respect and treat homosexuals as equal?
1. Im not angry...at all

2. Im not against gay marriage. Im not going out of my way to support it either.

3. Im against hypocrites who act like there Mother Teresa and defend gay rights, claim its a civil rights issue but are nowhere to be found when other types of people are discriminated against
A school board member in Cali just called Trayvon Martin the F bomb. A gay black kid in VA was kicked outta school for wearing heels....i didn't see GLAAD say anything condemning those actions. 
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Nothing like a good ol 'whose had it worse' pissing match. It always strikes me weird that African Americans are trying to monopolize civil rights movements. Get over yourself! DOES ANYONE EVER DISAGREE THAT AFRICAN AMERICANS WERE PERSECUTED WORSE? Has anyone ever denied that? The irrelevancy astounds me. Jesus @$%@*!% christ, it seems to me that those who have been persecuted would be the first to empathize with someone receiving false judgments! There is no prize to the 'We had it worse' argument. The prize is in equality. It sickens me that gets overlooked due to groups not wanting to detract from their own past struggles. WE GET IT! You had it worse, now look inside yourself to at least recognize the similarities.
watch out, someone of these ignorant kids might start calling you Zimmerman for speaking truth.
Originally Posted by SFC415

@ "You've never experienced civil rights"

Black people are not the only people to get persecuted in this country
There's always those few idiots who start shedding tears when people bring up this fact. You'd think being persecuted would make them more open to other people's troubles, but instead they wear it like a badge of honor. "We had it the worst, so @#$% off with your struggles."

Black people are definitely open to other people's troubles.  With that being said we are just against people out right trying to claim or draw a direct parallel to something that they weren't apart of for us back in the day or something that they aren't even remotely close to experiencing today.  

it seems to me that those who have been persecuted would be the first to empathize with someone receiving false judgments! There is no prize to the 'We had it worse' argument.
That's real easy for you and others to say champ, your on the outside looking in.  

you know damb well hes only saying this and backing him because hes black. It bugs the crap outta me how so many people back him and agree with everything he says just because of his skin color- talking about "thats my president" -
Just like I said earlier, and it pertains to this post above..................

"You must really think all black people follow under one leader or march to the beat of one person don't you??
It just annoys me. It smacks of this weird entitlement. Like due to past discriminations, there are groups that think they get to hold claim to being THE MOST PERSECUTED, as if acknowledging another group's struggle for equality diminishes their past struggles. No one is trying to revise history. No one is trying to co-opt the African American Civil Rights Movement to further any agenda other than EQUALITY. No one is trying to take away from the atrocities that were committed against African Americans. To my knowledge, African Americans don't own any trademarks or patents on Civil Rights. If 'my people' had endured hardships, and another community was seeking rights they should be entitled to, I can't imagine being so incensed by anyone drawing comparisons to my movement when equality is to gain. It wreaks of selfishness. It's sad to me that ANYONE would rather continuously disregard a movement based on it's not being 100% the same.
Originally Posted by cartune

Single white gay man vs. Single straight black man

Who's treated better in America? Who's more likely to get a job? Who has more RIGHTS?

Stop acting like yall care about equal rights. Cause if this was a black discrimination issue. None of you would be as passionate

There's a difference between de jure and de facto discrimination. In other words, there's a difference between equal rights and equal treatment.
Originally Posted by Nowitzness41

Where did i say anything like that-

Your words.................

"you know damb well hes only saying this and backing him because hes black. It bugs the crap outta me how so many people back him and agree with everything he says just because of his skin color- talking about "thats my president" -"

Also, not only is that my President but that's YOUR President too Nowitzness41.  As far as I'm concerned I expect 1 or more Obama posters to be hanging up in your house in recognition of this. 
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Nothing like a good ol 'whose had it worse' pissing match. It always strikes me weird that African Americans are trying to monopolize civil rights movements. Get over yourself! DOES ANYONE EVER DISAGREE THAT AFRICAN AMERICANS WERE PERSECUTED WORSE? Has anyone ever denied that? The irrelevancy astounds me. Jesus @$%@*!% christ, it seems to me that those who have been persecuted would be the first to empathize with someone receiving false judgments! There is no prize to the 'We had it worse' argument. The prize is in equality. It sickens me that gets overlooked due to groups not wanting to detract from their own past struggles. WE GET IT! You had it worse, now look inside yourself to at least recognize the similarities.

Yes, he is my president at the moment- and I support him as such
That's good to hear

and I didnt back him in the last election and wont in this upcoming one either
That's not good to hear.

I cant tell you how many people in my city I have argued with who acknowledge that he has made things worse

Other than our national debt growing, what exactly has Obama made worse from prior??  I see your point somewhat on folks voting for him just because, but at the end of the day if people feel like Obama is the lesser of two evils then I see nothing wrong with that. 
Not only are all civil rights movements connected but also each one is an inspiration to the others. Research the political and philosophical underpinnings of your favorite activist's ideology. Undoubtedly, what's past is prologue.
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