Ok, now ish is really about to get good. 
Draya not eem safe :rofl:

Is cool tho, Scandrick can't eem catch a receiver, let alone catch a beating.
Woooooooo lord

Her whole body language is off. Notice how Jay-Z keeps trying to scoot next to her and she steps away EVERY time.
Shes seeing right through him, and he keeping looking at the ground in defeat.

Yep what I was initially thinking too, sucks we won't get the complete context though bc Solange seemed like she had been holding on to that fury for a WHILE man, them hits came as soon as he entered the elevator. Either that, or Beyonce isn't the type to stand up for herself like that and Solange wasn't having "it" anymore...tough to tell w/o sound
So what I'm hearing from someone close to the situation (i feel like Stephen A. Smith lol) is that Jay has been beating Bey for a minute now and goes on boning sprees with side chicks. Solo is already off her rocker, so something happened that triggered her blow up.

Bey and Jay have been in turmoil for a min now. Supposedly she had her ring tat removed, and even Jay makes references on MGHG about their problems.

Anyways, thought id share.....
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: OK
The only L taken here was by Bey tbh
L's all around with the smallest L going to Beyonce. Jay shouldn't have hit her, but he also shouldn't have put himself in that situation publicly. **** like this has to happen at home. Solange looks like a bird who caught her man at the club. Beyonce should have left with her husband, word to Hillary Clinton. Besides that, she handled it like it was a mishap while performing, acting like it never happened. 

Can't imagine my wife just standing there. 
Welp. Looks like Ty Ty gets tickets to the heat game tonight . I doubt jay will be court side.
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I don't fault Jay Z for his reaction. I don't even fault the bodyguard. I'm sure he was holding her and she was screaming GTF off of me. He let her go and she sparked up again. Beyonce is either fatigued from them always getting into it, or she's allowing her sister to fight her battle. I know damn well they never would have gotten into separate cars if they had ANY inkling this video would come out.
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