Jay-Z Says Conspiracy Theorists Are Stupid - and that he's not rockin' with satan

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Not going to belabor the point any more than necessary. I've said my piece.

Originally Posted by IKnowRap

V Exclusive: "On To The Next One" Director Sets The Record Straight
VIBE.COM By: jkennedy Posted 1-13-2010 9:00 am


When Jay-Z's "On To The Next One" video premiered New Year's Eve, the black-and-white clip, with its ominous images of animal horns, crucifixes, and skulls, sparked a barrage of conspiratorial questions. Was Jigga a Freemason? Was the clip backed by the all-powerful Illuminati? And just how in the hell did Jay get the new Jaguar XJ before it even hit the U.S.? Award-winning UK-based video director Sam Brown, the visionary behind clips for Corinne Bailey Rae ("Put Your Records On"), James Blunt ("You're Beautiful") and the Foo Fighters ("Wheels"), has the answers to all those questions and more. After all, the man directed Jay's avant-garde statement. Brown goes on the record. --Keith Murphy





Touché. So what was the overall direction Jay was looking for?
He gave me a very loose brief, and made it clear that we should be progressive with the video. All the imagery was thought up by me and was a response to the track itself. For those interested, the idea is actually about a funeral for old imagery and ideas, hence all the gothic and oppressive stuff. I was also trying to contradict the excess of hip-hop videos by making something brutally simple and claustrophobic.

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Bottom line....there's mad symbolism in there. The video basically served as a ritual, wrapping up last year and preparing for the new year. Tarot/playing card, burning of objects associated with Jay's finance, The burning ball traveling to Malkuth, 00 on the girls jersey, the joker symbolism. Its real layered and works on a couple different levels. Pretty ingenious stuff in there.
The floor and officers represented Sephiroth, and initiation from 0=0 to 5=6 represented the upward ascent from Malkuth to Tiphareth.
The interpretation can go as far or as shallow as your knowledge base.

But don't get mad at me for informing you of it.

If you don't care about that stuff, thats fine. Neither do I.

Take it how you want to take it.

HueyP in LouieV wrote:


Ace of Spades: One chapter comes to a close, but another begins.

On to the next one...

yes, but that's the director's vision. not jay's...

jay told him what he wanted. the director drew up a series of ideas, presented them to jay and asked him if he liked them, he said "yeah thats cool"and they moved on from there.

it has nothing to do with jay-z trying to represent baphomet, pay tribute to freemasonry (jay's not a mason), or celebrate any other occult or secularassociation like the majority of people on here think it does. it's just him doing what he thinks looks cool as an artist.

i understand as well as anyone that art contains meaning and interpretation that the artist creating it may have never intended. i studied post-modernism inart, film, and literature for years and i'd be able to drag out hundreds of themes from any one jay song as well. and i know you understand this huey. the problem is the majority of people on here who harp on your every word don't.

they take what you say as gospel, so when you point out imagery present in something they don't understand that it may be as inadvertent as it isintentional, they think when you point out the presence of satanic imagery and connections that can be made to archaic alchemy, masonry, and other things itmeans jay MEANT for those things to be there and therefore it DEFINITELY means that he's part of some occult society when that's not (necessarily) thecase.

i know you understand that imagery, ideas, and themes can stand independent of the creator's intentions but it's important that you explain it to allthose taking in your interpretations and analyses of things.
I don't think you give people enough credit.

I try my best to pull people away from the "illumanti" and devil worship ignorance and hip them to things can actually help them in their lifejourney.

But its seems no matter what I say, it gets labeled as a conspiracy theory.

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

DoubleJs07 wrote:
Is there anywhere along the line where someone can pinpoint where exactly Jay started using symbolism towards the illuminati etc in his videos/raps?

The word and term "illumanti" is a misnomer fam. Don't get wrapped up in that and the misinformation that comes along with it.

Jay is not part of the "illumanti", that term itself hold very little weight, except when used a placer for a larger concept.

This is older and deeper than freemasonry and the so-called Illuminati....this is about life and the principles which govern it. Its not about devil worship and paranoia.

Its about the search for knowledge, truth and understanding, not a conspiracy theory.

Enlightenment is a personal, spiritual and physical process. Its not something thats done by posting on internet messageboards.

Don't get caught up with these Youtube clips, tweets and blogger comments. Mysticism and metaphysics are as old and as real as human existence.

I don't think I can be any clearer than I already am.

I offered insight on the video minutes after it dropped and the pages of hate and mocking followed from close minded people. Now the director comes out andstates exactly what I outlined and suddenly the hecklers go silent. Is that not irresponsibility? Why were those same posters (yourself included), who were soquick to tell people that everything was speculative reaching, not as equally concerned about explaining their stance or making concessions once the earliertheories were verified by the artist himself.
Huey, they just don't understand (and no I'm not suggesting that I am "enlightened" or anything of the sort)

People seem content with half-truths and would rather just latch onto one notion and run with it. As an artist myself (visual, not music) I understand thepower of symbols etc this is why I can vouch for what Huey is saying. It's astounding the number of people I do logos/tees for that don't even questiona certain symbol I came up with and just go "oh that's cool, it looks dope!!"
I think I'm gonna read up on Baphomet. I see references to it/him/whatever in a lot of his videos and I just wannaknow why. Huey, I'd hit you up via PM with questions and all that, but I'm sure you get too many already, right?

And another thing...I just watched the making of Jay Z's "99 Problems" because mentioning Rick Rubinearlier in the thread made me realize he actually helped make the song. So I watched it, and I stand by my statement that Rick is really weird. Anybackground info on this dude?
Yo this whole situation is comedy

All the high schoolers and hood ninjas who get their news coverage from mediatakeout and WSHH are on Facebook going wild talking about this $%**. Just 2 weeksago they were quoting "run this town" in their status now their on some radical "Don't listen to Kanye Rihanna and Jay-Z" type steezand I'm trying to figure out if their serious or some hidden NT member
Originally Posted by GuttaGetsBusy

Yo this whole situation is comedy

All the high schoolers and hood ninjas who get their news coverage from mediatakeout and WSHH are on Facebook going wild talking about this $%**. Just 2 weeks ago they were quoting "run this town" in their status now their on some radical "Don't listen to Kanye Rihanna and Jay-Z" type steez and I'm trying to figure out if their serious or some hidden NT member
I swear a month ago, this talk of Jay Z bein a devil worshiper (or part of the Illuminati and/or aMason...and Jaz-O
) was restricted to a few obscure vids on YouTube and here on NT...now it has spread like wildfire to the point where he had to speak onit in an interview. The power of the internet...
Originally Posted by Nako XL

yes, but that's the director's vision. not jay's...

jay told him what he wanted. the director drew up a series of ideas, presented them to jay and asked him if he liked them, he said "yeah thats cool" and they moved on from there.

it has nothing to do with jay-z trying to represent baphomet, pay tribute to freemasonry (jay's not a mason), or celebrate any other occult or secular association like the majority of people on here think it does. it's just him doing what he thinks looks cool as an artist.

i understand as well as anyone that art contains meaning and interpretation that the artist creating it may have never intended. i studied post-modernism in art, film, and literature for years and i'd be able to drag out hundreds of themes from any one jay song as well. and i know you understand this huey. the problem is the majority of people on here who harp on your every word don't.

they take what you say as gospel, so when you point out imagery present in something they don't understand that it may be as inadvertent as it is intentional, they think when you point out the presence of satanic imagery and connections that can be made to archaic alchemy, masonry, and other things it means jay MEANT for those things to be there and therefore it DEFINITELY means that he's part of some occult society when that's not (necessarily) the case.

i know you understand that imagery, ideas, and themes can stand independent of the creator's intentions but it's important that you explain it to all those taking in your interpretations and analyses of things.

How do you know these things? You say it is a director putting these things in his video and that they have no meaning for him, they jusy look cool to him? You are really just jumping to conclusions, and based on what? You really have no more insight than those claiming he worships the devil. This is not thefirst video of his with such images, when there is a pattern you can't really blame it on a director or things just looking cool. To even be aware of someof the stuff he presents you have to have looked into it. Bottom line is that there is occult symbolism in some of his vids, it may not mean the he rockswith the devil or is part of the nwo but to say he is just doing what looks cool is a bit naive. Some blindly accept the conspiracy theories, some blindlyreject. Just obtain knowledge and make your own judgements. It's not a black and white situation. It is not beyond the realm of possibility that jayknows exactly what all this stuff means and that he is doing it on purpose but that its everyone else who doesn't know what it means and relates it toevil. It's not devil worship or nothing, theres a gray area to this discussion.

Originally Posted by IM A HELION

I think I'm gonna read up on Baphomet. I see references to it/him/whatever in a lot of his videos and I just wanna know why. Huey, I'd hit you up via PM with questions and all that, but I'm sure you get too many already, right?

And another thing...I just watched the making of Jay Z's "99 Problems" because mentioning Rick Rubin earlier in the thread made me realize he actually helped make the song. So I watched it, and I stand by my statement that Rick is really weird. Any background info on this dude?

Baphomet is a tough one to read up on. In the final analysis there is no known point of origin for the word, which is even more intriguing. But i do know thecommonly represented goat form is a relatively new depiction of the being. It originally took a few different forms. I don't think it was ever meant tobe a goat until it was meshed with the pagan sabatic goat in i think the 1600s.
Originally Posted by FrankMatthews

Originally Posted by Nako XL

yes, but that's the director's vision. not jay's...

jay told him what he wanted. the director drew up a series of ideas, presented them to jay and asked him if he liked them, he said "yeah thats cool" and they moved on from there.

it has nothing to do with jay-z trying to represent baphomet, pay tribute to freemasonry (jay's not a mason), or celebrate any other occult or secular association like the majority of people on here think it does. it's just him doing what he thinks looks cool as an artist.

i understand as well as anyone that art contains meaning and interpretation that the artist creating it may have never intended. i studied post-modernism in art, film, and literature for years and i'd be able to drag out hundreds of themes from any one jay song as well. and i know you understand this huey. the problem is the majority of people on here who harp on your every word don't.

they take what you say as gospel, so when you point out imagery present in something they don't understand that it may be as inadvertent as it is intentional, they think when you point out the presence of satanic imagery and connections that can be made to archaic alchemy, masonry, and other things it means jay MEANT for those things to be there and therefore it DEFINITELY means that he's part of some occult society when that's not (necessarily) the case.

i know you understand that imagery, ideas, and themes can stand independent of the creator's intentions but it's important that you explain it to all those taking in your interpretations and analyses of things.

How do you know these things? You say it is a director putting these things in his video and that they have no meaning for him, they jusy look cool to him? You are really just jumping to conclusions, and based on what? You really have no more insight than those claiming he worships the devil. This is not the first video of his with such images, when there is a pattern you can't really blame it on a director or things just looking cool. To even be aware of some of the stuff he presents you have to have looked into it. Bottom line is that there is occult symbolism in some of his vids, it may not mean the he rocks with the devil or is part of the nwo but to say he is just doing what looks cool is a bit naive. Some blindly accept the conspiracy theories, some blindly reject. Just obtain knowledge and make your own judgements. It's not a black and white situation. It is not beyond the realm of possibility that jay knows exactly what all this stuff means and that he is doing it on purpose but that its everyone else who doesn't know what it means and relates it to evil. It's not devil worship or nothing, theres a gray area to this discussion.

both jay and the director in separate forums have said the video was the product of the director's who used provocative imagery he thought coincided withthe lyrics in the song.

but what does that have to do with JAY-Z being a member of a secret society, in the illuminati, new world order, or occult superhero? no one is blindlyaccepting anything.

i said Jay-Z has no association with the occult beyond a mild curiosity or casual observer's fascination (like that of any nters.) the director himself (ajay-z fan who no doubt seen and heard the talk of jay's fascination with symbolism and the such) created the symbols used in the video.

whether or not jay liked the imagery and agreed to let the directors of not just this video but past ones include them, the fact is nters and other fool hiphop heads constantly and even after this thread in the future will, make threads and posts claiming jay is the devil, a free mason, and an evil practitioner ofdark arts. the point of this thread is that the notion is stupid and Jay-Z himself calls it idiotic and denounces it.
This is so ******ed. Devil worshipper?

Anyone who thinks that Jay does something in his video for any reason OTHER THAN TEH PURSUIT OF MONEY is terribly mistaken. Yes, it may be art, yes, it mayhave symbols from this and that, but come the !!*% on, He's trying to be provocative to be noticed and to get back in the public eye.

Devil worship? Freemasons? Give me a !+##%@! break. People who come up with this +!+! are just reaching for the stars.
Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Funny How dude never says "IM NOT A MASON" just says he doesn't Believe In Jesus or Muhammad yet Rocks a Jesus Piece huh!?.........You'reright Jay you just have it all over the clothes you put out........
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