Jim Rome Unappreciation.

Rome is one of my favorites. One of the few mainstream hosts who will interview someone and ask them the tough questions. I enjoy his opinions even if they areall part of the show's overall presentation. You can tell how good he is by the fact that his show is unwatchable when anyone else hosts it.
i was happy when i was young and everett got him in the studio but i listen to him all the time. the dude is entertaining. its pretty simple.

and maybe he was bashing penalty kicks because settling a game on them is a dumb idea
Originally Posted by melomanDNVnuggets

agreed. this dude is a #++$%$+ tool. all the"clones" are even bigger douchebags and the "takes" are so predictable and lame. plus Rome needs to do something with that goatee, word toFernando Vina.

the Chris Everett interview is the lone highlight of Rome's career.

Ben Maller, Steve Czaban, and Fox Sports Radio FTW.
dude is a clown, tries to be too hip. comes off like someones dad trying to fit in wit his sons friends, na mean ........
Hate this man... it's his personality that gets me, dude thinks he's the funniest and hippest guy around.. He comes off as this huge poser to me. Youcan see right through his act and tell he's just this big middle aged nerd who just can't accept it yet. He'll say one thing he thinks is funny andthen repeat himself 15 times in a row before going to break, then run the bit 12 more times that week when one of his clones calls in to remind me about how"funny" it was. His "takes" aren't what bother me at all, i like diverging viewpionts... It's just him. He's the mostirritating sportstalk person in the history of sportstalk radio, and that's coming from somebody who loves Colin Cowherd (which is saying something formost people).

I do not understand the appeal of this guy whatsoever... but he has a huge following and that makes him even more obnoxious.
Rome is the man. For those of you who do not hear his radio show and only see him on TV, you have no room to talk. Rome's radio show is one of the mostpopular sports shows in the country. He always get the top athletes to come on and he asks them questions that most radio show hosts would be afraid to ask.
I was just gonna post the vid up top.

The vid where he gets knocked over always get me too.

"I bet you won't say it again."
I bet I will...Chris"
Originally Posted by acidicality

don't like him that much, but he can be hilarious at times. like calling Jim Tressel "sweater vest"
That and when he calls Jordan "45" and Kobe "24"

Rome is that dude though
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