Job fair in a week. Any advice?

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going to a job fair for co-ops for the upcoming fall. never been to one of these before. what do i there? just go up to tables and hand them my resume? any advice? im clueless.
research the job fair, what companies are going to be there, what positions they're offering. Call the companies directly for more info.

Dress in business attire, suit jacket, nice tie.

Have a bunch of resumes along with possibly a separate list of academic achievements, extracurriculars, or other things that help you stand out if it can't fit onto the resume.

Have some questions prepared to ask them...

research the companies your looking to get hired by and figure out why you want them to hire it a good look to coincide with your major/minor, is the experience they provide going to help you gain a leg up...
have a 60 second introduction...

definitely research the companies...

i've had recent success with making my objection look like this..."Seeking employment as a ______ with ________." it shows them that u really are interested

and have confidence...
Look at the employer list before going. For the ones you are interested in, do some research on them so when you talk to their representative you can bring some of it up. You can bring copies of your resume cause some people will take them, but others will just tell you to visit their web site and apply there. I never had any luck with it, but good luck.
Fresh hair cut, well fitted suit, and be polished.

Recruiters are judging you before you even open your mouth. Also, the prestige / rank of your school as well as majors will determine how companies show up and how may you are applicable for.

For example, obviously engineering students will have more to choose from than public policy students.

What I'm trying to say is that if you are in a position where 50+ companies are showing up for your major, you need to have a short list and a gameplan. Elevator pitch, 30 seconds to set yourself apart from the rest of the students. Fresh resumes, formatted well with no typos.

You can't spell stuff on a resume correctly, how can I trust you with a electronic circuit or a financial model.

I used to get a lot of interviews from these. If you have a good resume, you will be fine. Also, I'd attend any company information sessions.
what about facial hair? I feel like I look weird completely shaven. Is facial hair ok if I keep it neat and groomed?

Im in engineering, if it makes a difference.
Not to sound rude..... but if you're studying engineering, why aren't you figuring this out.....

As an engineer, you need to solve problems, it shouldn't be difficult to realize what you need to do..

Goal: Get noticed
Methodology: How will you get noticed?

I recruit all the time for my company, remember they are looking for talent, as you are looking for a job, both sides have needs.
Cover letter tailored to at least the top 3-5 companies you like.

Research, as it has been mentioned.
All my professors preach for us to work on our "Elevator Pitch", it should be long enough for an elevator ride that you can just rattle off that will sell yourself. They recommend about 45-60 seconds, it's something you should know off the top of your head because you never know who you're going to meet and where. It just works even better at job fairs. Good luck OP!
This isn't an interview, but dress as you would as it is good practice. More so, have your resume on hand.

Scout and research the employers and just talk. Don't worry about anything else because you'd be over-doing it. Just make an impression and if the companies there interest you, put your name in. Best efforts is all you need. OVER PREPARATION leads to disappointment.
Do research is biggest thing so lll give some more technical pointers; i used to recruit. shave, have copies of resume ready. Leave business cards/special resume paper at home; we know you're a college student so giving me a card doesn't tell me anything new (probably tossed out before you leave). We watch you before you come to the table so behave when walking around. Make sure your hands aren't all sweaty and your breath is on point. You don't want me to remember you as the kid with soggy palms or doo-doo breath. Plan your route and be efficient in table time; I know if I'm advancing your resume by the 45second mark so continuing to babble on isn't gonna do you any favors. Visit tables even if the companies aren't as attractive/don't have a lot of visitors, those are where the gems are. Don't be a trinket *+!%% and just visit tables bc they have cool gifts. That's all I can think of right now.
Im going to keep it real. My bro use to work the job fairs. He said employers can care less about all your achievements, gpa's clubs etc. He said most of time that demonstrates cockiness. All employers want to know is if you can do the job and if your going to get along with everyone and show up everyday. That is it. leave all the other junk at home. Just have a great outgoing personality. You dont want to fake it, be real, that way you will make sure ur in a company you like...
If my friend is in his second year in college, would it be okay to put high school stuff on the resume like gpa, clubs, volunteer hours, sports activities? or move on?
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