Jobless and Frustrated NTers check in VOL. WE NOT-WORKIN!!!

I am seriously looking for interns and go hard bloggers as well as PAID SEO guys.. Contact [email protected] put NT Job in the Subject I will give details on the program. 
Are you the porn dude? Thought business slowed up.
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How quick do companies usually get back to applicants after the interview? I interviewed last Wednesday. The first guy told me he thinks its an immediate hire because their intern was leaving in either two weekes or a month. The second guy I met told me he didn't have hiring power but that the HR person I emailed to set up the interview will get in touch with me. I really want this position and i felt like i did ok during the interview because the 2nd guy kept asking me if i had any questions during the intervkew. school starts Wednesday so I want to be able to finalize and switch my schedule a bit depending on whether I get the job or not
Follow up on Wednesday. It'll be exactly a week from when you last interviewed. Some get back to you within 24 hours and some will never get back to you.
depends on the company
some are just notoriously slow
I'd wait till the end of the week and if no word, then follow-up email on monday
i have A+ cert i can't find a job that i could use it. i've gone on tons of interviews and i ace them, but i don't have any experience in the IT field so they always hire somebody with experience over me. 
 i'm at that give up and get a dead end job type of depression. i have tons of seasonal retail experience, a couple temp office jobs, only 2 regular non-temp/seasonal retail jobs. i apply to office jobs, and tech jobs, i literally have $38 in my account. no money to pay my car insurance or phone bill next week. i don't know what else to do. 
 i need something now.
i have A+ cert i can't find a job that i could use it. i've gone on tons of interviews and i ace them, but i don't have any experience in the IT field so they always hire somebody with experience over me. 

 i'm at that give up and get a dead end job type of depression. i have tons of seasonal retail experience, a couple temp office jobs, only 2 regular non-temp/seasonal retail jobs. i apply to office jobs, and tech jobs, i literally have $38 in my account. no money to pay my car insurance or phone bill next week. i don't know what else to do. 

 i need something now.

Sorry to hear that bro. U ever look into freelancing or starting your own lil hustle for computer repair and maintenance? U already have your cert so you aren't just some random guy tryna make a come up.

How was the exam? I hate goin into something not knowing what to expect.
Keep your spirits up bros.

I was interviewed by 3 people yesterday and I feel like I knocked all three out of the park.

I feel confident but stranger things have happened so all I can do is stay positive and hope for the best.

I wish you all well.
Good news: Got a job, getting paid hourly, temp-to-perm.

Bad news: Still applying for other jobs because it's not paying anything clsoe enough for me to even be somewhat self sufficient....and I'm cheap.

Current dilemma: How do I interview for other jobs if I work 8-5 every day? Don't wanna lose the job I have by taking time off to do interviews, but I also don't wanna get "stuck" there trying not to take hours off.

Advice. Seriously.
Schedule them during lunch, ask if they have interviews business hours or do a phone interview if it comes to that. If worse comes to worse, call in sick.

True. Preciate it.

Not trying to sound unappreciative tho cuz I know some of y'all are goin thru hell trying to find employment, like I was for the past yr and a half.

Good luck to everybody and if I come up with anything useful I'll def share it.
True. Preciate it.

Not trying to sound unappreciative tho cuz I know some of y'all are goin thru hell trying to find employment, like I was for the past yr and a half.

Good luck to everybody and if I come up with anything useful I'll def share it.

Also, work hard at the job that you just got. Make connections because that can lead to something bigger.
Schedule them during lunch, ask if they have interviews business hours or do a phone interview if it comes to that. If worse comes to worse, call in sick.

True. Preciate it.

Not trying to sound unappreciative tho cuz I know some of y'all are goin thru hell trying to find employment, like I was for the past yr and a half.

Good luck to everybody and if I come up with anything useful I'll def share it.

Truth, I did that when I had my last gig when I worked 8-4p. I'd either schedule my interview during my lunch break or after cases. Usually the people understand and are willing to work with you. If you don't want to call in sick or can't schedule during lunch, leave early by saying you have an appointment that you had to schedule at that time. It's better to leave a little early than to just not come in sometimes.
I wanted to chime in and give some advice on finding a job.
1)Pray. God listens. God Answers
2)Dont get discouraged it only takes one offer.
3)Keep applying. What else is there to do? Waste your time on video games?
4)Schedule your interview for first or last. Never after lunch.
5)If you wear a tie wear a blue tie. Blue is most peoples favorite color.
6)My first boss told me the best time to apply for a job is when you have a job. Think about it.
7) Thank God everyday
8 Watch your vocabulary. Dont say "yeah" say "yes". You are an adult not a child.

Anyway these are just my two cents. I prayed for a good job and got one last month. A job that is better than I could have imagined for myself. I had an ok job but would spend a couple hours every Tuesday applying for better jobs. God answered my prayers after 8 months.
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Just wanted to inspire some fellow NT'rs

I think a lot of people are confused I used to always hear the job market was rough and used that as an excuse but eventually I had to get a job

and applied myself and got hired within a week. (I'm sure the job market is harder though for careers and 9-5 office jobs but if you need A JOB its not hard to get)

Also i think a lot of people are afraid of the unknown they would rather stay at their current job which they know what is expected and how their bosses/co-workers are even if they are miserable, underpaid etc.

Im not saying never be too good for a job but also understand your worth and strive to improve.

if your current job sucks look for other opportunities to further yourself.

I literally started from the bottom word to Drake. After high school i got into the working world while i went to school. Within a year i went through 8 jobs and went from being a minimum wage slave to making about 30-40k a year with just a high school degree while still going to school.

As corny as it sounds "you miss 100% of the shots you don't take" i would always apply to places while i had a job or didn't have one and sometimes i didn't get an offer after an interview but i didn't get discouraged i just kept going hard.

if you keep looking, carry yourself with confidence convincing a future employer to hire you shouldn't be hard.

I was able to convey to my employers that i bring the intangibles that make me a great asset to the company and kept believing in myself and it worked.

I want you guys to know ANYTHING IS POSSSIBLEEEEE!!!!!! word to KG
I already have a job but was trying to get another position I wanted at another place. I applied via their website about 3-4 weeks ago and they removed the listing about a week and a half ago. The listing was for a position with 3 level of experiences (Credit Analyst 1, 2 and 3 determined by experience and/or if you have an advance degree) for several of their locations. I was thinking I would at least have gotten a call back for an interview and I also called their HR regarding the position status but it always went to voicemail. My question is do employers always take down the listing if they finished their hiring or do they ever take down the listing if they received too many applications and then wait to sort out the apps they already have?
I already have a job but was trying to get another position I wanted at another place. I applied via their website about 3-4 weeks ago and they removed the listing about a week and a half ago. The listing was for a position with 3 level of experiences (Credit Analyst 1, 2 and 3 determined by experience and/or if you have an advance degree) for several of their locations. I was thinking I would at least have gotten a call back for an interview and I also called their HR regarding the position status but it always went to voicemail. My question is do employers always take down the listing if they finished their hiring or do they ever take down the listing if they received too many applications and then wait to sort out the apps they already have?
-Position could have been filled internally.

-They interviewed and hired for the position.

-Gave someone an additional load on top of the work they already have.

A job will never stop taking applications especially with resume parsing tech available that does their job in a matter of seconds. NBCUniversal for example has positions up today that were posted months ago.
What kind of questions do you guys ask on phone interviews? I don't want to ask too many since its a phone interview. I was thinking 3 questions with the last one being "what's are the next steps?"

But what should I ask for the first two? The person is the HR rep so she might not know much about the daily duties of the position I'm applying for
What kind of questions do you guys ask on phone interviews? I don't want to ask too many since its a phone interview. I was thinking 3 questions with the last one being "what's are the next steps?"

But what should I ask for the first two? The person is the HR rep so she might not know much about the daily duties of the position I'm applying for
Questions I always ask:

-What is the culture of the company like? It shows that you're interested in the company beyond the job.

-What is the managerial style like?

-Beyond the job description, could you explain the day to day duties of the position?

-What qualities will the person selected possess?

-In your time with the company, how would you describe your experience?
is 56 hours a week for a 20 year old good for my body?
i'm going to be working two jobs....1st job $12.45 (3 days a week 6-8 hours), and second job $10.25 (4 days a week..8-9 Hours)
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is 56 hours a week for a 20 year old good for my body?

i'm going to be working two jobs....1st job $12.45 (3 days a week 6-8 hours), and second job $10.25 (4 days a week..8-9 Hours)

Two jobs? You're in the wrong thread :lol:

56 isn't that bad as long as you have time to sleep.
nowadays how do you follow up on the application which you submit online.

can you even follow up anymore, it's not like applying to Foot Locker where the store manager usually handles the hiring.
Question: How do you guys handle the question: "What are your future plans?"

Something like that came up in an interview i had last week (I'm a junior accounting major). I told them ideally I would land an internship at one of the big 4 for the summer and that if i get a job out of that, stay for a few years and then move to a smaller company, which is the truth,

Thinking back on it, i think i should've told them i'd stay as long as i could be productive, or at least told them i'd stick around for a few years 
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