Jobless and Frustrated NTers check in VOL. WE NOT-WORKIN!!!

Had a phone interview with a steel production plant in memphis today, they plan on flying me out in a few weeks for a face-to-face interview. I'm a little excited but I'm a little nervous knowing that I could be moving to memphis where I don't know anyone but oh well. My grandma stays in mississippi so I won't be too far from her but still. I also have a phone interview with a business insurance company tomorrow for a Loss Control trainee position in St. Louis. hopefully I'll be employed full-time in my career within the next month fellas.

I went to grad school in St. Louis its a really cool place. A def up and coming city. Good luck 

Thanks fam
Man it's the struggle has been real in chicago... Got a communications degree with marketing background and can't find anything... Going on 8 months..... :frown:
I figured I'd post here since I'm not entirely happy with my financial situation as of late...
I've been working part time just for the usual expenses for the past 5 years while going to school. I studied criminal justice and as of this post, I am 11 months post-grad. I applied for a dispatcher job back in February (Sheriff's dept) and was X'ed out after the written background check. They never told me why, but I was DQ'd from applying for anything under sheriff's for a year. My student loans kicked in and I'm losing damb near half my monthly net income to this now. I'm still working the same jobs, but one is commission and the other is
Welp my phone interview today was terrible. I've never went blank like that before, fumbling over my words, rambling, messing up on easy questions :smh: hopefully something happens with the Memphis job or something else comes up.
Got a job working at a factory. I'm hoping that i get like 2nd shift so i can make 8.25 an hour. It's a cool gig, plus you get overtime with the 10-12 hour shift they give you. This will be something that i'll hold onto until i find something better.

Theres nothing in florida.
Got a job working at a factory. I'm hoping that i get like 2nd shift so i can make 8.25 an hour. It's a cool gig, plus you get overtime with the 10-12 hour shift they give you. This will be something that i'll hold onto until i find something better.

Theres nothing in florida.

:smh: :x Straight wrong.
True that brother, but I hate how places say "competitive wages" and hit you with that $8.25 bumped up to $9 after 90 day probation :x :smh:
I'm working the second shift. Hate THAT schedule, right now it's 1-930, and starting in January it will be either 3-1130 or 4-1230. They started me at 17.01 so I can't complain too much.

Almost what I was getting paid when I was working at B of A. Working odd jobs for a year and a half for about 10 an hour, so like I said, I can't complain too much...
Straight wrong.
dawg , right now i aint even complaining bro. I'm up for anything right now.

Beggers cat be chooser. smh
I'm working the second shift. Hate THAT schedule, right now it's 1-930, and starting in January it will be either 3-1130 or 4-1230. They started me at 17.01 so I can't complain too much.

Almost what I was getting paid when I was working at B of A. Working odd jobs for a year and a half for about 10 an hour, so like I said, I can't complain too much...
I feel you dawg.

So I've been working at my job close to 7 months now. I got a slight raise and some of the benefits are starting to kick in already.

What I don't understand is how they keep cutting my hours. I went from 32 hours my first 5 months here, to 29 hours last month, to 26 last week and now to 24 this week :stoneface:

So I've been working at my job close to 7 months now. I got a slight raise and some of the benefits are starting to kick in already.

What I don't understand is how they keep cutting my hours. I went from 32 hours my first 5 months here, to 29 hours last month, to 26 last week and now to 24 this week :stoneface:
damb fam, been at my new job for around 6 months now. started off around 27-28 hours bumped up to 32-35 but going back to 29. my manager hired me at part time and since we were short staff i started doing full-time. im kinda worried if i dont get much hours anymore cause im trying to get 4k asap for a downpayment. :rolleyes anyhow g'luck at your job man, and everyone else in here.
Question about background checks:
So I've been hired recently and had to fill out a bunch of papers for background checks etc and background check company (sterling something) actually emailed my current employer

The problem is I just gave them the name of the company and didn't give any email addresses. They actually emailed someone who had an email listed on the site but wasn't my supervisor. Now my question is, if they're doing that for every job I've had, how would that play out for me if the other jobs don't respond back? One position I had before you can't see the emails of the employees. There's just a customer service email but I'm not sure the person behind that will forward it to my supervisor at the time and I'm not even sure if my supervisor is still there
Question about background checks:
So I've been hired recently and had to fill out a bunch of papers for background checks etc and background check company (sterling something) actually emailed my current employer

The problem is I just gave them the name of the company and didn't give any email addresses. They actually emailed someone who had an email listed on the site but wasn't my supervisor. Now my question is, if they're doing that for every job I've had, how would that play out for me if the other jobs don't respond back? One position I had before you can't see the emails of the employees. There's just a customer service email but I'm not sure the person behind that will forward it to my supervisor at the time and I'm not even sure if my supervisor is still there

What employer is this if you don't mind me asking?
Does it matter? It's not the hr of the company that hired me who contacted my current employer.

They apparently use nextSource who gave me a sheet to fill out for a background check and the sterling background check company contacted my employer. I'm not sure how background checks are done but I didn't expect them to do it is all
Does it matter? It's not the hr of the company that hired me who contacted my current employer.

They apparently use nextSource who gave me a sheet to fill out for a background check and the sterling background check company contacted my employer. I'm not sure how background checks are done but I didn't expect them to do it is all
Low blow...smh
Question about background checks:
So I've been hired recently and had to fill out a bunch of papers for background checks etc and background check company (sterling something) actually emailed my current employer

The problem is I just gave them the name of the company and didn't give any email addresses. They actually emailed someone who had an email listed on the site but wasn't my supervisor. Now my question is, if they're doing that for every job I've had, how would that play out for me if the other jobs don't respond back? One position I had before you can't see the emails of the employees. There's just a customer service email but I'm not sure the person behind that will forward it to my supervisor at the time and I'm not even sure if my supervisor is still there
it's a crap shoot for everyone fambs.  those companies know they'll get 2 responses for 10+ emails they send.  everyone knows nobody has it like that for every single place they ever worked for, they're looking for one or two solid responses.  they aren't gonna need every single one of the emails on that bomb list they have for you to respond.  if you know a few will give out the needed info, you're in the clear IMO.
Been a while since I last came in here but I wanted to tell you guys looking for work to make sure your resume is ON POINT! My job is going through a recompete for our contract so I had to update my resume to include in the proposal. Since I already updated it, and there is a very slim chance we might not win it, I figured I'd post it on my school's job search page just to have it out there. I think I posted it in another job-related thread a while ago.

Long story short, some consultant saw my resume and wanted me to review/edit an RFP for one of his clients bidding on a multi-BILLION dollar Govt contract. Originally offered to do it for $20/hr but once I saw it was damn near 100 pages and I only had 3 days to do it, I bumped it up to $40/hr. Basically making an extra grand to run spell check :lol: And he said to keep my weekend open because he may have another one for me :pimp:

All this because my resume has some icons on it.... Im tryin to tell yall. Google resume examples from graphic designers and implement subtle creative elements from theirs into yours. Give the recruiters a visual experience as they read through your experience. Bet you'll start getting more responses and interviews. There's no such thing as trying too hard when it comes to finding work!
I'm working the second shift. Hate THAT schedule, right now it's 1-930, and starting in January it will be either 3-1130 or 4-1230. They started me at 17.01 so I can't complain too much.

Almost what I was getting paid when I was working at B of A. Working odd jobs for a year and a half for about 10 an hour, so like I said, I can't complain too much...

Why'd you leave BofA? :nerd:

I just interviewed with them on Wednesday. I currently have a job but It has nothing to do with my degree and I definitely don't want to make a career out of it. Hoping this BofA gig comes through for me.
Been a while since I last came in here but I wanted to tell you guys looking for work to make sure your resume is ON POINT! My job is going through a recompete for our contract so I had to update my resume to include in the proposal. Since I already updated it, and there is a very slim chance we might not win it, I figured I'd post it on my school's job search page just to have it out there. I think I posted it in another job-related thread a while ago.

Long story short, some consultant saw my resume and wanted me to review/edit an RFP for one of his clients bidding on a multi-BILLION dollar Govt contract. Originally offered to do it for $20/hr but once I saw it was damn near 100 pages and I only had 3 days to do it, I bumped it up to $40/hr. Basically making an extra grand to run spell check
And he said to keep my weekend open because he may have another one for me

All this because my resume has some icons on it.... Im tryin to tell yall. Google resume examples from graphic designers and implement subtle creative elements from theirs into yours. Give the recruiters a visual experience as they read through your experience. Bet you'll start getting more responses and interviews. There's no such thing as trying too hard when it comes to finding work!
Repped such as great idea. I am def gonna do this. Thanks!!
Yeah, seems tough out there for a lot lot lot of people. I kind of want to just up and live on a farm or something. There has got to be an easier, more enjoyable way to live life.

Well, I'm starting up my company. Taking 6 months off grad school to dedicate to it full-time. Takes off...then hopefully I never have to work at a "real job" ever again. Kinda ridiculous because I just went to grad get a good paying real job after it. I guess ideas/timing happens when it happens. Can't be dogmatic and stuck in what we expect to have happen.
Had an interview for a reading teacher position at an elementary school....hopefully I get it....
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