Jobless and Frustrated NTers check in VOL. WE NOT-WORKIN!!!

Anyone ever have a situation like this happen to them?

I interviewed for a job a few weeks ago, think I did really well on the interview HR even told me so, all the feedback was great to the point where they asked me for my references. The thing is that they wanted a reference from a current coworker and my current manager to be two of the three. Now if they're going to ask for those specific references and essentially put me in a position where I make it known that I'm entertaining the idea of leaving my current job you'd think I'd have this wrapped up.

But come to find out, my references came back so-so, which to be honest is ridiculous, I'm not a bad or average employee by any stretch of the imagination, I've kept every performance review I've gotten as evidence of that, I've been publicly recognized for my performance in front of the company etc etc. I even just accepted a promotion the week before this situation came about which I think is what rubbed them the wrong way.

The question I have is, can a bad reference really make that much of a difference? I'm like two steps away from calling people out on them cause its not cool that they did that honestly, I would never do that to someone even if I thought they were the worst. I would praise them to death. 

I called last week Friday which is when I found out about the whole reference thing, HR told me, and they also mentioned that the hiring manager didnt want to see any more resumes because he really liked me (he said he was reading an email that he received from him) and that they would get back to me on Monday. They didnt call, so now I'm just in an overall funk about it. This job was gonna be everything I wanted and to have it potentially be mine over this would set me off.
This is very unprofessional on the part of your references, especially since you reached out to them beforehand and specifically asked them to be references.

There's nothing you can do at this point, but you should try reaching out to your references/getting more references. It's clear someone's trying to sandbag you. Maybe you're too good to let go?

PS - I've never had to provide references from my current job. Do companies actually know that that's not usually the typical protocol or makes any sense at all?
I'm not even trying to hype myself up, but I tried to switch departments before and it didnt happen and I was told it was because they didnt want me to leave. Furthermore, when I asked my manager for a reference he started hounding me about it.

Asking me where I was going, whats the firms name location, dude even told HR I was leaving when I havent even formally put in a two weeks notice, and he was doing all of this in public at his desk where everyone could hear. It was so weird and awkward that I just think this was all his doing. He was the absolute last person I wanted to ask but my director was out the entire week and I needed a current manager one.

Now that you mention it, the reference portal is still open, I'm gonna call HR later and see if they would even care about seeing any more references.

It doesnt make any sense to me either, cause now I'm in a compromising position here, everyone knows I want to leave and that could hinder my upward movement here, even though I dont want to stay here its just the principle of it.
It's really not what you know, but who you know.

I was at the park with a couple friends yesterday (who are all employed and making bread because they chose STEM in college), and one friend mentioned that another had a good-paying job at this random company. So when she showed up, the first thing that came out my mouth was "ya'll n-words hiring?"

She immediately was like "yes, actually" and told me to send her my resume.

I sent the resume out this morning, and a couple hours later, a supervisor calls me and wants to schedule an interview for a data entry position on Monday.

The job starts at $15 hourly, which is very decent for entry level, and I suppose I can ask for more, since I'll have my degree in a few weeks. They'll probably negotiate down, but I don't even care. $15/hr is more than I can ask for in my position anyway. Gift horses and ****

I'm just really thankful that this popped up, because I've got loans, a cell bill, and a car payment that need taking care of.

Keep ya'll heads up. Something will come up.
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I'm not even trying to hype myself up, but I tried to switch departments before and it didnt happen and I was told it was because they didnt want me to leave. Furthermore, when I asked my manager for a reference he started hounding me about it.

Asking me where I was going, whats the firms name location, dude even told HR I was leaving when I havent even formally put in a two weeks notice, and he was doing all of this in public at his desk where everyone could hear. It was so weird and awkward that I just think this was all his doing. He was the absolute last person I wanted to ask but my director was out the entire week and I needed a current manager one.

Now that you mention it, the reference portal is still open, I'm gonna call HR later and see if they would even care about seeing any more references.

It doesnt make any sense to me either, cause now I'm in a compromising position here, everyone knows I want to leave and that could hinder my upward movement here, even though I dont want to stay here its just the principle of it.
No, it's not hyping yourself up at all. The truth is the truth whichever way you cut it.

And it's clear that your boss is very unprofessional and acting like a child. This is why I recommend never telling anyone at your workplace (yes, even the folks you're close with) that you're looking to move onwards and upwards. It can come back to bite you just like your current situation.

I recommend staying quiet and planning your moves more carefully. Now you know what kind of folks you're working with. Just remember that tried and true saying: "People want you to do well, but not better than them."
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I'm not even trying to hype myself up, but I tried to switch departments before and it didnt happen and I was told it was because they didnt want me to leave. Furthermore, when I asked my manager for a reference he started hounding me about it.

Asking me where I was going, whats the firms name location, dude even told HR I was leaving when I havent even formally put in a two weeks notice, and he was doing all of this in public at his desk where everyone could hear. It was so weird and awkward that I just think this was all his doing. He was the absolute last person I wanted to ask but my director was out the entire week and I needed a current manager one.

Now that you mention it, the reference portal is still open, I'm gonna call HR later and see if they would even care about seeing any more references.

It doesnt make any sense to me either, cause now I'm in a compromising position here, everyone knows I want to leave and that could hinder my upward movement here, even though I dont want to stay here its just the principle of it.
No, it's not hyping yourself up at all. The truth is the truth whichever way you cut it.

And it's clear that your boss is very unprofessional and acting like a child. This is why I recommend never telling anyone at your workplace (yes, even the folks you're close with) that you're looking to move onwards and upwards. It can come back to bite you just like your current situation.

I recommend staying quiet and planning your moves more carefully. Now you know what kind of folks you're working with. Just remember that tried and true saying: "People want you to do well, but not better than them."
So true man.

Let me ask you this, I called the HR rep on Monday to see if he had any updates for me, he didnt pick up, left a voicemail. He never got back to me, is it even worth it to call again tomorrow? I just want a definitive answer at this point.

@USABasketball08  You too being that you just dealt with this two weeks ago, anybody really.
So true man.

Let me ask you this, I called the HR rep on Monday to see if he had any updates for me, he didnt pick up, left a voicemail. He never got back to me, is it even worth it to call again tomorrow? I just want a definitive answer at this point.

@USABasketball08  You too being that you just dealt with this two weeks ago, anybody really.
Trust me when I say this as I was unemployed for most of 2014, one voicemail/email is enough to get on top of mind.

Usually when they got back to me (after a few days/weeks), I already knew the answer was no. By that time, I was already looking at other opportunities. If anything, do weekly follow-ups. Since you called on Monday, call back this coming Monday.

I understand what you're going through. It sounds like the perfect job for you, but I'm confident that another company will give you that final yes. Folks are out here dying to be in your situation (employed, but looking elsewhere), so I recommend working hard, putting your head down, and not creating too much of a fuss. Companies can and will fire you for anything these days.

Go get it, playboy. And don't say anything to anyone.
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currently playing phone tag with someone from oreillys distribution hope we get in contact tomorrow im assuming they want to set up an interview
So true man.

Let me ask you this, I called the HR rep on Monday to see if he had any updates for me, he didnt pick up, left a voicemail. He never got back to me, is it even worth it to call again tomorrow? I just want a definitive answer at this point.

 You too being that you just dealt with this two weeks ago, anybody really.

Call back again. You have nothing to lose. It's clear you were one of the top candidates for the job, if not THE top candidate. I don't think they'll think you're being annoying or anything. HR folks are lazy sometimes and will straight up not answer the phone or listen to voicemails honestly. If you call again and they don't respond, I would drop it. Maybe the reference situation messed you up? It seems like you pretty much were going to get an offer, but something came up (references) that made them reconsider. It sucks when people pull *** **** like that.
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After reading stories in this thread, im glad I work for the feds.

I work for a union so I feel what your saying. I get weekly pay and continuous job security, but I'm still searching
for the next gig. It's been 2 years, it truly is crazy times looking for work man.
Has anyone used a staffing agency before?

I'm thinking I just need to ride it out with the company I'm at now for a year and then jump into something else.

I don't graduate until May and I'm already working my first salaried job, but it's not the best fit.
There's some decent ones out there. Only the by you have to do really is keep in touch with them often and they'll find you something rather quickly . Got a job the same day or the next day after applying too .
My dad just sent me this. (Would have done it Asap but I'm starting at a new job tomorrow)


Only thing IF I even get the job I'll be goig back to school in the fall but I could work with it if i would switch to third shift.
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My dad just sent me this. (Would have done it Asap but I'm starting at a new job tomorrow)


Only thing IF I even get the job I'll be goig back to school in the fall but I could work with it if i would switch to third shift.

Man those refinery jobs are cake but hella dangerous . If someone doesn't pay attention or goofs off its a wrap.
Let this story serve as inspiration to those still out there looking, especially my fellow young men of color.

Walked in there. 3 people interviewing me, but the director did most of the talking. I held a convo with the director for like a good 3 mins before I realized that this WAS the interview, and I was doing fantastically.

Long story short, all this lady kept saying was how eloquent and articulate I was. How intelligent I seem. I'm less than 3 weeks away from a college degree. I'm educated. Through my speaking, I spun my brief internship into one of the greatest learning experiences of my life--which it was.

She said she wanted to squeeze every last drop of intelligence out of me that she could. She said she's pretty sure she'd like to hire me. The only thing is that she's trying to figure out where to place me with my intelligence. That word again. Intelligence. She said it a lot.

Ask questions. She asked if I had any questions for them and I asked them 5 or 6 very challenging questions. She said nobody asks her questions when she interviews them.

Wear a black suit. Stand tall. Walk tall. Speak eloquently. That means speak with some intelligence. You're not an idiot. You're not what they're out here trying to portray you as.

So prove it.
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i need to be an entrepreneur. this job search aint cut out for me fam. 
Congrats, disagree on the black suit part though. Unless you're interviewing to be a chauffeur.
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