Jobless and Frustrated NTers check in VOL. WE NOT-WORKIN!!!

Originally Posted by jhobson5

sreggie101 wrote:

didn't do an internship. but how much experience do u really gain from a 8 or 12 week internship? companies prolly wont train interns who are staying that short a period. so all you can walk out with is maybe office experience. getting an internship is one of the things i wish i did back in college, but i don't think its fair to assume im useless simply because i never had one.
Your view is completely wrong. Its not the experienced gained an internship is basically an audition. I am a Mechnical Engineer and my internship and the company I interned with offered me a job 2 weeks after my internship was up in July. No one is saying you are useless, but from my experience 9 out of 10 people who intern with a company work for that company later. Its all about networking and showing you have a work ethic. That is why the interview process for an internship is so rigorous. They arent truly interviewing you for a temp position, they are seeing if you will work out in the long term.

And you having an EE degree, like i said before it shouldnt be too hard to find a job, it just may not be where you want to be. Every engineering discipline is in high demand these days. I know my plant site and a friend of mine's plant are seeking EE. So you have to continue to be proactive in your search, also make sure your resume is on point its a biggie as an engineer. Also, try Engineering placement agencies like Aerotek they, place a lot of new Engineers in jobs. Also, try your schools career center.


fair enough. can't argue with any of this.

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by sreggie101

Bumped because im super down. I now have an Electrical Engineering Degree. But like most people in my graduating class, i got no job offers yet. really scared i may go a while before getting something. so eager to get my career started and start that new chapter in my life.

i don't like waking up in the morning knowing i have nothing to do or will have nothing to do in the future (for now).

misery loves a little company....any new grads with me on this?


Do you have above a 3.0+? If so, you should have a job within 6 months if you play your cards right.

You're going to have to apply for the b.s. jobs in small cities, especially with no internship experience. No offense, but it's going to be difficult to get a job in Silicon Valley or a big city.
You got guys with 3.8s with work experience at Cisco, Texas Instruments, Exxon Mobil, etc shooting for the city jobs. I went to a top 5 engineering school and even here, most students ended up at small companies or remote locations for Fortune 500 companies. Very few are chilling in headquarters or have the Silicon Valley jobs.

I'd shoot for the small town, lock down the 50-60k/year and go from there.

You need to pay your dues in Corporate America.

P.S. I studied Electrical Engineering in college as well

i haven't aimed big like silicon valley. im below a 3.0. if i was above, i wouldn't stress about it so much. ive been targeting smaller areas. i would be very happy with a 50-60k a yr job. esp in this economy. i think i just need keep at the job hunt and give it time.
just graduated college, have no job and all the lame jobs I see pay very little. I'd rather just stay home all day selling stuff online and going to the gym. my gf pays for a lot of dinners and drives me everywhere so I rarely move my 335i (paid off) which is a gas guzzler. I don't know what to do with my future at this point I am worried. I am a hard worker, smart, likeable, presentable and fluent in 3 languages, don't mean to sound ostentatious but I feel like this economy is wasting talent such as myself because I am not gonna be a slave of cheap labor... rant over
Originally Posted by FungusFoot85

just graduated college, have no job and all the lame jobs I see pay very little. I'd rather just stay home all day selling stuff online and going to the gym. my gf pays for a lot of dinners and drives me everywhere so I rarely move my 335i (paid off) which is a gas guzzler. I don't know what to do with my future at this point I am worried. I am a hard worker, smart, likeable, presentable and fluent in 3 languages, don't mean to sound ostentatious but I feel like this economy is wasting talent such as myself because I am not gonna be a slave of cheap labor... rant over
that sucks man
i dont think (&#$ is gonna get any better either, this economy i mean.

damn 3 languages? which ones.........i mean that alone should get you something good even before you gradated college.........
Originally Posted by sreggie101

didn't do an internship. but how much experience do u really gain from a 8 or 12 week internship? companies prolly wont train interns who are staying that short a period. so all you can walk out with is maybe office experience. getting an internship is one of the things i wish i did back in college, but i don't think its fair to assume im useless simply because i never had one.

Yeah man, it's crucial to land an internship while still in college nowadays, no matter what degree. This is what makes or breaks recent graduates and what secures a job. If I was you, I'll just swallow my pride and volunteer some hours in any field related work while continuing to apply to positions nationwide like many of these guys stated. Stay busy, you don't want to have that gap in your resume, must stay productive. You're an engineer man, therefore you are in a better position than many out here right now looking for work.
BTW, I can stare at your avy all day. Info? 
Graduated in December 2009 with a business degree. Had a temp job from June 2010-Sep 2010. Since then haven't been able to find anything.
Pleas someone go to AT&T careers and apply... Join the team we are making 40-60k after commission depending on market.. please all you need is a good cover letter i wanna se you all eat..
BTW When you go on these interviews stress REVENUE when it comes to sales and bundling accessories and helping the customer get the best experience out of their device and you will be guaranteed a job hands down.. Never go into wireless though unless your ready for VERY intense weekends and talking the ENTIRE DAY depending on your market...VZW and AT&T both have incredible training programs that last a month so they will teach you what you need to know.. They make people that worked at mcdonalds into salesmen in a month!!

Good luck and please i want to get PM's of thank yous!
Originally Posted by AceMaster193

Originally Posted by sreggie101

didn't do an internship. but how much experience do u really gain from a 8 or 12 week internship? companies prolly wont train interns who are staying that short a period. so all you can walk out with is maybe office experience. getting an internship is one of the things i wish i did back in college, but i don't think its fair to assume im useless simply because i never had one.

Yeah man, it's crucial to land an internship while still in college nowadays, no matter what degree. This is what makes or breaks recent graduates and what secures a job. If I was you, I'll just swallow my pride and volunteer some hours in any field related work while continuing to apply to positions nationwide like many of these guys stated. Stay busy, you don't want to have that gap in your resume, must stay productive. You're an engineer man, therefore you are in a better position than many out here right now looking for work.
BTW, I can stare at your avy all day. Info? 

search stoya x brianna banks...all i can tell you.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by sreggie101

Bumped because im super down. I now have an Electrical Engineering Degree. But like most people in my graduating class, i got no job offers yet. really scared i may go a while before getting something. so eager to get my career started and start that new chapter in my life.

i don't like waking up in the morning knowing i have nothing to do or will have nothing to do in the future (for now).

misery loves a little company....any new grads with me on this?


Do you have above a 3.0+? If so, you should have a job within 6 months if you play your cards right.

You're going to have to apply for the b.s. jobs in small cities, especially with no internship experience. No offense, but it's going to be difficult to get a job in Silicon Valley or a big city.
You got guys with 3.8s with work experience at Cisco, Texas Instruments, Exxon Mobil, etc shooting for the city jobs. I went to a top 5 engineering school and even here, most students ended up at small companies or remote locations for Fortune 500 companies. Very few are chilling in headquarters or have the Silicon Valley jobs.

I'd shoot for the small town, lock down the 50-60k/year and go from there.

You need to pay your dues in Corporate America. life.

P.S. I studied Electrical Engineering in college as well

But I hope things work out for all you guys man. It sucks out here right now
Originally Posted by br00klynrebel

those with degrees check this out!!!!!!
maybe i`m just dumb as hell, but I dont get all that Govt stuff, I see normal positions but the descriptions for qualification is all in Govt/Military Lingo,  I dont even know if my qualifications are related
No jobs in America. Everybody is going to be unemployed eventually at the rate this is going
if you are able to relocate, does that matter?

i mean... if you dont have any kids and willing to make moves... why not move somewhere else?

whenever i play, i look nationwide...

It's even more frustrating when people you KNOW can help you, just front like they can't smh. Also when people with so called "hook ups", aint hooking $!+$ up!
Originally Posted by sosmoove

It's even more frustrating when people you KNOW can help you, just front like they can't smh. Also when people with so called "hook ups", aint hooking +%+! up!

im with you this. know a dude at boeing from my professional organization. dude is a NO GO now, like he was never down with us
I understand the networks and connections thing...a lot of people told me they would put me on...haven't gotten anything yet.

Had a interview/screening today...should hear within 7-10 days if I make down to the final 5 or so candidates....say a prayer for me NT, please.
Every job I want, they want experience... but no one is hiring or wants interns so where am i supposed to get experience?
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

yo, i been just mass applying to hella random places just to atleast get calls back.

Mane sometimes you gotta apply just for the hell of it. My boy was telling me his homegirl  use to apply to 20 jobs a day, and since then found 3 jobs.  Only thing that sucks is that it takes time to apply to jobs, so u cant even Spam HR ppl smh
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