Jobless and Frustrated NTers check in VOL. WE NOT-WORKIN!!!

I just got my first job at Armani Exchange. Need someone $ and experience. It's cool but folding clothes is a mofo
You guys out there with out jobs, you got to keep at it. I was with out a job for a while. said f it. applied like crazy. Always in person though never online. And after two weeks of serious serious job hunting. Must have applied to at least 15 companies daily. I landed a job. Turned out better than i had expected.

Just keep your heads up.
Networking isn't what its cracked up to be during these times. Why would someone look out for you when everyone is expendable including them? That job they are hooking you up with could be theirs. Its every man for himself. This isn't the case for everyone but its ringing true for many.
Originally Posted by outbackbob24

You guys out there with out jobs, you got to keep at it. I was with out a job for a while. said f it. applied like crazy. Always in person though never online. And after two weeks of serious serious job hunting. Must have applied to at least 15 companies daily. I landed a job. Turned out better than i had expected.

Just keep your heads up.

lol there are places that dont do online apps? thats wassup though, good stuff
For anyone in the DMV or willing to locate here.  You must have a clean record, have not done drugs in the past year, and have good or no credit.  All these jobs provide you with a Top Secret government clearance.  You will be a contractor at a prestigious government agency.  None of these jobs require any kind of substantial experience, only that you are able to obtain the government clearance.  Once you get it you can move on to bigger and better things. - security escort -   $16 an hour to start - access control officer -   $16 an hour to start - utility cleaner(janitor) -     $15 an hour to start  ^BxPmpyfsWiEiB91dHkegiMPP3G/yz7O_slp_rhc_iEy2Csxz84dgx_slp_rhc_JsUuRj3lr1YI2EE_slp_rhc_v7&jobId=421263&type=search&JobReqLang=1&recordstart=1&JobSiteId=5022&JobSiteInfo=421263_5022&GQId=0
%@@+ is frustrating when you know you are qualified and capable of doing the job and still not getting an opportunity, not even an interview. got me thinking i aint doing it right. tough times.

college grads working min wage or being underemployed
Originally Posted by DMan14

%@@+ is frustrating when you know you are qualified and capable of doing the job and still not getting an opportunity, not even an interview. got me thinking i aint doing it right. tough times.

word! sucks even more goin' to a store you applied to and dealin' with the jerks they hired over you
i can do way better than those !+#$ ups
Originally Posted by LuckyLuchiano

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

yo, i been just mass applying to hella random places just to atleast get calls back.

Mane sometimes you gotta apply just for the hell of it. My boy was telling me his homegirl  use to apply to 20 jobs a day, and since then found 3 jobs.  Only thing that sucks is that it takes time to apply to jobs, so u cant even Spam HR ppl smh
i got a bunch of replies this morning, but they're places in NJ and the ones close, their websites look like doodoo.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by FungusFoot85

just graduated college, have no job and all the lame jobs I see pay very little. I'd rather just stay home all day selling stuff online and going to the gym. my gf pays for a lot of dinners and drives me everywhere so I rarely move my 335i (paid off) which is a gas guzzler. I don't know what to do with my future at this point I am worried. I am a hard worker, smart, likeable, presentable and fluent in 3 languages, don't mean to sound ostentatious but I feel like this economy is wasting talent such as myself because I am not gonna be a slave of cheap labor... rant over
that sucks man
i dont think (&#$ is gonna get any better either, this economy i mean.

damn 3 languages? which ones.........i mean that alone should get you something good even before you gradated college.........
Well I've decided to have a positive outlook on things and apply to jobs even if they are not in my field. I speak Spanish and German and was looking at German companies that have established themselves in the US, I would love to go into pharmaceutical sales but that field is VERY competitive. We all have to start somewhere so if I can get an entry level job in one of these companies I'll take it in a second, even if I made more money working while I was still in college.  Its tough out here in California
, my friend is the smartest pizza maker I know.
Originally Posted by DMan14

%@@+ is frustrating when you know you are qualified and capable of doing the job and still not getting an opportunity, not even an interview. got me thinking i aint doing it right. tough times.

college grads working min wage or being underemployed
Man tell me about it!
Originally Posted by sosmoove

It's even more frustrating when people you KNOW can help you, just front like they can't smh. Also when people with so called "hook ups", aint hooking $!+$ up!

That sucks...
My boy came through for me and after about 5 months from the day I applied I finally got an offer

crazy to see this thread on the front page with the way I have been feeling the last month or so... so depressing man

I just graduated with my an MPA, been working on this job appointment with my state government for the last 3 years, contract ends in a lil over a month and Im gonna be let go bottom line. They have been hit hard by the budget cuts and be laying off people left and the grace of God I was able to hold on this long

I try apply to at least 5-10 jobs a day... ill say between April and May im well into the upper 100s with the apps.

How many interviews you ask? 3 three mutha @#$% interviews. One of them I networked my tail off for and still waiting to hear back. Other one said I was overqualified and the most recent one I aced the interview but found out this morning they wont even be able to fill the position anymore because of budget cuts

things depressing but good luck to all yall looking for work.

one more thing $%^@#!!...gettin a job on there is like spotting a unicorn
I guess it all depends what field you are in....What kind of degrees do most NT'ers have? I hate seeing a lot of you guys down man. Someone of you guys sound flat depressed and ready to give up. Dont give up keep looking!!!
Originally Posted by Robby Valentino

jobless and miserable in NYC...checking in!

this can't be life
Keep your head up youngin'.  Guess what ??  If you dont make above $70k a year in NYC than the boat is all the same.

You'll work hard, just to get taxed, and spend the rest.  Life goes on. 

Just keep looking, and keep a positive energy.  

NOTE 4 ALL :::  Please stop ending resumes out mid-day folks.  Send it to them between 8-10 a.m.  Let human resources know that you are up early and already handling priorities.  Nobody should be sending resumes off at 3 p.m. on a Friday afternoon

killing apart about a lot of this is...and im not sure if many of the younger people out there know this, but in government...Ill say 75% of the time you see a job listing the organization already has someone in mind that they want to hire that is already with the organization and posting the job is just a technicality

I really really hate sure its not only restricted to government either...its just a waste a @$@# time!!!

and Human Resources as a whole are just as #%#$ would think that they are real people and actually going over your resume with a fine tooth comb but in reality alot of times they are just pulling off the years and months you worked a job and assigning points to ur whole app. They get so many applications that they cant do them justice...i feel peeps w/o alot of experience rarely get a fair chance

and dont get me started on the misleading job descriptions that they list...some are so discouraging that you dont wanna bother applying and then turn out that the actual job you would be doing is nowhere near as stressful and analytic as they make it seem...and then you get full fledged #$%#% training on top of that!! whats the #%$ point of meeting every last requirement????
Originally Posted by Ace Rawstein

killing apart about a lot of this is...and im not sure if many of the younger people out there know this, but in government...Ill say 75% of the time you see a job listing the organization already has someone in mind that they want to hire that is already with the organization and posting the job is just a technicality

I really really hate sure its not only restricted to government either...its just a waste a @$@# time!!!

and Human Resources as a whole are just as #%#$ would think that they are real people and actually going over your resume with a fine tooth comb but in reality alot of times they are just pulling off the years and months you worked a job and assigning points to ur whole app. They get so many applications that they cant do them justice...i feel peeps w/o alot of experience rarely get a fair chance

and dont get me started on the misleading job descriptions that they list...some are so discouraging that you dont wanna bother applying and then turn out that the actual job you would be doing is nowhere near as stressful and analytic as they make it seem...and then you get full fledged #$%#% training on top of that!! whats the #%$ point of meeting every last requirement????
You have a misconception of HR....HR actually looks at all resume for a particular job but filter job application sites(monster, careerbuilder, and their direct sites) filter out potential employees. Meaning if certain key words are in your resume HR wont ever see it. You have to know what job your applying for and know what they are looking for. Once it makes it to HR they make sure that you meet the required qualifications and forward it to a manager. From their a manager determines if you will get an interview. I know this because I just went thru this process with a Lubrication Tech I am about to hire. He was found on monster, and it went through all the filters and finally made it on my desk.

Praying for you cats...I know it's hard...Thank the Father everyday for my wages and bread...All due to HIM and HIM alone...

Stay on the hustle tho...Peace and Respect.
Originally Posted by jhobson5

Originally Posted by Ace Rawstein

killing apart about a lot of this is...and im not sure if many of the younger people out there know this, but in government...Ill say 75% of the time you see a job listing the organization already has someone in mind that they want to hire that is already with the organization and posting the job is just a technicality

I really really hate sure its not only restricted to government either...its just a waste a @$@# time!!!

and Human Resources as a whole are just as #%#$ would think that they are real people and actually going over your resume with a fine tooth comb but in reality alot of times they are just pulling off the years and months you worked a job and assigning points to ur whole app. They get so many applications that they cant do them justice...i feel peeps w/o alot of experience rarely get a fair chance

and dont get me started on the misleading job descriptions that they list...some are so discouraging that you dont wanna bother applying and then turn out that the actual job you would be doing is nowhere near as stressful and analytic as they make it seem...and then you get full fledged #$%#% training on top of that!! whats the #%$ point of meeting every last requirement????
You have a misconception of HR....HR actually looks at all resume for a particular job but filter job application sites(monster, careerbuilder, and their direct sites) filter out potential employees. Meaning if certain key words are in your resume HR wont ever see it. You have to know what job your applying for and know what they are looking for. Once it makes it to HR they make sure that you meet the required qualifications and forward it to a manager. From their a manager determines if you will get an interview. I know this because I just went thru this process with a Lubrication Tech I am about to hire. He was found on monster, and it went through all the filters and finally made it on my desk.

I wont go as far as saying its misconception...just my experiences and what I have heard. When you have  to write letters to have your application reviewed again because you know for a fact u qualified and then they issue you a bs apology sayin they overlooked something or you go through the whole interview process then offered and accepted the job only to have things fall thru on the last overview by HR...then maybe you could understand where im coming from...when i say that bout HR
but thanks for that insight i didnt know about the process you leaves me with a ton of questions but
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