Jobless and Frustrated NTers check in VOL. WE NOT-WORKIN!!!

have my interview in a few hours...first time for an human resource position, kinda got me a lil nervous 

i have had my share of interviews and think I do pretty well...i will try to drop off some things afterwards if I can remember them

any things you guys did recently that you feel landed you more points during your interview...please share 
Ive always really tried to make the interview as much as a conversation as I could. I think that'll help.

As for my job search, absolutely nothing yet. I'm going to a job fair Thursday so Im hoping to meet some people there (hiring managers).
fresh out my interview.....i feel really good about it, there were two questions that i dont think helped my case any tho.
1)Tell me about a time in your past work experience that you had to deliver bad news? 

I said I haven't came across such an occurrence thus far blah brain couldnt even spit out a lie 

2)Tell me about a time you exercised poor judgement in your work experience and what happened? 

I answered this but i dont know how much weight my answer will hold....i went on some spill about how an issue I was presiding over got put to the back burner by the higher ups and that I wish I would have been more proactive in achieving more attention being brought  to it. 

where I really shined was at the end with all the questions I asked...lasted an additional 10-15 mins and it was a good exchange of conversation

I think I did a good job of ensuring them I was capable of doing the job more then, than I was with answering some of the questions...thing is, their lil handout withh their q's was already off to the side...
Ask at least 3-4 good questions towards the end of the interview to get the interviewer talking. Usually my two go-to questions in interviews are:

1. Aside from technical skills, what are the traits/qualities necessary for someone to be successful in this position?
2. How does this position play a role in impacting long term change in your firm?

Both questions really force the interviewer to think on their feet. Chances are the interviewer hasnt thought about the position as much as you have.

Also, find a common ground with the interviewer on something personal. If you know the name of your interviewer, do a quick google search and try to locate a linked-in profile before the interviewer. I did that for my last interviewer, found out the chick I was interviewing with graduated from GW. So, I randomly brought up in conversation how I spend a lot of my free time in DC because my girl goes to GW (a boldface lie). The interviewer was like "Oh yeah?? I graduated from GW! How do you like the campus?" and I just took it from there. Do anything to build a rapport, because at the end of the day theres a million candidates just like you, it comes down to fit and rapport with the people you'll be working with.
^ definitely spot on... good questions as well. 

at the end I usually start with asking whats the greatest challenge they face as a section and then in their position. I move on to ask if they have a current strategic plan and how the process has been going...from there i just bounce around off their remarks, showing I have an understanding and are capable of carrying out he responsibilities

i built rapport with both interviewers...the main guy went to my undergrad & the other lady graduated from my masters program...I name dropped another executive that works with them that I met from a lecture he conducted and that led to more convo about my background

They had over 300 applicants for this position n started interviews today...Im confident Ill make it to the 2nd round of interviews which should be next week...still praying tho...they say they want to extend a job offer by the 3rd week in July...which is just a lil after I become officially unemployed so...
"fellas, fellas, fellas"- Barcardi commercial.... got called back for a 2nd interview yesterday...just got out of it.
I feel like it was even better than the 1st... Lord may be bout to answer my prayers!

should be finding out soon 
Got a Job Interview for LA fitness. The Job they were offering was a bill collector? Were you're on the phone most of the time collecting payments. Did anybody have this job before? was it easy?
Originally Posted by bigdanes14

MAN, I've been applying everywhere since the beginning of May... still nothing.

it took me 6 months to start getting offers.  just keep applying look even in places that you would've never thought of working at.
I'm about to end up in the same boat as yall

Switched my major, now can't find another co-op. Not too big of a deal since I still live at home, but I'm ready to get out!
Originally Posted by king0fthis23

Got a Job Interview for LA fitness. The Job they were offering was a bill collector? Were you're on the phone most of the time collecting payments. Did anybody have this job before? was it easy?
I used to work at LA Fitness in the front desk and we used to do this. You can PM me your questions and I can help you out
Help NT, need some advice.

So I'm bilingual and have been trying to find a Marketing job overseas in Shanghai. I got some good looks from one creative marketing firm based in London that has an operation in Shanghai. They wanted me to write some essays, which I did a good job on.

The employer asked me regarding my movements (aka, if I had plans to travel to Shanghai soon) and that a face to face interview would be necessary before they decide on hiring (policy). I told him, while I didn't have personal plans to go there, if they partly subsidized my travel expenses, I would go there for an interview. I realized this sounded kind of arrogant so I emailed him back stating that if they are seriously interested in me, I would be willing to travel there on my own expense for an interview.

Employer replied that he did not think I was being arrogant, but they were swamped with way more applications than they expected. He said they are trying to "manage a process" for how to conduct interviews and he would get back to me ASAP. This was around a week ago. I didn't hear anything back from him so I sent him another Email a couple of days ago excusing myself if I was being intrusive, but I was wondering if there was an update on their process. He hasn't sent me anything back (he is usually quick to respond).

I'm thinking about waiting it out over the weekend and giving him a call early next week. Should I bother the man with a phone call? I really need to know if he is seriously interested. If he is swamped, do you think calling him would tick him off?

Much thanks in advance for any insight or advice. I'm looking actively for other opportunities but this is my number 1 pick and I feel like I'm wasting my days waiting to hear back from this employer.
I have a job that pays well but I hate it. Reading this thread has put things into perspective. Good luck to all of you.
man the +##% is so frustrating. I filled out almost 50 job applications within the past month and a half alone and still nothing. I really don't know what else to do other than keep filling out applications until I land a job somewhere.

Didnt get the AT&T job. Just gonna pack up and move to moms house. Recharge my batteries up and look for grad school in the fall/spring.
Originally Posted by sauuceking

Help NT, need some advice.

So I'm bilingual and have been trying to find a Marketing job overseas in Shanghai. I got some good looks from one creative marketing firm based in London that has an operation in Shanghai. They wanted me to write some essays, which I did a good job on.

The employer asked me regarding my movements (aka, if I had plans to travel to Shanghai soon) and that a face to face interview would be necessary before they decide on hiring (policy). I told him, while I didn't have personal plans to go there, if they partly subsidized my travel expenses, I would go there for an interview. I realized this sounded kind of arrogant so I emailed him back stating that if they are seriously interested in me, I would be willing to travel there on my own expense for an interview.

Employer replied that he did not think I was being arrogant, but they were swamped with way more applications than they expected. He said they are trying to "manage a process" for how to conduct interviews and he would get back to me ASAP. This was around a week ago. I didn't hear anything back from him so I sent him another Email a couple of days ago excusing myself if I was being intrusive, but I was wondering if there was an update on their process. He hasn't sent me anything back (he is usually quick to respond).

I'm thinking about waiting it out over the weekend and giving him a call early next week. Should I bother the man with a phone call? I really need to know if he is seriously interested. If he is swamped, do you think calling him would tick him off?

Much thanks in advance for any insight or advice. I'm looking actively for other opportunities but this is my number 1 pick and I feel like I'm wasting my days waiting to hear back from this employer.
I work in Marketing/Advertising. If they're not flying you out for an interview, they're not worth your time.
Originally Posted by roback1991

Originally Posted by sauuceking

Help NT, need some advice.

So I'm bilingual and have been trying to find a Marketing job overseas in Shanghai. I got some good looks from one creative marketing firm based in London that has an operation in Shanghai. They wanted me to write some essays, which I did a good job on.

The employer asked me regarding my movements (aka, if I had plans to travel to Shanghai soon) and that a face to face interview would be necessary before they decide on hiring (policy). I told him, while I didn't have personal plans to go there, if they partly subsidized my travel expenses, I would go there for an interview. I realized this sounded kind of arrogant so I emailed him back stating that if they are seriously interested in me, I would be willing to travel there on my own expense for an interview.

Employer replied that he did not think I was being arrogant, but they were swamped with way more applications than they expected. He said they are trying to "manage a process" for how to conduct interviews and he would get back to me ASAP. This was around a week ago. I didn't hear anything back from him so I sent him another Email a couple of days ago excusing myself if I was being intrusive, but I was wondering if there was an update on their process. He hasn't sent me anything back (he is usually quick to respond).

I'm thinking about waiting it out over the weekend and giving him a call early next week. Should I bother the man with a phone call? I really need to know if he is seriously interested. If he is swamped, do you think calling him would tick him off?

Much thanks in advance for any insight or advice. I'm looking actively for other opportunities but this is my number 1 pick and I feel like I'm wasting my days waiting to hear back from this employer.
I work in Marketing/Advertising. If they're not flying you out for an interview, they're not worth your time.

I'm not looking to make 6 figures at this job. Its just that the work they do, I am passionate about. They also have some big name clients and I feel the work experience in itself would be invaluable. I was making $40,000/year at my old Sales job, which I quit cause I hated it. I am not even expecting to make as much, but I feel what I get out of it would be worth it.
This sucks, I have a 4.0 GPA in nursing school, BLS, ACLS, PALS certified and still can't find a job. I've been getting rejection emails left and right. The job market for RNs is tough.
Originally Posted by RetroFighterUSAW

This sucks, I have a 4.0 GPA in nursing school, BLS, ACLS, PALS certified and still can't find a job. I've been getting rejection emails left and right. The job market for RNs is tough.

I thought this was still on demand, however, I've been hearing that the past few years so I am thinking the movement went the RN route and the market is now oversaturated.
Man this is @#$% is depressing. I fill out applications online and in person and still no call backs
socal job hunting ftl
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

Originally Posted by kickstart


Dude said *%%* it. I did something similar once when I got tired of sending resumes out. They actually got back to me and said they were impressed with my straightforwardness but asked to see a real resume. Didn't get that job.
I'm honestly thinking of doing something like this
I applied to be the academic advisor in the History department from the school I just graduated from. A bit of a longshot since I have no counseling experience, but I also applied to work in the admissions department of the school as well. Had my interview Monday for it and got the word Wednesday that I got the job. Hopefully this gives me the experience the school is looking for to be able to eventually be an advisor. Not the loftiest of goals, but I really enjoy helping people with school. Good luck to everyone out there still looking. I know it can be discouraging, but keep at it.
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