Jobless and Frustrated NTers check in VOL. WE NOT-WORKIN!!!

Anyone worked at an AT&T retailer? I called today to follow up on my interview 6 days ago and the manager said he gave my info and papers to the HR lady. Said I should know by Friday hopefully. Is this a good or bad sign ha? Does it usually take a few days or longer?

I have a job offer from The North Face on the table but holding off on hopes of hearing back from this AT&T store. Wish me luck for this AT&T job...
man i've had offers and held off so many times, you hold off dont get the job and end up having nothing. i would accept the north face situation and hope for the best.
I finally got hired at lollicup after looking for a job for 4 months... I get to walk there since its really close so that's nice
I'm just a part of a panel, don't have hookups on jobs unfortunately.

I was in a panel that interviewed five people today, tips I can give:

1. Please come with energy.
2. Enthusiasm, smile for gods sake.
3. Dress up, you're a dude at least wear a tie.  If you are 25+, wear a suit.  It's competitive it will not hurt to wear a suit.
4. Know what's on your resume.
5. Pretend to be social.
True i'll probably settle on the north face on friday or saturday, which is when they wanted me to let them know by. That'll give AT&T enough time and if not, then so be it, off to north face I'd go then...
been out of work since august 5th
job didn't have enough business to keep me on. I had to move out of my apt at the end of august and moved into my aunt's house. I've applied at mad places, but haven't heard anyting yet. Money is beyond low
Originally Posted by memphissfinest

im not, but good look. NTers tryin to help is good S!!!
Anybody just have any tips for going into interviews?.....Ive worked part time and full-time jobs here and there....I was working at a apartment complex for 2 years...and the reason I really got the job was networking, one of my uncle's recommended me the job...and it wasn't much of a interview i just got the job...but I got fired in Feb for punctuality ..
and then in May I got a job as a busboy at a restaurant but quit in august without giving a 2 weeks notice...I know I shouldn't have quit knowing how the work force and economy is...but the hours were incredibly horrible....9am-11pm 4pm-4am 6 days a was okay...but since it was mostly tips it varied and I was looking for something more stable. My problem now is that everytime I get a interview...I go into it and I always flop and don't really know what to say...and reason is because Ive been working since 16 and all the jobs ive had I either quit without a two weeks notice or got fired for always being late
30t6p3b.gif what do I say and do on my resume if they ask about my previous employment? Ive been unemployed for the past 3 months and I'm desperate and definitely looking to change the way I used to be....and I need money im too in debt and need to help out the fam....any help would be good
Aight, I just got a phone call regarding my interview last week and they said that I'm over qualified for the job. smh
I don't even know what that means. It's like "You're good for the job but you're too good."
I just got calls the last two days for Verizon and Sprint interviews! I have the Sprint one tomorrow morning and it's for a manager position! It's crazy because I applied online for it and although I have limited sales experience, they called to set up an interview.

I will focus my answers on sales and being dollar-driven, also say that I have great integrity, hard worker, competitive (college athlete) very coach-able and willing to train and teach others.

So anyone have any tips? What else should I focus on/say because I have limited manager experience??
macNcheese wrote:
I just got calls the last two days for Verizon and Sprint interviews! I have the Sprint one tomorrow morning and it's for a manager position! It's crazy because I applied online for it and although I have limited sales experience, they called to set up an interview.

I will focus my answers on sales and being dollar-driven, also say that I have great integrity, hard worker, competitive (college athlete) very coach-able and willing to train and teach others.

So anyone have any tips? What else should I focus on/say because I have limited manager experience??
Talk about being a team player employers love to hear that. And make sure since its a management position you talk about engaging employees and listening to them to improve operation.

Originally Posted by jhobson5

macNcheese wrote:
I just got calls the last two days for Verizon and Sprint interviews! I have the Sprint one tomorrow morning and it's for a manager position! It's crazy because I applied online for it and although I have limited sales experience, they called to set up an interview.

I will focus my answers on sales and being dollar-driven, also say that I have great integrity, hard worker, competitive (college athlete) very coach-able and willing to train and teach others.

So anyone have any tips? What else should I focus on/say because I have limited manager experience??
Talk about being a team player employers love to hear that. And make sure since its a management position you talk about engaging employees and listening to them to improve operation.

Great advice homie! Yeah team player/leader will be a big sell for me, as well as being able to engage with employees, hearing their suggestions and being willing to adapt to various situations.
Any other tips guys? What would make a great Sprint store manger?
Got a interview for The Gaylord Hotel at the National Harbor for Kodak....Not sure what exactly I will be doing....but seems legit...wish me luck NT
We need an Interview help/tip section to this thread...I think that will help us all be better informed and prepared for interviews, which ultimately lead to us getting job offers!
Originally Posted by papageorgeo510

Aight, I just got a phone call regarding my interview last week and they said that I'm over qualified for the job. smh
I don't even know what that means. It's like "You're good for the job but you're too good."
That sucks. Did they already see your resume before they called you for an interview though?
...resorted to applying for teacher assistants/paraprofessional just to get a job and have some income...but no luck...probably just gonna enroll in another graduate program...
just lost my job
been out of work for about a week now. I've been looking everyday on Craigslist for any administrative jobs. I'm about to expand my search on other websites. Hopefully I find something asap. Being broke ain't a joke. Feels Batman
Originally Posted by asianplayer

Originally Posted by papageorgeo510

Aight, I just got a phone call regarding my interview last week and they said that I'm over qualified for the job. smh
I don't even know what that means. It's like "You're good for the job but you're too good."
That sucks. Did they already see your resume before they called you for an interview though?
Yeah, they reviewed my resume before calling me for an interview. They also said that I was too "confident." smh I was a bit confused when they said that. 

However, I had an interview early today (different company) and they called me back hours later for a second interview tomorrow. 
Question - do you guys think that it's best to use point form when describing your work experience or can a 4 sentence paragraph do the trick?  I'm applying to a massive job and I can't tell what to do...

thanks in advance.....btw, I started this thread like 3 years ago, good to see that it's still goin
Originally Posted by macNcheese

We need an Interview help/tip section to this thread...I think that will help us all be better informed and prepared for interviews, which ultimately lead to us getting job offers!

Good idea
^^^So hopefully we get that going soon


Ya boy got a job offer today from Sprint after my interview!!! I'm so happy man, place is right around the corner from my house and I of course know the area well. Filled out papers for background check and all that jazz, and he said that he likes m and I could hear about the Background check as early as today or on Monday. He said he wants me to start training this Monday, hopefully.....feels Benny/Steve/John Goodman!
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