Jobless and Frustrated NTers check in VOL. WE NOT-WORKIN!!!

Originally Posted by GeoffroRetro

Landed interviews at NETFLIX. On the 4th out of 6 interviews. Long process but hope it all works out.
Worked in their warehouse in MA when I was in college. Do you know what position you're interviewing for?
Tomorrow will be be 4 months of being unemployed for me.
Originally Posted by CelticsFan9783

Originally Posted by GeoffroRetro

Landed interviews at NETFLIX. On the 4th out of 6 interviews. Long process but hope it all works out.
Worked in their warehouse in MA when I was in college. Do you know what position you're interviewing for?
Customer service rep. is not doing them justice.
but the pay is pretty good.
If someone has leads in LA or San Diego, please get at me. I've got a BA in Political Science, lots of solid writing/research experience at a few gov internships. Can't find $@+% right now
quit my retail job and got a temp/seasonal gig doing customer service for internet company thru jan. hopefully, i can get on full-time with them. just curious, how far are yall willing to commute for a job? i was looking at different areas, not sure if i want to do a 1.5 hr commute. heck, i would just move.
Originally Posted by CelticsFan9783

Been unemployed since June. I've watched my savings go from $15,000 to $3,000 because of bills and such. COBRA payment of $554.00/month=fail.

I have my B.S. in Criminal Justice and plan on taking the Corrections Officer exam next spring, but need something until then. Moving out of my house the 1st week of January so I need something QUICK. I have an appointment with a recruiter about a $14/hr temp FT Data Entry job. Anyone every work Data Entry?

Mad stressed about being unemployed and not finding anything that interests me to hold me over.

Why are you paying COBRA?  Save yoself the $554.
Originally Posted by oso23

Tomorrow will be be 4 months of being unemployed for me.

This is close to where I stand
summer job ended in august and I've been searching since. I worked at a sandwich place for a week but it wasn't worth it, boss and coworkers were nitpicking and the environment felt tense, I'm thinking they were jealous b/c I have a degree. Man I know I will get something eventually, but now it feels like I'll never find anything in life. Like I see no light at the end of the tunnell. I moved in with my aunt to help her around the house, but I need my own place again. $*** sux B.
4 months after I received my masters degree, I finally landed my first interview!
Originally Posted by GUTTA BOB

Originally Posted by CelticsFan9783

Been unemployed since June. I've watched my savings go from $15,000 to $3,000 because of bills and such. COBRA payment of $554.00/month=fail.

I have my B.S. in Criminal Justice and plan on taking the Corrections Officer exam next spring, but need something until then. Moving out of my house the 1st week of January so I need something QUICK. I have an appointment with a recruiter about a $14/hr temp FT Data Entry job. Anyone every work Data Entry?

Mad stressed about being unemployed and not finding anything that interests me to hold me over.

Why are you paying COBRA?  Save yoself the $554.
I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to health benefits and such. How would I go about canceling it and finding a cheaper alternative? Should I just stop paying it and have no benes or do I have to notify them?
After finishing grad school in May and applying to over 50 jobs, I received an offer today. Feels good man.

Persistence pays off.
Originally Posted by CelticsFan9783

Originally Posted by GUTTA BOB

Originally Posted by CelticsFan9783

Been unemployed since June. I've watched my savings go from $15,000 to $3,000 because of bills and such. COBRA payment of $554.00/month=fail.

I have my B.S. in Criminal Justice and plan on taking the Corrections Officer exam next spring, but need something until then. Moving out of my house the 1st week of January so I need something QUICK. I have an appointment with a recruiter about a $14/hr temp FT Data Entry job. Anyone every work Data Entry?

Mad stressed about being unemployed and not finding anything that interests me to hold me over.

Why are you paying COBRA?  Save yoself the $554.
I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to health benefits and such. How would I go about canceling it and finding a cheaper alternative? Should I just stop paying it and have no benes or do I have to notify them?

call them and tell them to eat a fat ****.  Done.
Graduated in May with a degree in communications - i double majored in public relations and art history, with a minor in marketing. Since then i've just been promoting my photography (basically PRing my own work) and doing freelance photo/PR work to pay my bills. I'm pretty much a professional freelancer, until i find something salary based that is right for me.

When i say "right for me".. i'm just trying to find out what it is exactly i want to do. It's either photojournalism with a publication, represent artists, or study to become a director of photography and jump into the film world. I'm interested in too many things, so it's hard to figure out where to start. I just quit a part time job i had at an ad agency.. it just wasn't for me.

I've considered getting a job at a retail spot part time (so i could still do freelance too), or going back to Apple (i worked there for 2 years), but those 20-30 hours a week really get in the way of the random gigs i get. Idk, i'm kind of stuck right now. I've had so many leads, and i send my resume and portfolio out every day to potential employers, on top of checking job sites and craigslist daily. I feel like i'm just waiting for that big break or opportunity, i feel something brewing... but nothing yet, nothing yet.

Right now, my expenses are almost 2k- thats rent, food, loans, and the odd few bills- paid the car off a while ago. I have NO way to save right now (and i wish i could bc im dying to travel), it really sucks... but im just thankful im hustling hard enough to cover the bills without being in debt.

Glad to see i'm not the only one is this position ... *sigh*

The only thing that keeps me hustling and trying every day is what my pops told me after i graduated... 100 no's just for 1 yes. No need to get mad when people tell you no, that just means you're 1 step closer to a yes. DONT GIVE UP !!
Recieved three rejection emails from govt jobs I applied to last month. "We have found you qualified for the posion"
"However you were not amongst the most highly qualified candidates"
Finally got a response after 6 weeks of serious applying. Got an email asking me to complete a pre-interview screening for this warehouse job. The original posting said the pay was 33k but the email said 40k

Definitely get this car paid off quicker, jump on these student loans, and get my own spot. But first things first. Gotta get the interview and land the job..

Wish me luck yall and keep your heads up! We gon' make it!
Originally Posted by DJ bana

Graduated in May with a degree in communications - i double majored in public relations and art history, with a minor in marketing. Since then i've just been promoting my photography (basically PRing my own work) and doing freelance photo/PR work to pay my bills. I'm pretty much a professional freelancer, until i find something salary based that is right for me.

When i say "right for me".. i'm just trying to find out what it is exactly i want to do. It's either photojournalism with a publication, represent artists, or study to become a director of photography and jump into the film world. I'm interested in too many things, so it's hard to figure out where to start. I just quit a part time job i had at an ad agency.. it just wasn't for me.

Coming from a communications major... who has also done PR work... who also freelances photography... who has also worked in an advertising agency and hated it... you should looking into volunteering to become a writer for small businesses or charities - it's not salaried but it will lead to solid contacts, opportunity to be hired on full time in a different (and creative) role, and looks great on your resume if you're aiming for photojournalism 
Something has to give soon, found a gig earlier in the year at a start-up investment bank, but that went south when the owner stopped paying salaries, because business was not doing well, made sure I got my Series 7 and recently bounced.

picked up a retail gig in the interim. If you are in NYC and looking for a retail or other non-corporate gigs goto Workforce1.
They have recruiting events and jobs available weekly, I went to their center in Brooklyn and got a gig within the week.

Still searching for a corporate gig where I can use my degrees....Undergrad Finance/Management and an MBA. Trying to gain some programming skills using and since it seems all new jobs are being created at tech companies.

What other methods are you guys using outside of applying online??? Networking, Temp agencies, recruiters, job fairs??? Anyone found any success outside of applying on-line internet?

Big thanks to the NTer that looked out earlier on in the year and submitted my resume to an available position at his firm.
Places applied to in the past couple of weeks:

Camp Bow Wow
Macy's seasonal gigs
3 Security jobs
The Maids house cleaning (lol)
Fish Window Cleaning
Anderson Merchandising
Liberty Mutual
7 Non-profit working with kids gigs
Whole Foods Market
Automotive Photography/Marketing for Toyota dealership
Recovery Specialist
Spectrum Health Systems
...about 10 warehouse jobs
Intake worker at a lock up

About to go to a couple job fairs tomorrow and check up on other apps. If nothing works, might just wrap my truck around a telephone pole. This is getting ridiculous.
Originally Posted by JRAdagreat72

Ok I'm back in the workforce

I'm a program leader for a non-profit called THINK Together. If you like working with kids, hit me up.

This is the link with all of the various openings for the organization.  

Regions include San Bernardino, Riverside, Los Angeles and Orange Counties as well is Elk Grove up by Sacremento.

You HAVE to have experience with kids AND some college courses completed. 

For Site Coordinator, you have to hold a degree and a year of experience working with kids. PM me with any other questions. Just looking out for my NT brethren 
I think I'll be in contact with you shortly.
Originally Posted by DMan14

quit my retail job and got a temp/seasonal gig doing customer service for internet company thru jan. hopefully, i can get on full-time with them. just curious, how far are yall willing to commute for a job? i was looking at different areas, not sure if i want to do a 1.5 hr commute. heck, i would just move.
Driving 45 miles to and from work right now
  Not even that great of a paying gig but I am back at home and don't want to pay rent.  Trying to wait until I can get into Nursing school and find out where to move too.  Think I am going to put in my 2 weeks though in January, drive is getting to me and I can't stand my work anymore.  Hopefully I will find something in the next 2 months, was unemployed for almost a year and a half while going to school part time before my current job, don't want to be in that situation again.
Haven't checked in a while but I've come with some good news...
Didn't end up getting a job at a place I really wanted after 3 interviews, needless to say I was pretty bummed.  I got a job offer as a CSSR at Wells Fargo and turned it down because I thought I could do a lot better than that.  After taking a temp job doing data entry, I went to a group interview followed by a presentation with a place called Real Staffing...and I got the job!

I start tomorrow as a recruiting consultant and I am absolutely in love with the pay + benefits, the company, the location (financial district SF), and the people on the staff.  I firmly believe everything happens for a reason because I would not have landed this job if I hadn't gone through the process with all the jobs before this one.  Keep your head up because once you find the place for you, it's all worth it in the end.
BTW as a recruitment consultant my job is to land determined, hard-working people like yall jobs so give me a couple months and I will give back to NT.  Right now the market we're working within is pharma, bio-med, etc.  but will be opening up a Accounting/Finance and other divisions relatively soon.
Originally Posted by GUTTA BOB

Originally Posted by CelticsFan9783

Originally Posted by GUTTA BOB

Why are you paying COBRA?  Save yoself the $554.
I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to health benefits and such. How would I go about canceling it and finding a cheaper alternative? Should I just stop paying it and have no benes or do I have to notify them?

call them and tell them to eat a fat ****.  Done.

Good thing I didn't sign up for it yet. Should I? Medical through Kaiser plus Dental. Worth $521 per/month?
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