Jobless and Frustrated NTers check in VOL. WE NOT-WORKIN!!!

UPDATE: I've been working at Whole Foods for 2 months now, this is my first official job so I've been trying NOT to **** it up. Some of the customers are really rude, and think they can treat you like that cause they got more money than you. It's whatever, I'm the one getting the last laugh at the end of the day. But I like my job and my co-workers, the pay is good too. Since my store is located just across the UM campus and an LA Fitness,dimes come here on the daily. So many MILFs go there too, if only they didn't have kids :wow:

That's customer service man, gotta have thick skin. These are mostly miserable people that treat others just doing their job in this way. Just remember to smile. The rudest **** you can think of sounds so much nicer if you say it with a smile.
They want me to bring in my schedule availability. whats the most professional way to make this?

If you're unemployed and not going to school... your availability is open - you don't really need to bring anything.

If you got a job then bring your other job schedule - let them know the hours you can and can't work.

If you got school then bring in your school schedule and see where you can work around your hours.
i have school so i just took that.

so i got an email and they told me i passed the group interview and they are going to contact me for a second one on one interview. should i email him back and say thank you in looking forward to the second interview)
hittin an interview tomorrow at 3 y'all and i'm ******g nervous.  20 an hour, m-f, 12-9, benefits i'm psyched and chewin my nails off.  what are some techniques to make sure i look on point to these people?


Know the answers to the most common questions.
Research the company so you have a reason when they ask "Why do you want to work for us?"
Dress your best.

Make a one sheeter

If you prepare and remain confident, that's the best you can do. Breathe, take your time and don't feel like you need to rush out everything you say. Smile, be friendly and courteous. If you prep and tell yourself "I'm going to crush it" then you probably will.

My most recent interview (where I ended up getting the job) I was nervous as hell beforehand, but as soon as I got there and sat down, I couldn't wait to start because I did my homework.
i have school so i just took that.

so i got an email and they told me i passed the group interview and they are going to contact me for a second one on one interview. should i email him back and say thank you in looking forward to the second interview)
Hey congrats that's usually a good sign. Yeah send a brief reply if you like.. i don't see any harm in that.
Thanks. also during interviews i never can think of a good questions to ask the interviewer. you guys have any tips on what to ask them?
Also.. You can play your race to your advantage if you're a minority.

Companies love to throw around that diversity word, so if you know how to communicate and carry yourself very well in a professional environment you'll be golden 90% of the time.

Also while its nice to be prepared dont make your answers sound obviously rehearsed. While your interviewer is talking take that time to breathe, relax, and answer their questions avoiding the ums and uhs and going off on tangents.

Furthermore always keep in mind your posture. Don't look too relaxed. Keep that back straight, eyes always on the interviewer.

And while it may seem like I'm about to contradict myself.. Let your personality show. If you walk into that interview so serious it seems like you don't even have a soul.. Or friends, it shows. No one wants someone who comes to work every day on some forever alone type steez and if applicable always find ways to incorporate things you've learned or experienced at your old jobs into your answers.

Some of you may know.. I work at a bank. So I deal with a lot of stuck up types, and customers that expect you to just read their minds. Keep in mind everyone that works retail has to deal with this. CS sucks and always will suck. That's why if you do work retail or deal with customers on a daily basis, you work your *** off so you can get promoted to a position that doesn't. We call it **** shoveling in my family.

And lastly, if you don't like where you're at.. If you haven't AT LEAST worked 6 months, either don't put it on your résumé or thug it out till you hit that mark. And don't quit your job until you've actually been hired at another. One of my homies at the bank is actually leaving to work at another bank at the same position for more pay.

Stay up and don't lose hope NT fam.
Thanks. also during interviews i never can think of a good questions to ask the interviewer. you guys have any tips on what to ask them?

If you know everything you need to know don't worry about asking questions. Just tell them all your questions were answered during the interview.
So yesterday an employer emailed me asking for an interview. I couldn't do the time he requested so I asked for an earlier time that day. He replied back saying they were waiting on confirmation from someone else first. I replied saying to keep me updated and that we can work out a more convenient time and date if that day doesn't work for us. I just got an email saying that "Unfortunately, at this time the first interview cycle is closed.
We appreciate your response"

What does this even mean? He didn't offer an alternative date for interview or anything. Should I email back asking for another date/time?
anything yet for you ?

got in @ AT&T, Tech

Union, benefits, weeks PTO after 6 months and another week or two (I forgot) at your one year

Pay great, but IMO not bad at all considering i'm "working" only 3-4 hrs a week currently... with my previous experience though i'd start at around mid-teens but the benefits and PTO and union pay bumps had me sold for now
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UPDATE: I've been working at Whole Foods for 2 months now, this is my first official job so I've been trying NOT to **** it up. Some of the customers are really rude, and think they can treat you like that cause they got more money than you. It's whatever, I'm the one getting the last laugh at the end of the day. But I like my job and my co-workers, the pay is good too. Since my store is located just across the UM campus and an LA Fitness,dimes come here on the daily. So many MILFs go there too, if only they didn't have kids :wow:

Worked at Whole Foods for 2 years when I was younger. MILF heaven. Used to flirt with so many of those broads. Too bad they'd go back to their rich husbands :lol:

Customer base is hit or miss. At the end of the spectrum they're either rude, snobby, yuppy scumbags; or friendly, out-of-their-tree hippies.

Good company to work for overall. Great benefits and a lot of room to move up. Should have stayed. Oh well.

They're moving on with the process. Interviews are on their time. Rarely get accommodated. Good luck.


If you have their direct email address, a week to two weeks. Some may get annoyed by this though.
got in @ AT&T, Tech

Union, benefits, weeks PTO after 6 months and another week or two (I forgot) at your one year

Pay great, but IMO not bad at all considering i'm "working" only 3-4 hrs a week currently... with my previous experience though i'd start at around mid-teens but the benefits and PTO and union pay bumps had me sold for now
thats great to hear man i know you were looking heavy earlier and even considering relocating happy for you and everybody else that got a move on something . 
are most of you guys doing a shotgun approach or laser approach when submitting resumes?

i've been customizing my resume for each job and its a pain in the ***.  i'm thinking about creating a general resume and just blast it everywhere.
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Customize your resume. Your resume is briefly, and I mean briefly viewed by HR. They use keyword parsing software to pick resumes. Very flawed method as someone who isn't qualified for the position can get an interview over someone who is, but it saves them time. Look at the job description and put those keywords into the resume if they fit.
Yea Im just now formatting my resume to match the job skills the position requires. Hope it works good for me this time.
I hope that every time I apply and it clearly hasn't worked. Another negative of everything being online now. They give your resume a glance for five seconds then move on.
are most of you guys doing a shotgun approach or laser approach when submitting resumes?

i've been customizing my resume for each job and its a pain in the ***.  i'm thinking about creating a general resume and just blast it everywhere.

I kinda sorta do this but I have a few different variations of my resume depending on what type of job I apply for. For example, I have a resume for IT/Tech support type jobs, one for service & repair type jobs, one for mainly customer service type jobs, etc. I made myself a basic cover letter template and pretty much change a few details to fit the positions I'm applying for.

My biggest obstacle right now is that I only worked at my last 3 jobs for a year each, so that gets brought up a lot ("job hopper"). So I'm checking with my network, working on these IT certs, and seeing who can look past that.
Those articles make it seem easier than it really is. You're not getting in at a large company without a reference. Simple as that. Its a rigged system. The stats prove it. For example, 100% of Twitter interviewees had a reference. Knowing what I know now, I've stayed away from the larger places and have looked at start ups and similar sized companies. The money won't be nearly the same but **** it a job is a job.
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thats great to hear man i know you were looking heavy earlier and even considering relocating happy for you and everybody else that got a move on something . 

Thanks a lot man, always appreciated, even though it's union, it's a "term" position, more than 1yr, but 3 max unless I catch on as a permanent employee. Going to use this time to get re-certified in various fields in case it doesn't happen with this one. This home-life is not one for myself :smh: :smh:
UPDATE: I've been working at Whole Foods for 2 months now, this is my first official job so I've been trying NOT to **** it up. Some of the customers are really rude, and think they can treat you like that cause they got more money than you. It's whatever, I'm the one getting the last laugh at the end of the day. But I like my job and my co-workers, the pay is good too. Since my store is located just across the UM campus and an LA Fitness,dimes come here on the daily. So many MILFs go there too, if only they didn't have kids :wow:

That's customer service man, gotta have thick skin. These are mostly miserable people that treat others just doing their job in this way. Just remember to smile. The rudest **** you can think of sounds so much nicer if you say it with a smile.
This is not my first job at all dealing with customers like these. I have thick skin, I have already had some lady go off on me for no reason and all I did was laugh in her face. :lol:

UPDATE: I've been working at Whole Foods for 2 months now, this is my first official job so I've been trying NOT to **** it up. Some of the customers are really rude, and think they can treat you like that cause they got more money than you. It's whatever, I'm the one getting the last laugh at the end of the day. But I like my job and my co-workers, the pay is good too. Since my store is located just across the UM campus and an LA Fitness,dimes come here on the daily. So many MILFs go there too, if only they didn't have kids :wow:

Worked at Whole Foods for 2 years when I was younger. MILF heaven. Used to flirt with so many of those broads. Too bad they'd go back to their rich husbands :lol:

Customer base is hit or miss. At the end of the spectrum they're either rude, snobby, yuppy scumbags; or friendly, out-of-their-tree hippies.

Good company to work for overall. Great benefits and a lot of room to move up. Should have stayed. Oh well.
It's eye candy for me everytime I go to work. I eye **** them all the time, but once I see that rock on their left hand I just :smh:
I'm a shy guy as well, so I really don't know what to say :lol:
I applied to be a project engineer at a fairly large company. One of my boys who I work with now has a connect and he forwarded my email to the development department. The lady emailed me and asked what time is a good time to call me to speak with me regarding the position. Anybody has an Idea of what I should expect?
I applied to be a project engineer at a fairly large company. One of my boys who I work with now has a connect and he forwarded my email to the development department. The lady emailed me and asked what time is a good time to call me to speak with me regarding the position. Anybody has an Idea of what I should expect?
expect a job unless you go in and blow it. The hardest part is getting in the door for an interview. Since that's out the way, put on your best and let them know you're the man
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