Jobless and Frustrated NTers check in VOL. WE NOT-WORKIN!!!

just curious, do you guys follow up after your interviews or just wait? i know if they really wanted to hire you, they would contact you back, but it doesnt hurt, right?
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just curious, do you guys follow up after your interviews or just wait? i know if they really wanted to hire you, they would contact you back, but it doesnt hurt, right?

I send a thank you email, I try not to make it cliche and bring up points that were brought up in the interview. I would recommend sending it the next day, sending it right after the interview makes you look desperate.

I just got a job, not sure if the Thank you letter worked but I know it didn't hurt either. Took about 2 month process to finally getting the job from when I applied and first heard from them to when they made the decision.

If you meet with a recruiter or have a phone interview save the thank you letter for the real interview.

I work in I.T doing Tech Support .
just curious, do you guys follow up after your interviews or just wait? i know if they really wanted to hire you, they would contact you back, but it doesnt hurt, right?
i usually just wait, my career services rep at my school recommended sending a thank you letter, they said the same thing STOPIT said, wait a day or two after the interview to shoot them an email, i always forget to build one
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just curious, do you guys follow up after your interviews or just wait? i know if they really wanted to hire you, they would contact you back, but it doesnt hurt, right?

I send a thank you email, I try not to make it cliche and bring up points that were brought up in the interview. I would recommend sending it the next day, sending it right after the interview makes you look desperate.

I work in I.T doing Tech Support .

I sent my thank you email a few hours after the first interview, and I brought up points in the interview and still got the job. It all depends sometimes. This was an interview for Lockheed Martin at NASA btw (Moffet Airfield in California) and I had a substantial employment gap. It's all about how you interview and how you respond to the questions asked. If you come off as likable, that's a big plus in getting the job. :smokin
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I graduated in May with my ADN (Nursing), took my boards in mid July and passed them on the first try. Didn't wind up getting my license for almost a month due to an expunged DWI that was somehow still on my record after 7 years. After finally getting that cleared up, I was already 3 1/2 months behind all the other May graduates in finding jobs. ALL of the new grad jobs had been gobbled up by July and they told me to wait until December (like what the hell am I supposed to do in the meanwhile?!). Finally seem to be making some traction with a nurse recruiter at the local hospital in my county that I never wanted to work for. I had delusions of grandeur coming out of school thinking because I was an attractive, white male going into a female dominated workforce that I'd be hired in a week. Boy was I wrong.
I've never felt this beaten down before.

Where are you located. ADN= Associates degree of nursing right? I live in Oregon and have been trying to get into Nursing school and it would be impossible to find a job without a BSN. Hospitals won't even look at you if you just have a 2 year nursing degree. If you don't have your Bachelors, definitely look into it, should only be 1 extra year too and would look a lot better. Nursing is tough in general, here in Oregon there are so many new grads that most aren't finding jobs even with a BSN, have to move to a small town and work a few years or go out of state. Good luck man.
just curious, do you guys follow up after your interviews or just wait? i know if they really wanted to hire you, they would contact you back, but it doesnt hurt, right?

I send a thank you email, I try not to make it cliche and bring up points that were brought up in the interview. I would recommend sending it the next day, sending it right after the interview makes you look desperate.

I work in I.T doing Tech Support .

I sent my thank you email a few hours after the first interview, and I brought up points in the interview and still got the job. It all depends sometimes. This was an interview for Lockheed Martin at NASA btw (Moffet Airfield in California) and I had a substantial employment gap. It's all about how you interview and how you respond to the questions asked. If you come off as likable, that's a big plus in getting the job. :smokin

i normally do the thank you email, too.

during the interview, the lady said she was still interviewing for the next couple weeks. probably one of my worst interviews, dont know if i can salvage it. just didnt feel right from the jump, dont know what it was, maybe nerves. :smh: the position i applied for i was sorta overqualified to begin with. the hiring manager was really young (look like fresh out of college), and it seemed like i had more experience and i couldve done her job. im probably gonna give her a call just to follow up and ask for the status and if i was still being considered.
just curious, do you guys follow up after your interviews or just wait? i know if they really wanted to hire you, they would contact you back, but it doesnt hurt, right?
I always sent one. If you can hand write them it makes a world of difference. I've spoken to people who are in the position to hire people who've flat out told me that they've chosen the hand written letter people over the email people simply because the hand written letter shows more interest and passion. I've never hand written them, but if I'm ever on the job market again, I will be doing so.
Where are you located. ADN= Associates degree of nursing right? I live in Oregon and have been trying to get into Nursing school and it would be impossible to find a job without a BSN. Hospitals won't even look at you if you just have a 2 year nursing degree. If you don't have your Bachelors, definitely look into it, should only be 1 extra year too and would look a lot better. Nursing is tough in general, here in Oregon there are so many new grads that most aren't finding jobs even with a BSN, have to move to a small town and work a few years or go out of state. Good luck man.

Yeah, its the associates. I'm currently enrolled for UDel's RN to BSN program. It really sucks because it isn't a two year degree to me...its a four year degree. It took over two years to get the pre-reqs done just to get into nursing school. I've just been on the grind. I physically got in a suit and went to a bunch of hospitals I applied to over the last two months and asked to speak to the nurse recruiter in HR. So far two of the seven or so I spoke to have gotten back to me and seem to seriously be trying to get me in the hospital somewhere. I'll probably know something in the next week or two on those opportunities. I'll keep everyone posted in here to maybe help someone in my similar field if any of the stuff I do pans out.
there are no rules to landing a job i'm gonna share how i landed my own job months after graduating.

i applied to a position that i could not do / did not want / etc. Only because i knew the company had or at least needed someone to do my job.

HR contacted me, i explained what i actually do / could do.

Turns out they had interviews for my position 3 weeks after (the job opening wasn't even listed online -_- )

nailed the job.
Yeah, its the associates. I'm currently enrolled for UDel's RN to BSN program. It really sucks because it isn't a two year degree to me...its a four year degree. It took over two years to get the pre-reqs done just to get into nursing school. I've just been on the grind. I physically got in a suit and went to a bunch of hospitals I applied to over the last two months and asked to speak to the nurse recruiter in HR. So far two of the seven or so I spoke to have gotten back to me and seem to seriously be trying to get me in the hospital somewhere. I'll probably know something in the next week or two on those opportunities. I'll keep everyone posted in here to maybe help someone in my similar field if any of the stuff I do pans out.

Meant to check this thread sooner. I feel you on it the Associates really being a 4 year thing. I am about 3 years through my Bachelors of Science. But have slacked off the last several years, just been unmotivated. I was hoping to finish this year and possibly get into an accelerated BSN program but doesn't look like that is going to happen :smh: Now I am looking at other options for myself with #1 being Respiratory Therapy and I can finish up my Bachelors during the first year since I have almost all that done, then in the future if I look to more schooling I would probably focus on PA rather than Nursing. But I feel to old already(25) for this much more school. Really wish I stayed focused when I was younger and had my priorities right. Good luck though with the job hunt. Sounds like you made some contacts with some recruiters which is good and it sounds like they are eager to help you find a position, things will eventually turn around in the field, just doesn't seem like it is happening as fast as people on the outside think. When I always tell people here how hard it is to find a job as a new grad nurse they look at me like I am crazy :rolleyes
I got an interview for a custodian position next week :x

Don't even care at this point tbh I just need something... Schedule and location is perfect for me. Definitely gonna look into taking some classes at the local community college (looking to get into computers) my post High school plan has failed 2 years into it :smh:

weird thing is my last job was basically being a social worker. Job wasn't really for me.
You guys ever work through a temp agencies? Did you guys like it? Pros and cons?
My experiemce with them was absolutely terrible, same for headhunters. They never follow through with anything that they say and if they actually do which is rare its for sometthing that you didnt even ask for
I got an interview for a custodian position next week

Don't even care at this point tbh I just need something... Schedule and location is perfect for me. Definitely gonna look into taking some classes at the local community college (looking to get into computers) my post High school plan has failed 2 years into it

weird thing is my last job was basically being a social worker. Job wasn't really for me.
You have a plan, thats all that matters. You're doing the right thing.
I got an interview for a custodian position next week :x
Don't even care at this point tbh I just need something... Schedule and location is perfect for me. Definitely gonna look into taking some classes at the local community college (looking to get into computers) my post High school plan has failed 2 years into it :smh:
weird thing is my last job was basically being a social worker. Job wasn't really for me.

Custodians make pretty good money right? And I heard it's one of the most relaxing job.
how is the job hunting going in 2013? any better luck. isn't this the time where employers are looking to hire?

luckily i still have my p/t job. been to a few interview right before the holidays, but havent heard back.
just posted about this thread somewhere else................. Have been at my job for 2 years since you guys told me they didnt keep information for temps.

WIll be 2 years on June 20th...........Have gotten a raise from $12 to 13.75 then $13.75 to $15 (I work on a government contract, and they have to pay us whatever the DOD pays their employees with a similar job title.)

There is hope fellas.........Just be patient and apply to every job you can, even the ones you think in your mind that you arent qualified for.(sometimes, if you are qualified for anything close, they will consider for you for.........(I found this out from an HR manager of a fortune 100 company)
just keep grinding away and continually searching. crazy howe these hiring managers act like i never existed. telling me they will let me know either way and not hearing back from them or saying if you have any questions feel free to contact them :rolleyes i know contacting them via phone/email wont change their minds, but i do want to be notified either way, especially, when i went to a second interview.

anyone have any luck with linkedin?
just curious, do you guys follow up after your interviews or just wait? i know if they really wanted to hire you, they would contact you back, but it doesnt hurt, right?

I always sent one. If you can hand write them it makes a world of difference. I've spoken to people who are in the position to hire people who've flat out told me that they've chosen the hand written letter people over the email people simply because the hand written letter shows more interest and passion. I've never hand written them, but if I'm ever on the job market again, I will be doing so.

will be exploring this option this year. looking to change jobs.

any engineers in boston looking to hire? :nerd:
what sites do you guys use? i use indeed, simplyhired, snagajob, careerbuilder, monster, craigslist
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Has anyone had a potential new employment opportunity come down to your current supervisor's (whom you don'y get along with) opinion? How did the situation turn out. Should I share my concerns with HR?
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