Jobless and Frustrated NTers check in VOL. WE NOT-WORKIN!!!

Wait, companies you're applying to actually call your current employer and ask?

Job I applied for required a reference from a colleague at my current job and a manager...At my current job. I've legit only had 1 boss the 3 years I've been at my current place so I had to present some...Uhh.. alternative facts in order to fulfill their request. Luckily I'm cool with a manager in another department who was willing to help me, but yeah these places really try to screw you over before they even commit to hiring you. It's crazy.
Yup. IDK If I told this story before but I was interviewing with a place and the exact same thing happened to me. 

My colleague for sure held me down but I got a call from the company I was interviewing with telling me that my references didnt come out well. Come to find out my manager basically gave me a horrible reference and no part of me believes it wasnt intentional. He once blocked me from changing teams because they "needed me" around.

I was livid at the time but lucky for me I save PDFs of every performance review I get and I just pulled those and sent them along to the company, guy was clearly lying I was the best employee they had at the time hands down. 

Couldnt do much else about it, and he started sending me passive aggressive emails about me leaving the company too, it was crazy.

But I ended up getting a way better job at a way better company and life goes on.

Asking current supervisors for references always seemed iffy, putting too much power in someones hands who may just not wanna see you shine. 
Has anyone in here ever been under an employment contract? Basically this is my first real job out of college and they sent me out of state to train me but I had to sign a two year agreement with my company. I don't mind it technically but I feel like at the same time I could be limiting myself
weighing options on whether i want to move on
you think 4 yrs at a job is good enough where prospective employers dont look at me "jumping around" jobs?
any tips on how to plan interviews when you are working full time already?
Sick days bro. Four years is plenty of time also.

I've never done contract work but my main criteria when interviewing for those roles was whether or not it had an opportunity to convert to permanent.
Well it's not typically contract work it' basically states since I went through their training program I'm required to stay two years or pay back x amount of dollars
Ahh I got you. I've heard of that for when companies pay for you to go to grad school but never for a training program. Two years will fly by man, I would stick it out. Paying that back will add a whole new expense. At least until you find something where the uptick in compensation is enough to offset that and then some.
weighing options on whether i want to move on
you think 4 yrs at a job is good enough where prospective employers dont look at me "jumping around" jobs?
any tips on how to plan interviews when you are working full time already?
Sick days bro. Four years is plenty of time also.

I've never done contract work but my main criteria when interviewing for those roles was whether or not it had an opportunity to convert to permanent.

yeah, i was thinking about that. just use PTO to free up some time
only concern is them asking for references :lol:
weighing options on whether i want to move on
you think 4 yrs at a job is good enough where prospective employers dont look at me "jumping around" jobs?
any tips on how to plan interviews when you are working full time already?
Sick days bro. Four years is plenty of time also.

I've never done contract work but my main criteria when interviewing for those roles was whether or not it had an opportunity to convert to permanent.

yeah, i was thinking about that. just use PTO to free up some time
only concern is them asking for references :lol:

what do you do famb? if it's something not too technical, ill be you references frfr
First day at the new spot

Its really chill. People are really cool. It has a gym here (I workout everyday so it's clutch), gameroom with Xbox and PS4 and a ball court

Im doing training now for the first 2 weeks. Actually enjoying the training now. Can't complain one bit
First day at the new spot

Its really chill. People are really cool. It has a gym here (I workout everyday so it's clutch), gameroom with Xbox and PS4 and a ball court

Im doing training now for the first 2 weeks. Actually enjoying the training now. Can't complain one bit
Flourish, fam.

Keep your eyes on the prize, make nice with everyone, and spread positive vibes/enthusiasm.

"It takes years to build a reputation. It takes seconds to destroy it."
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Flourish, fam.

Keep your eyes on the prize, make nice with everyone, and spread positive vibes/enthusiasm.

"It takes years to build a reputation. It takes seconds to destroy it."

Absolutely bro. That's the name of the game

Theres plenty of room for growth so I def wanna move up. Gonna bust my ***** here and prove it
First day at the new spot

Its really chill. People are really cool. It has a gym here (I workout everyday so it's clutch), gameroom with Xbox and PS4 and a ball court

Im doing training now for the first 2 weeks. Actually enjoying the training now. Can't complain one bit

make them hire me as soon as its available LOL
make them hire me as soon as its available LOL


Its not even funny how many graphic design places hit me up this week alone! 5 this week

And I have a ba in graphic design. World is funny man. Just like how you could get a girl, then all the h0ez come outta nowhere!

Where were these jobs when i was on the hunt :nerd:
i been wondering if i should add the proper pronunciation of my name to my resume :lol:

Like 1 in every 3 recruiter/manager gets it right and i'm just sour for the rest of the call trying to find the right spot to correct them
Got a 2nd interview invitation via email last Friday. Replied then but haven't heard from them back. How long should I wait to email em back on update?
Got a 2nd interview invitation via email last Friday. Replied then but haven't heard from them back. How long should I wait to email em back on update?
One week is the go-to, but the lack of response is very unprofessional on their part.

Maybe try tomorrow.
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@Slighted  Resume help + getting into grad school was a game changer as far as getting interview goes... got 3 interviews between this and next week.

Hope i can secure two of them 
People flourishing in here. Dope!

I recently decided to go back to school in the fall for physical therapy, eventually specializing in sports medicine. So many options with this, I don't even know where to start or where I want to end up or how it's gonna happen. Got me overwhelmed.

In the meanwhile, personal training didn't work out so I'm on the hunt for something like a physical therapy aide to gain some experience in the environment. Not really sure where to go from here.

Last six months since I left the office has been rocky. Trying to look long term and trust in the process, but it's hard.
Any others have experience with relocating to another region? I'd like to make the move but the wages to cost of living ratio is throwing me off.
I moved from Atlanta to NYC/Jersey.

Im originally from Jersey so I has a good support system in place so it's not the same thing but NYC cost of living is trash and I don't plan on staying here. It was fun when I was a kid but now that I've seen what true value for money is NYC is not worth it to me.
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Just started getting back into the job market. Currently have a job but been looking. How soon do you guys follow up on your application after you submit it? How do you go about finding out who the hiring manager is?
Don't do this.

I got my current job by doing just that. Perhaps you have to be sensitive to the kind of environment you're in and how things work there. I work at a health center where the managers were readily available and visible so maybe it wasn't a huge deal.

But I've never had a problem walking in somewhere and introducing myself to the manager for a few minutes.
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