Jobs on Craigslist

Aug 12, 2012
Has anyone ever had success finding a decent job using Craigslist? I just started looking through some of these job postings and some don't sound that legit so I'm kinda iffy about it.
If it's on craigslist and doesn't sound legit, chances are it's not. Post some of the ads.
Find my job of the last year on CL. Just look up all your options on there and I'm sure a few will come up.
Been tryna find a gig on there for the longest my resources are limited though
It depends. I found my full-time job from CL.

I think the more credible ads would more often than not include the company name. From that, you can do a little background research to see if they are legit.
I actually found my first job out of college on Craigslist; I knew it was only a gateway job but it got me to where I am today
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