Joe Rogan Podcast

i fully expect streaming services to start raising their prices
but as far as cable, it's good to re-negotiate each time your promotional deal ends. they hate losing customers and are always willing to offer up deals just to keep you as a customer. i went to them and said reg price was expensive and they put me on a deal for a yr and threw in hbo and showtime for 6 months
Yea, I always drop the netflix line "I'm thinking about cancelling my cable & just using netflix" & thats when the wheeling & dealing begins.

The font/format/layout change was something I was genuinely upset about. When they told me they couldn't bring back the old format I told them I'm probably going to cancel @ the end of the month & so they gave me 50% off 12 months to get used to the new format.
Is it more dangerous than giving someone hateful who intends to do harm that platform to use as a recruiting tool? (not specifically Alex Jones)


Ask the folks that give Bill Maher, Ben Shapiro and other islamaphobes a platform.


When has censorship not led to the inverse of the desired intent?
Or even censorship "for" its desired attempt...

I hate to use Hitler as an example cause ppl throw his name around like a football but I will because he was an evil person w/ a big platform. Hitler didn't gain power because he was an evil person on a platform, his power came from the government shutting down all forms of media that didn't agree with their views allowing them to push a single narritive to an entire country. This is censorship @ its worst so I'm not saying this is what'll happen. I'm just saying we have to remember it didn't happen overnight, it happened "little by little." And that these sort of things become possible when we begin to open Pandora's box.
It seems like invoking Hitler and Nazi propaganda campaigns as a defense of Alex Jones' access to a large platform where he can freely spread his own brand of propaganda is a poor comparison

This would be a different conversation if Rogan offered any meaningful pushback when he has one of these goofballs on his show
It seems like invoking Hitler and Nazi propaganda campaigns as a defense of Alex Jones' access to a large platform where he can freely spread his own brand of propaganda is a poor comparison

This would be a different conversation if Rogan offered any meaningful pushback when he has one of these goofballs on his show
Who's defending alex jones? did I mention his name even once?

But since you mentioned him, I can watch alex jones a million times & not be affected by his ideas. I'm guessing you could too. You called him a goofball for crying out loud. So him spreading propaganda doesn't bother me. And if ppl want to listen to him so what? Thats "THEIR CHOICE" not yours. If ppl follow him, its only because its a reflection of those ppl which would be the root of the issue & not some loony bin on a stump. Instead of trying to censor him, work on "why" ppl wanna follow him to begin with. Taking down some wack job who claims he's "kinda retarted" isn't going to solve anything.
It seems like invoking Hitler and Nazi propaganda campaigns as a defense of Alex Jones' access to a large platform where he can freely spread his own brand of propaganda is a poor comparison

This would be a different conversation if Rogan offered any meaningful pushback when he has one of these goofballs on his show
He keeps the same energy with everyone. Gets quippy when the logic is questionable, asks for background and explanations of groups/terms in context. The recent Twitter Q&A is a gem
Who were the idiots that were saying hilary was involved in some child sex slave ring at a pizzeria? Spreading that false info garbage lead to some moron going down to that actual pizzeria and shooting someone.
Who were the idiots that were saying hilary was involved in some child sex slave ring at a pizzeria? Spreading that false info garbage lead to some moron going down to that actual pizzeria and shooting someone.
Nah, it's all worth it though cause we could become Nazi Germany on the slip n slide
Who were the idiots that were saying hilary was involved in some child sex slave ring at a pizzeria? Spreading that false info garbage lead to some moron going down to that actual pizzeria and shooting someone.
Ppl having a disregard for human life is the issue imo. Taxi Driver lead to the assassination attempt of President Reagan, where's the outcry to ban the movie? How about catcher in the rye? How about the Koran? Plenty of people have murdered in the name of god, how about banning religion? I don't see how ppl are disregarding the fact that ppl have mental issues & personality disorders that lead them to violence. Millions of others heard this gossip about Hillary, no one else was compelled to kill.
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