Joe Rogan Podcast

Saw this posted in music and even though I didn't think a boycott wouldn't do anything, now I think it actually could because Spotify doesn't pay music artists **** but gave Rogan a bag. It's nothing for them to get off that platform because they're not even getting peanuts, I could see the combined resentment being used to come back and hurt them.

Didn't some of you get your Mal on and defend his guest and interviewing before?
What's funny is if you read the comments on that tweet you'll see a lot of "NOBODY CARED ABOUT THIS UNTIL..."

Dawg people have been posting that Planet of the Apes clip for YEARS now. It takes a special combo of ignorance and egocentrism to project that lack of concern onto everyone else.
:lol: Still baffled by 70 episodes. You know how many hours of n-word content that is? The clips actually undersold it, and I think the episodes from the clips were already removed.
:lol: Still baffled by 70 episodes. You know how many hours of n-word content that is? The clips actually undersold it, and I think the episodes from the clips were already removed.
How did they screen 70 episodes that fast?

Jamie got some kind of Dewey decimal system for racist or conspiracist episodes?
you can get the full transcripts of the episodes through spotify. Done by the AI. at that point its just control+F
Funny when a celebrity does the social media apology for saying something racist and the majority of the "apology accepted" comments come from accounts like this :lol:

I assumed the goal is to reduce the spread of misinformation,
removing him from spotify would do the opposite.

he would be available to more people not less.
and given the structure of podcasts as just totally unregulated RSS feeds,
there literally no one to complain to if were to leave spotify.

Content discovery matters. If you get delisted by a search engine, you're still on the Internet and theoretically accessible to all, but far more difficult for end users to find.

In theory, Bill O'Reilly would be "available to more people not less" after getting cut loose by Fox News. How's that working out? He's giving "lectures" to empty seats in Tampa Bay.

If this boycott is such a non-threat to artistic expression, why are you so upset about it in the first place?

The stated goal for boycotting artists isn't to purge Joe Rogan from the universe; it's to stop doing business with a company that actively bankrolls medical misinformation and/or White Nationalist hate speech.

the outcome is the same but I think the process matters.
I think rich celebrities and cultural elites using shunning tactics to suppress popular media

This seems to be the real issue for you: resentment of "rich celebrities and cultural elites" flexing their power.
Everything else feels kind of like an ad hoc justification on your part.

sorry typo, what I meant to say is that NT gets revenue from ads and page views
and thus profits from the content posted even if they aren't directly paying the posters.

Aside from our own personal posts, we're not directly involved in the production of individual user content in the way that Spotify is for its exclusive flagship podcast.

A more analogous situation would be if NikeTalk's official podcast were hosted by Ninjahood, blco02, and IntheHeilway, and my response to the clear disconnect between its content and our stated values was, "well, we believe in artistic expression. It's not my place to decide what's appropriate for the NikeTalk podcast."

i was a pretty young when that happened but no.

to me it's different between authentic popular discontent and a broadcaster enforcing their already described standards

and elite actors using influence to force platforms to violate their own standards
and adopt theirs.

Go back and listen to what cost Don Imus his job. Compare it to the supercuts of Rogan's racism going around right now, and see if you're still inclined to argue that Imus deserved to lose his job and Rogan doesn't.

As far as I'm aware, none of the artists we're alluding to here have called for Rogan to be jailed. On a certain level, this is about workplace conduct. Would you want to work with a company whose culture not only tolerates, but abets conduct like Joe Rogan's?

I find it odd that you seem to think that boycotting musicians are "elite actors", yet the stoner with the $100 million podcast deal is just some poor schlub who's getting bullied by Hollywood and not, himself, an "elite actor" who's routinely getting away with behavior that few ordinary people could in their place of business. This is a guy who's failed up his entire life and is now weaponizing his ignorance, to the detriment of millions. He practically epitomizes privilege, and your grievance is with India Arie?!

Your definition of "elite" is, itself, a double standard which, ironically, limits how you believe someone so-labeled ought to exercise their freedoms of speech and association.
Content discovery matters. If you get delisted by a search engine, you're still on the Internet and theoretically accessible to all, but far more difficult for end users to find.

In theory, Bill O'Reilly would be "available to more people not less" after getting cut loose by Fox News. How's that working out? He's giving "lectures" to empty seats in Tampa Bay.

If this boycott is such a non-threat to artistic expression, why are you so upset about it in the first place?

The stated goal for boycotting artists isn't to purge Joe Rogan from the universe; it's to stop doing business with a company that actively bankrolls medical misinformation and/or White Nationalist hate speech.

This seems to be the real issue for you: resentment of "rich celebrities and cultural elites" flexing their power.
Everything else feels kind of like an ad hoc justification on your part.

Aside from our own personal posts, we're not directly involved in the production of individual user content in the way that Spotify is for its exclusive flagship podcast.

A more analogous situation would be if NikeTalk's official podcast were hosted by Ninjahood, blco02, and IntheHeilway, and my response to the clear disconnect between its content and our stated values was, "well, we believe in artistic expression. It's not my place to decide what's appropriate for the NikeTalk podcast."

Go back and listen to what cost Don Imus his job. Compare it to the supercuts of Rogan's racism going around right now, and see if you're still inclined to argue that Imus deserved to lose his job and Rogan doesn't.

As far as I'm aware, none of the artists we're alluding to here have called for Rogan to be jailed. On a certain level, this is about workplace conduct. Would you want to work with a company whose culture not only tolerates, but abets conduct like Joe Rogan's?

I find it odd that you seem to think that boycotting musicians are "elite actors", yet the stoner with the $100 million podcast deal is just some poor schlub who's getting bullied by Hollywood and not, himself, an "elite actor" who's routinely getting away with behavior that few ordinary people could in their place of business. This is a guy who's failed up his entire life and is now weaponizing his ignorance, to the detriment of millions. He practically epitomizes privilege, and your grievance is with India Arie?!

Your definition of "elite" is, itself, a double standard which, ironically, limits how you believe someone so-labeled ought to exercise their freedoms of speech and association.

I like how those clips of him saying the n-word and the Planet of the Apes thing resurfaced every year for the last decade without anything ever coming from it, but now that they resurface while he's the 100 million dollar man at Spotify, it's time to put out a 5 min long "apology" :lol:
I like how those clips of him saying the n-word and the Planet of the Apes thing resurfaced every year for the last decade without anything ever coming from it, but now that they resurface while he's the 100 million dollar man at Spotify, it's time to put out a 5 min long "apology" :lol:

Man forreal, If it weren't for his reckless comments on any/everything Covid related, things PROBABLY would have been routine. He did that to himself.
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