Joe Rogan Podcast

You've really got people here gloating over the possibility of an old White man cutting 100+ Fuhrman tapes without consequence, quoting White Nationalists, and still not realizing that, somewhere along the line, they got turned around. Unbelievable.

and I don't think it often works well when you try to take broadley popular ideas or media figures
and try to draw line through elite consensus.
Segregation was broadly popular. Were bus boycotts and sit-ins bad? You act like this is some universal principle. It isn't.

Banning Woolworth's was never going to end racism in and of itself, but establishing economic consequences for racism has always been an important component of creating social change.

These are multifaceted problems requiring multifaceted action. You can't be both "anti-elite" and anti-direct action. Indeed, conservatives constantly whine about how the Warren Court's "judicial activism" got out ahead of popular opinion and was thus anti-democratic.

You keep acting like boycotts and other forms of activism are somehow mutually exclusive, but that is an ahistorical opinion.

I can appreciate that you might want people to aim higher than sanitizing podcast discourse, but, by that same standard, you're just bellyaching about progressives again. What's that accomplishing?

"Stop complaining about other people's speech!" - Guy complaining about other people's speech.

no I would not try to supress or ban, ben shapiro, or fox news, or any conservative news source.
it's not about gen z whatever, because as I said I don't think it accomplishes anything, often time it leads to backlash
and enforces a speech environment that I think is bad.
But you had no problem with CBS firing Don Imus. It's just weird.

Racist speech is bad and you wish people wouldn't do it, but trying to create accountability for it somehow worse because... trust me?

and you are basing this on what exactly?
Your repeated descriptions of Rogan as this insuperable juggernaut, whose popularity renders him immune to accountability.

"Sure, Jimmy is a racist bully - but he's also the most popular kid at school. Suspending him would only make him more popular, because then you've made him an outlaw. If you ask me, those of you trying to curtail his freedom of expression are the real bullies. "

so imo it's convenient that you accept the progressive argument on these matter
right up until the point it implicates YOU.
This is a complete inversion of my position. I've said repeatedly that platforms, including NikeTalk, are not immune to criticism or accountability. Go back and read what I actually wrote on the subject.

Meanwhile, you're up in arms that Spotify might finally and at long last moderate its own original content less strictly than we've moderated our UGC for over two decades - to no complaint from you.

If you suddenly don't like where we've drawn the line, that's your prerogative, but at least we know where it is.

I've been in communities that refused to hold users accountable for hate speech. That's why we started one that would.
The possibility that we might not get it perfectly right was still a vastly preferable alternative to constant denigration and harassment.

I'm not afraid of people pointing out bad content on the forums - I welcome it. We literally ask people to do this using the report button.

and I don't think it often works well when you try to take broadley popular ideas or media figures
and try to draw line through elite consensus.
Again with the "elites." It's amazing how much this sounds like Fox News' endless populist anti-intellectual resentment grievance. Let them tell it, CRT is "elite indoctrination," a radical fringe view being imposed on our innocent children.

A sentient potato screams racial slurs into a corporate megaphone for years to an audience of millions, and all you can muster is "I wish he wouldn't."

Clover from Williamsburg co-signs India Arie for 13 IG likes and

download (1).gif

N word dont really move the needle to get dude out the paint. The anything surrounding the J- word will have son deported to space.
In an alternate universe, Thomas Jefferson never became president, the US continued its support of Haiti against the French, who would give up Louisiana as a free state. Haiti wouldn't have to reimburse France for the loss of its colonies in exchange for recognition of its independent status and would remain rich, it would become a safe haven for Black folks in the Americas the same way Israel is for Jewish people, and nobody not black would try to justify their use of the n-word.
Yeah he would be done for if it were the derogatory term for Jewish folks, no question. Context be damned. Over 100 episodes and people still defending this? Black people defending this? No wonder the same pull isn't there.
Hold up, seems like a lot of people are against rogan now except for the usual racist white people / his comedian & mma friends. People really thinking slurs against jews and gay people would have more people against him or specifically more white people against him?
Hold up, seems like a lot of people are against rogan now except for the usual racist white people / his comedian & mma friends. People really thinking slurs against jews and gay people would have more people against him or specifically more white people against him?

Nah we're saying Spotify would be taking him off the platform if that was the case.
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