How do yall feel about raffles? I know stores arent getting too many pairs, so idk if i wanna travel 45 mins for a 'maybe' on these

I understand them from a stores perspective but I don't like them when I'm traveling. A few spots where I'm going to be for vacay said they were doing raffles. They don't help me if I'm not going to be in town for them. I'd rather a FCFS.
All these pictures and it's still 6 days until RD.


I can't wait :frown:
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^^^^"don't hit me unless you got 3 fitty" smh. Why they gotta act like that. I swear I hate resellers lol

Referring to the pic. New android won't let me quote
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entered 1 raffle today, pretty confident I'll win, gonna enter 3 more tomorrow tho

this release has me pissed off, even if I get em their shouldn't be this much cluelessness. called 1 Finishline that told me twice they were getting em, today they said they're not :lol:. called a footaction this morning, said they were doing raffle tickets today, went up there they told me come back Friday :smh:I guess I gotta request to talk to a manager from the jump since these min wagers don't feel asking somebody who knows what they're talking about
HOH near me doing fcfs guaranteed tickets Friday morning. Then another shop is doing fcfs Saturday morning. Talked to the manager and he said they have ~30 pairs. Will be posting if I can grab anymore than the two 12s that I need.
HOH near me doing fcfs guaranteed tickets Friday morning. Then another shop is doing fcfs Saturday morning. Talked to the manager and he said they have ~30 pairs. Will be posting if I can grab anymore than the two 12s that I need.
How much would this shop be charging 
all these early spots scare me now.. there's just to many of them... i think i'm just gonna take my chances on rd!
Can anyone point me in the direction of where to get my hands on a GS pair for retail come release day? Looks like Foot Locker and FNL both tweeted they will not be carrying them online 
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