
We are in this together guys...hope for the best for the ogs in here...too many to name :smokin


:rofl: at the gif
just got a call from jimmy jazz and this is my first time doin a raffle. got my size 8 on lock.

Grandma was truly watching out for me! 
Standing in line for a raffle at Undefeated on La Brea. Line is wrapped around 1st street. If you're on your way, hurry up. People brought their moms, sisters, 3rd cousins and grannies pushing walkers to better their chances.
Good luck to all trying to cop! I am going to sleep to make sure everything is set up perfectly tomorrow morning.
Just finally caught up on everything I missed.

My raffle experience today at Foot Action was... interesting. Before I went, my homie hit me up when he went to get his tickets a few hours prior and said the line was out the store. Luckily when I went it wasn't as bad.

I brought a few other family members as well and I went up. There were two guys there, one at the register one handing out the tickets.

So I went to the guy giving out tickets first and asked if I'm allowed to use the same phone number for all the tickets or should I use separate numbers. This man thought about it for a second... paused... and was like "YUP! You can use the same number." Now the way he responded had me fishy so I just whispered to my family to use separate numbers. So as I was filling it out the guy at the register noticed me and said wassup and he was SUPER chill. Like this guy had no intentions of hiding anything. That's what it's all about. 

Anyways, I noticed the guy who hands out the tickets face as he realized I brought a few family members and he look PISSED. Even the guy at the register said to him quietly, "You mad he's gonna take your pair?" Like I really felt the dude handing out the tickets was about to just throw the tickets out when I turned around 

Also, the sign up sheet for the raffle had ENDLESS pages all FULL

Felt real shady...
Anyone know any FCFS stores in LA/SGV area? Missed out on my raffles and RSVPs..
safe to say, if youre not there already you wont get a pair. guys are out in 25 degree weather since 5pm at the nearest fcfs spot to me...16hrs in the cold for these.:smh:
we should have made a list....because i cant remember all of the regulars haha :nerd: :lol:


Don't worry, I didn't invite myself in late. Been here since page 3, been had pizza :lol:

But word, a list would've helped since people have gradually slipped out over these 500+ pages.
Man, if I strike out like I did on the million and 1 raffles I entered, online, meet me at Pizza Studio on Jefferson...I'll be drowning my sorrows in marinara and bacon.
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